DLC7 Raid Loot

Discussion in 'Concluded' started by Spytle, Oct 15, 2013.

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  1. Gobbler New Player

    I got called a Fascist and got a 4 day ban for making a point saying that I basically agree with everyone on here about the weapons except for those couple Jabronies.
  2. The Equalizer Well-Known Player

    I can. A leaguemate of mine got it last night in Paradox. Last boss I believe.
  3. razor Red New Player

    Just wanted to say I love the way you guys did the loot system with the best gear being earned please do not change it.
  4. BumblingB I got better.

    Random luck is not earned. Grinding marks is earning it. Getting it through drops is like going to a casino that has good odds and wishing for the best. Look how many people haven't gotten a boo from the seasonal.
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  5. SKAVANGER408 New Player

    Can I please get some lvl87/88 Tank equipment? I'm tired of getting Healer/Troll gear all the time. Starting to get really frustrated by this and the money im spending on replay badges. If this keeps up then i'm uninstalling this game.

    Please don't give me this "you have to grind for it" since I just dropped $40-80 on SC.
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  6. The Hornet New Player

    Got it Sunday night, off the Tyrant, no subs up. Might chest.
  7. Emjay2322 New Player

    my question is why is there so many melee weapons in game when you can not melee at end game? it gives all new players that lv to 30 there practicing there melee rotations power sets close range etc just to find out at end game they have to get a ranged weapon and range because you will get one shotted if you try to melee makes no sense and really a bad thing to take away the melee dps players of the game..
  8. Gobbler New Player

    Hey we all had to figure this out on our own too. Not just the new players.
  9. ncgreenlantern Loyal Player

    Is there even a reason to queue into theses raids as your role because it sure doesn't help to get gear for your role that you play as or do I need to spend 10 bucks to change role so I can get a few pieces of troller gear .
  10. Emjay2322 New Player

    True but still don't make it good business game is already different in many ways to make it all range would be fine just put more range weapons in game and remove melee all together would make more sense and not be a 180 turn around later in game after hours on hours of game play ya know :)
  11. duEprocEss New Player

    Why can't we just get to choose how we get loot? That is, the old method vs the new method?

    I only run with my league and, for us, the old method was better. The tank getting the controller gear 5 times in a row in Nexus while the controllers get all the tank gear is just ABSURD.

    With the old method, we could all pass and let people get their respective gear. This new method has really screwed over league runs where we can all trust people to not ninja loot. We're all very disappointed!
  12. lukelucky Devoted Player

    well its a fix but....... for me to little to late. this by no means makes up for the crap you put us through. WE DESRVE BETTER. as a customer I hope you relize I cant stomach the idea of breaking out the card paying you guys to get legendary back and trying these raids again. 2 weeks ago the raids dropped 86 & 87 gear on side bosses and I still had zero usefull gear for support roles. 3 toons and 1 piece total. yes I got 3 pieces of dps gear on 1 toon and 2 pieces of dps gea on the other 2. not good enough for me to spend monry. thanks for trying months and months later. PLEASE LEARN TO RESPECT YOUR CUSTOMERS AND I love DCUO so START CAREING
  13. lukelucky Devoted Player

    WELL now that is a good counter to the new loot. I got to side with the new loot still but wow that is a huge flaw in the system. no real fix either.
  14. lukelucky Devoted Player

    skill points and skill are lacking if that is the case. no dis respect but the talent level has fallen off.
  15. lukelucky Devoted Player

    so you hope they just kill the game? you are ok with a system that had people months later getting not 1 piece of 87 or 88 gear, or an expert plan? this led to a lot of people quiting and this you support? you see the loot system has had how many problems and you say please put us at its mercy again? if I ever decide drugs are a way to enjoy myself I hope I get a chance to hit your stash. this hurt dcuo and by no means should it continue. hell they better nail the next few dlcs
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  16. TMadness Well-Known Player

    Actually the post u quoted was in support of the change they made.
  17. lanternknight Committed Player

    I totally agree. The best gear should always be the gear that we are grinding marks for. That is the way it has always been and it should of been like that for t5 content. To change how the best gear was earned was not smart. Especially when most of the community was glitiching Paradox and had all the best gear for both their roles. Even though didn't even earn enough marks for a full set of MOR gear, let alone two sets of MOR gear.
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  18. warpax New Player

    best gear should always be in raids
    and trust me when i say it, if you grinded full set of gear that drops in raids, you will have marks for 5+ sets of that tier set that u can buy from vendor.
    besides best gear droping in raid is a way to keep you doing the raid. and it's some sort of reward for the players and is what distingueses successful players from those less successful.
  19. Grees New Player

    I have a problem with this. Sure it's more rewarding getting the gear drops in the raid. Yet these raids are stupid when it comes to the loot drops. Not getting them in your role. The old method was better getting it from the vendor. Unless they either make all the items unattuned or a book to choose the piece you wish. This loot method is crap it need to be tweeked and if they did that it would work so much better. That is why people want it back in the vendor it's not a matter of successful or not successful here. They just want to be able to get the best gear for their role. I have almost full traces just missing one. I'm a healer out of that set only one piece I have of it is healer.
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  20. Dump Truck New Player

    If it was in a vendor, like T4 and T3 after the stat adjustment, they should have extra styles for feats... otherwise the game would get stale very quickly because you will be full 88 in a week and nothing left to play PVE for.

    The same would hold true for unattuned. I am not against it, but again it would get stale as you will be full 88 in a week.

    Trust me, I hate getting the same pieces of gear I already have. Or worse, the pieces I need but for a role I cannot equip. But the fact remains, there needs to be an incentive to the most challenging content in the game, especially since the scale of the challenge is very high compared to other content of the same tier. Otherwise it would not be worth the time to run it.
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