Cross-Faction Grouping

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Raven Nocturnal, Jan 26, 2022.

  1. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    I've had this happen before, just switching from one toon to another. Started a group as tank, and filled up to 7/8, we were all shouting for troll for 20 min. I said "if someone can tank, I'll switch to my troll" a response someone could...we added 1 more DPS and went in. I gave the group my alt's name, and said I'd shout in LFG for invite back. Swapped toons...came back in...shouted in LFG 2 times (so 2 min at least as premium)...finally remembered 1 guy's name and sent a tell and said 'inv please', giving my previous alt's name and was told 'we just opened it and caught a troll'.

    It's no wonder I'd rather run with 7 other me's than with some people in this game.:rolleyes:
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  2. Raven Nocturnal Loyal Player

    And this is partially my entire point of why this system would be beneficial to the game
  3. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Yeah...unfortunately I doubt it will ever happen due to the deep laid 'faction' system. It's at the root of the game, and saying these opposing sides can group up, is probably a bridge too far to code.

    The best bet is still AQS. You go in short a body, then grab the opposing side person to fill the spot once in. Much less likely that the spot would be filled by just opening the instance or inviting someone else, as if that were an option....they'd have already done it today. Obviously a group even entertaining the idea of inviting cross faction NEEDs that opposing faction person. That way no 'grouping' faction code to work around, as instances are already good for cross faction.
  4. Raven Nocturnal Loyal Player

    Ain't gonna deny that, as you know I'm all for it. Just sucks this system was actually in the works before the devs left. But any and all changes are extremely welcomed.
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