Cross Play Finally Here

Discussion in 'Battle of the Legends (PvP)' started by Patient Zero, Feb 4, 2016.

  1. Eminence Dedicated Player

    wow now everyone knows our secret!!!:mad:
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  2. MyDpsIsBetter Dedicated Player

    To soon

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  3. Patient Zero Active Player


    Mouse- Fu on point


    But Still working on My Keyboard - Ninjutsu
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  4. Captain Carkus Well-Known Player

    this thread is g0ld
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  5. MyDpsIsBetter Dedicated Player

    I wish there for a dislike button for that boy, would have ran a train on his post.
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  6. Talve Dedicated Player

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  7. Grand Shaw Loyal Player

    All servers... online.
  8. Dibrie Committed Player

  9. Dibrie Committed Player

    *grabspopcorn* lmao
  10. ZypherUSPC Committed Player

    I'm at work.. watching Derps' stream though. PS is getting worked but I like Gameplay.. they're mad cool about it. lol

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  11. Eternal Flame Active Player

    Time to see PS players calling macros on PC players in PvP.
  12. Sir-Ivy Dedicated Player

    PSA! Before anyone blames hardware

    After 2 run ins with PC players, even though I'm on the 3, I didn't notice any serious performance or gameplay differentials. Of course there could eventually be some. However, so far so good!
  13. jflusson Well-Known Player

    just wrecked some pc players in a match, feelsgoodman
  14. 478874 Dedicated Player

    at work, please link streams.
  15. ZypherUSPC Committed Player

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  16. ArchelyMS Well-Known Player

    GamePlay is fine, I haven't seen any of them trash talk in PvP.
  17. Captain Carkus Well-Known Player

    They chill af.
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  18. MyDpsIsBetter Dedicated Player

    In the office anyone streaming?
  19. Grand Shaw Loyal Player

    Derpina was. I doubt he is now.
  20. Brother Allen Loyal Player

    Wonderp from my league was streaming earlier man. I didn't participate and just watched and read 5v5 chat as I'm at work and on my craptop. He streamed about 2 hours I think. I have to say I was impressed by PS's attitude towards the loses. No one got uppity at all. Everyone was pretty chill which was nice to see.
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