Cross-Faction Grouping

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Raven Nocturnal, Jan 26, 2022.

  1. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    I've had this happen before, just switching from one toon to another. Started a group as tank, and filled up to 7/8, we were all shouting for troll for 20 min. I said "if someone can tank, I'll switch to my troll" a response someone could...we added 1 more DPS and went in. I gave the group my alt's name, and said I'd shout in LFG for invite back. Swapped toons...came back in...shouted in LFG 2 times (so 2 min at least as premium)...finally remembered 1 guy's name and sent a tell and said 'inv please', giving my previous alt's name and was told 'we just opened it and caught a troll'.

    It's no wonder I'd rather run with 7 other me's than with some people in this game.:rolleyes:
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  2. Raven Nocturnal Devoted Player

    And this is partially my entire point of why this system would be beneficial to the game
  3. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Yeah...unfortunately I doubt it will ever happen due to the deep laid 'faction' system. It's at the root of the game, and saying these opposing sides can group up, is probably a bridge too far to code.

    The best bet is still AQS. You go in short a body, then grab the opposing side person to fill the spot once in. Much less likely that the spot would be filled by just opening the instance or inviting someone else, as if that were an option....they'd have already done it today. Obviously a group even entertaining the idea of inviting cross faction NEEDs that opposing faction person. That way no 'grouping' faction code to work around, as instances are already good for cross faction.
  4. Raven Nocturnal Devoted Player

    Ain't gonna deny that, as you know I'm all for it. Just sucks this system was actually in the works before the devs left. But any and all changes are extremely welcomed.
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  5. Raven Nocturnal Devoted Player

    This was a good point from another person on another thread that I wanted to share here:

    Very much needed.
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  6. Illumin411 Devoted Player

    Yup. I'm pretty sure a lot of the changes people ask for and that the devs would like to do would be a relative breeze if they only had to apply to the parts of the game developed in the last several years.

    I can picture Charon & team working on it before we left...

    "We can successfully queue in to all the recent raids with a cross faction group with no problem. But we just attempted a Prime Battleground queue test and all eight motherboards instantly fried. On a related note, we'll need a new fire extinguisher for the floor." :p
  7. Raven Nocturnal Devoted Player

    So, how's the population looking since September? Is this still looking like a good idea for the future health of the game? People say since I don't play I can't say anything about the population, as I wouldn't know of any ongoing issues. Apparently miraculously all problems have been resolved since September of last year and this might not be necessary anymore.

    So I'm genuinely asking, how is the population? Particularly on villain side, and on Xbox.

    Either way regardless (and jokes aside), these feature(s) would help tremendously even if there WASN'T any population issues. Everyone wins.
  8. Ryll Committed Player

    I always was curious why they didn't just make everything task force x compatible. Open worlds are just instances too right?
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  9. Raven Nocturnal Devoted Player

  10. Raven Nocturnal Devoted Player

    Who else feels that cross-faction grouping should be a thing? At the very least. I personally feel it's extremely important to the future health of the game, especially on servers that have low population.
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  11. Raven Nocturnal Devoted Player

    Need more feedback on this please :)
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  12. Boss Dark Side Well-Known Player

    cross faction grouping is long overdue
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  13. darksptll Level 30

    Cross faction grouping is definitely needed to help with population woes on villain side. I would also say though that cross-server grouping would be nice for those on EU side. Ability to hop between servers such as in FFXIV would help a lot for those on lower pop ones. Highly doubt the dev time exists for this though.
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  14. Raven Nocturnal Devoted Player

    Even it being long overdue is long overdue :p
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  15. Raven Nocturnal Devoted Player

    Absolutely. It's good to have hope though.
  16. Raizen Reaper Active Player

    We realy need this!
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  17. Toshknight Loyal Player

    this needs to happen, as well as hero/villain faction change, if not for the players, you guys can make money off us, if you don't do it the right way, via in game quest and reputation, in order to be eligible, you can put the token in the marketplace too.,

    we group with villains, as heroes, and heroes as villains, in everything but outside of instances, and u can even do that, if your grouped for the instance. it needs to be a update or dlc even, if you guys are low on ideas, @developers create a Expansion, based around switching sides to infiltrate for info or to save someone, i could write a pretty could DLC in a day probably , but you should definitely do this @dimensional INK
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  18. Novasia Level 30

    Another issue with this is most people like to go into an instance with a full supercharge. Switching characters resets your supercharge and makes it even less convenient. Plus, even if you have a character who is end game or near end game, you have to purposefully keep up with their CR so that the next DLC you can continue to use them to queue into content and then switch. All of this just equals more time wasted.
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  19. Toshknight Loyal Player

    It's interesting how the players seem to be discussing a lot of topics that the Community Manager (CM) should be involved in. Regardless of who the CM is, this is NOT AN ATTACK. I just don't want to receive another email telling me to stop being hateful for simply asking questions and requesting updates from the developers.

    Hopefully, the CM, community manager, and other forum moderators can positively represent the players' ideas and bring them to the attention of the developers for discussion. After all, we are here to play and support the game financially, and we would be willing to pay more if our ideas were acknowledged by the developers and CMs. We don't want them to think that we are causing trouble or harassing them. We are simply doing what MMORPG forums are meant for: providing honest feedback about the current state of the game mechanics.

    A regularly updated MMORPG should make updates and changes to improve the game and community, not to make the team upset. We just want the game to last as long as possible and thrive to reach its full potential. SOE MMOs have always been very community-based and update-heavy, and we only want the best for the game. Period. We want to improve the quality of life and gameplay to make it as immersive and enjoyable as possible.
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  20. Raven Nocturnal Devoted Player

    Yeah, it's just an all around good idea and important move/step in the right direction for the future health of the game.
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