Work In Progress Development Update: Episode 27 Gear and Progression

Discussion in 'Concluded' started by Mepps, Oct 11, 2016.

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  1. AbBaNdOn_IGN Committed Player

    #1 I HATE that Daybreak is only going to change gear progression for AF3 content. If you were going to change the game why dont you start from the bottom and go up. Do you have plans of going back through previous content and upgrading it to this new system?? I dont see how thats freaking possible because your always going to be working on the next "big" content patch. Change it all at once or not at all or atleast start at the bottom and go up. You are making this game a horrible mess. Oh the game works 1 way until you hit 30, then it works another way until T8+ then it will work a whole new way after that... wtf.

    Loot picker wasnt even done successfully, lots of broken stuff that NEVER gets fixed months and months later. The whole system needs overhauled and standardized. I dont understand how hard can it be to copy paste your new loot code into all the previous tiers and copy paste the appropiate loot tables into the code. Maybe fill in the blanks with more generic gear so the loot picker isnt so freaking empty in some places.

    So sick of getting stuff for the wrong role. Or getting stupid boxes and not being able to see if we need the style or not.

    #2 Your Time Capsule auto-leveling loot formula SUCKS. I had a CR 144 character use a Future Crusader box that says it maxes out at 147 and when I used it I only got a piece of armor in the 125+ range, better than what I had so yay?, but otherwise complete and utter bullcrap. If my guy had marks I could go BUY 140 gear. Let me break it down how it should work:

    The game should look at your freaking CR and then it should give you an item level that is as near to the crap you have access to. Or even better it should find your highest level item and synch to it.(excluding best gear from vendor stuff, so the best piece of loot drop gear you own or "could" own). The only silver lining here is that you will hopefully be getting lots of drops, and constantly be getting upgrades. (which leads to more problems......colored mods in gear your going to be possible changing out daily??)

    As a premium player stuck to t5 or lower content AF3 is going to be completely meaningless to me. No new gear progression system, no new missions, no fixes for older stuff.

    Why would you roll out new content before stats matter? One would think you would want to get that pretty squared away before adding more gear, raising the max CR, and or making new content that you will just have to rebalance?
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  2. Giggles Loyal Player

    About time you guys finally listened. It only took 13 episodes for you guys to fix progression and set it back to before t5. Nonetheless, I will be making time to play again once this episode launches. I have been extremely busy this past year, but since I won't be wasting my replays on the chance for gear, and I can actually earn the best sets of gear in a set amount of time, and none of my time is wasted any longer, I can definitely make time for DCUO again. Regardless of how long it took, thank you for finally listening. I sincerely mean it, thank you. :)


    Please make sure you eventually implement this change to the rest of the game, both going forward and going back to the beginning of t5. I feel this would not only help the game with player retention but it will set the expectations for progression early on for new players, so they do not get frustrated with RNG and quit. :)
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  3. bagofboom Committed Player

  4. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    There's no need button. It's an individual drop.
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  5. planetkiller500 Active Player

    will this loot Progression continue with ep 28, by any chance?
  6. N Dub New Player

    People have spent countless replay badges grinding content for OP gear and now they can't wear their OP gear if they want to get the collections for the new OP pieces (since we need to be "wearing" a full set of legendary vendor gear)?

    And like others have said, what if you are playing on your alt role and only your dps gear has the full set of legendary vendor gear?

    Can this be changed so that once you buy a full set of legendary vendor gear, and not have to have them all equiped, you will then have a chance at getting these new collection drops?
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  7. Belthazur Dedicated Player

    What is this About Older OP Items not Being Useable??
    Please Clarify.
  8. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    That's not a thing.
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  9. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    This is the general plan, but we'll be reviewing feedback.
  10. TybeeTahiri Devoted Player

    I know it's not out yet, but I really like this new progression idea.
  11. Belthazur Dedicated Player

    Is there ANY Chance at all to get Old OP Piece Styles in a Style Vender sometime in the Future?
  12. Skidmarc Committed Player

    I feel as if we are just stepping back to the mistakes made by HOP's mark system. What is the point for having marks of victory for players that don't have need of buying old styles, the useless catalysts, and have all the tokens of merit feats. Just keeping it real here, we are just stepping back to what things were like when the decline really set in and giving it a "new" title...

    I do like having the best gear back on the vendor though...

    But this does not encourage running old content still, shows only a ittle progress toward solo play improvement (and that is likely just for this dlc alone if past trends keep true), and requires just playing one set dlc at a time to earn anything of value...basically all like last time.

    Just saying...
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  13. ShazamFan2014 Loyal Player

    Devs, I have a question. I am a 174 Healer/DPS. What will the CR mini. for the new missions, this
    November? I am referring to the new Amazon Fury Part 3, Episode 27. The last missions had a
    mini. of 168. So we can expect a new mini. of how much? Also, what will be mini. CR for the new

  14. ShazamFan2014 Loyal Player

    Is it me, or does the hands of Zeus have the gauntlets that look similar to the ones that Shazam wears?

  15. 1 ncmike Dedicated Player

    If you have to have a full set of vendor gear on to get a chance of getting one of the OP collections then you can't be wearing any of the OP stuff that we have now and that includes rings neck and utility belts .
  16. N Dub New Player

    They have said that you need to be "wearing" a full set of legendary vendor gear to get the new collection drops for the new OP pieces. So people won't be able to wear all of their OP items if they want to get the new ones.
  17. N Dub New Player

    So do you not have to be wearing a full set of legendary vendor gear in order to have a chance at getting the new collection drops for the new OP pieces? Can we just purchase a full set, and not have to be wearing, to unlock the chance of getting those drops or something? That is great if so!
  18. GJGBlackDragon Dedicated Player

    Just a crazy idea here as a request:

    To make even more simpler the Gear Vendor, can all Gear in the Vendor be Unattuned? In that way we don't have to scroll up and down looking at 2 gear sets in the list but buying the piece that we are looking for and attune it in the inventory.

    Edit: I'm just thinking about the list in that vendor and will quite long including the weapons.
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  19. Sooner Well-Known Player

    Mepps, i'm curious. If we are on epi29, and i put on the clamped epi27 gear in my inventory and run the epi27. When I get a drop, will it now be rated according to my max CR level (ie. where I'm at with my epi29 gear on) or is the gear dropped only going to be a certain max level? Since we are forced to wear the armor when we play epi27 for the goodies, future drops after epi27 should at least scale upward to our latest CR max levels.
  20. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    The dropped gear in 27 will level to you, but only up to a certain point, and that point is less powerful than the vendor gear in 27.
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