Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Mepps, Nov 21, 2018.

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  1. PsySomatic Extra Life 2020

    I put $100 down so far(needed armories for some alts, so thanks for that sale). Hopefully cyber Monday brings a 50% off badges sale though, if so I'll drop another $100 or more, if not I'll just save what I have in hopes of the 40 pack of keys/unlocked capsules during xmas if that comes. :D
  2. Brit Loyal Player

    I went ahead and bought the breakthrough components for 140 and 160 for my Orb.

    Then I looked around and realized I had nothing left to spend money on.

    Power Respecs, Replay Badges, and Stabilizers. Those were the three things I was going to drop a ton of money on. But alas, not an option.
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  3. Reinheld Devil's Advocate are assuming new sales only and the rest of the month will be the same. If the buyers who buy this weekend, don't buy the rest of the month because they stocked up, the rest of the month will fall short. Either way, we have no way of knowing who would or would not spend their money, but do you really think DBG doesn't have those numbers? I'm guessing that if it doubled sales this weekend AND they sold the same the rest of the month, the sale would be on. The items that ARE on sale are probably the lower velocity sale items, so putting them in at 1/2 off encourages people would would not buy. Replays are purchased on the regular...sure a few would buy where they would not usually buy (like me....I MIGHT have bought some if I didn't already have 4000+ in stock...I don't really use them), but again, only DBG could data mine that info and I'd bet they already did.

  4. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

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  5. Brad Sisto Well-Known Player

    So in looking at THIS POST I expected to see EPISODES on sale like there were in PREVIOUS YEARS.

    LOG IN today and go and look at the Episodes list and find EVERYTHING at FULL PRICE again. You did this to us last year and now again this year. Sorry but this is FALSE ADVERTISING in addition to not giving players things they actually want on sale. The last times you had Episodes on sale I actually went through and got a number of the ones I really wanted to always have access to the content of. I actually planned on spending money last year and this year on them but when you don't put them on sale it makes me think you really don't care about players buying your content.
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  6. StarChamber New Player

    It's a pity powersets aren't on sale. I'd have happily bought a couple of those.
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  7. FoolsFire Devoted Player

    The only things I want are Seal of Completion and the Champions Material Pack (Gold, Silver, Bronze)
  8. hero turner Well-Known Player

    Perhaps we can get more cross over content in 2019, with the injustice comics, it be fitting to have an Injustice episode, He Man / She ra Masters of the Universe episode, they are Dcu characters and have a major role in DCU community and Injustice also, perhaps new skins like shark's and other aquatic animals for Atlantis, mermaid tails,and other mythology looks for Atlantis, new animal skins for the regular world also like maybe a horse humanoid, elaphant,rhino, saber tooth tiger, dragon humanoid, new power sets and abilities, unlock all the roles, powers on the toons to mix and match or allow us to have all or at least two power set open to use like fire and ice or mental and sorcery, atomic and fire ect ect. .. or allow 4 at once, or all to mix it up in our load outs, and for all the players that have been saving different toons to armories with different power and abilities why not unlock them to switch to without having to purchase a power change token at least for the ones saved in armories.
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  9. Krossssss Well-Known Player

    After removing the seals from in-game would be nice for them to go on sale at least;)
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  10. Quantum Rising Committed Player

    Don't see artifact exp packs as exempt but they're not on sale. Pretty lame.
  11. FrostTitan New Player

    No sale on the episodes?? I used to drop tons of $$$ on those during Black Friday.. Guess I'll just spend it on other games that have sales actually worth my money :)
  12. Red Raptor Active Player

  13. TheOtherLeague Well-Known Player

    Does anyone have any idea what the Cyber Monday sale is going to be? Or is this another time where we find out what it is when it actually goes live?
  14. Redd Blur Active Player

    Chances are we are gonna find out tomorrow when it goes live. It would have been announced by now
  15. Twinks Level 30

    Pretty ridiculous if you ask me. These guys are gonna mess around and get blacklisted by me similar to Microshaft and NEVER receive another penny from me. I just can't understand the ethics or logic of some companies and people. As the saying goes, "Money is the root of all evil."
  16. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    Witch such a backlash I wouldn’t be surprised if they actually had the artifact items on sale for cyber Monday. Thou it’s strange that they have not made an announcement about what will be on sale for cyber Monday. As much as I like the game the devs has terrible communication with the community. A simple response about the artifacts could have gone a long way. Whether intentional or not.
  17. Danne0075 Well-Known Player

    Well honestly sad devs. To put the items people wanted on cyber monday after they already thought those items werent going to be on sale.

    From a marketing perspective great job! Good planning but from an ethical perspective this was just ridiculous.

    850 - 510 = 340

    I'd like my 340 marketplace cash back :)
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  18. rPOM New Player

    When will Cyber Monday sell??????????????????????????????????
  19. ALB Dedicated Player

    What's on sale today?
  20. Kuno Loyal Player

    Well usually I'm very vocal about my concerns with the game and development but you can't blame the company or the devs for following a marketing strategy.
    When they posted the announcement about the sales, they said about additional discounts on Cyber Monday. I was interested in Power and Body type respecs, and after reading the announcement I waited until today and the sale was there for respecs. So yeah they had a strategy for the sales but it was pretty clear, no plot twists were made and there's no need to be a genious to see it.
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