Cross-Faction Grouping

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Raven Nocturnal, Jan 26, 2022.

  1. CrYsiS44 Well-Known Player

    That so many threads pop up now in regards to population and playability issues, shows the state of the game.

    People are almost basically begging to be able to play the game; offering up possible ideas - and it goes completely ignored by the company (who just continue to push new mats etc, paywalled behind TC’s etc) says all anyone needs to know.

    The game is VASTLY underpopulated (some servers are almost unplayable, or actually unplayable depending on individuals available times) I’m only logging in now to collect my daily stuff until my sub runs out; when I logged in last night, LFG was just 3 ppl on repeat, one in particular exclaiming how long he’d been trying to get a group together. (50 mins I think he said) of calling out for a dps and tank 6/8 etc.

    That these forums go unanswered now (to me) shows the absolute contempt & disrespect the devs and this company have for the exceptionally loyal customers. They feel absolute in their assurances that customers have invested too much to walk away. And for many… the addiction or sense of loss is 100% too much. But for many others… it’s the final tip they needed.

    For me! I’ll absolutely log in a lot less now, and it’ll probably fade off to not logging in again after a while. This company now dishes out rehashed content every 6-12 months. Has zero promotion of this game. Are absolutely inflexible on improvements that players want. Are funnelling this games profits into other games (leaving this game with just enough to get by on) continuing to financially support this game, is insanity.
    And tbh! They get exactly what they deserve.
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  2. NiX® Level 30

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  3. Green Action Well-Known Player

    From what charon was saying before he left, was it was impossible of a task just had to take baby steps, with it in order for it to progress, And obviously as we saw, he was the one making changes to the game, that benefitted the players, that's straight from a devs mouth who's seen the code, , but i do agree, let us get in the instance with less wouldn't be a bad idea,

    I know few people who would get four Randoms to q up random elites, and they would ask them to leave ( the players knew they were q ins they could stay if they wanted loot) and they would four man the bosses on elite runs, even on older clamped content,
    people even tried to four man ct e with just two tanks a healer and dps lol, again some groups and teams can get it done as a four man team better than some eight man teams can lol
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  4. Green Action Well-Known Player

    well ravens have this one up since 2022 and it was answered by a dev, in Feb. of 22 as well,

    most of those threads don't have that from a dev, it's why this one is important, it's major quality of life adjustment that will make the game better. allowing people who love villainy story lines to stay on theyre villain's and at least be able to join the hero's and get into groups so we can go in with them is such a beautiful thing, it's hard to believe it's only in our imagnations...
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  5. BlackGryphon Well-Known Player

    The thread was started Jan 26, 2022. :p
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  6. Green Action Well-Known Player

    ahh i see Lol!
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  7. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Well, several Devs have had ideas that once gone fade into the I wouldn't put a lot of stock into what Charon was putting out there. Hot button issues change and some may see various problems as no problem at all....or vice versa.

    People are shouting for 'need X to queue in and you can leave' every day....I'd guess many of those are just so they can have a spot for a villain/ people are already doing what I am suggesting, just with an additional un-necessary step of adding a filler (or 2).

    The cross chat LFG seems easy enough...they already did it with 'shout' back 2 years ago and Versus already exists, only locally.

    I'd even guess that even without the cross faction LFG, people would find a work around like hanging out in phase 1 of HOL if they were looking for a cross faction group and just using shout....or use 5V5 channel or whatever.
  8. Raven Nocturnal Devoted Player

    In 10 days, it will be 2 years since I've created this thread

    Much obliged
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  9. Raven Nocturnal Devoted Player

    Yup. That's 100% what I did, but have now finally ripped the bandaid off and given up completely. It's been months since I've logged on, and tbh never felt better. But I will still keep trying to push this topic, as if things actually change for the better in the game I might be inticed to return in the future.

    Edit: Been trying to push this topic for almost 2 years now apparently (as the population decline was definitely noticed at that point and on), because if there isn't going to be a server merge I feel like something done with cross-faction would be the next best thing for the future health of the game.
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  10. Green Action Well-Known Player

    It sucks, you finally get an answer something you've been hoping for, then boom persons and gone and the company refuse's to acknowledge that this problem even exists, or even to enter the thread again,
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  11. Green Action Well-Known Player

    50% is great nad all,, but hwy not make it 100%, with allowing us to invite villains.. If only, But we can dream!
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  12. Raven Nocturnal Devoted Player

    Heroes*. The ability to invite heroes*. Thank you lol
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  13. Green Action Well-Known Player

    Heroes and villain's* the ability to invite each other, there fixed :p
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  14. Green Action Well-Known Player

    b-u-m-p, whats that spell? BUMP!
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  15. Raven Nocturnal Devoted Player

    Yeah, tell me about it :/

    It's not like this is super important for the future health of the game (and population issues) or anything... :/
  16. Green Action Well-Known Player

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  17. NiX® Level 30

    let's not let this request fall into oblivion :)
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  18. Green Action Well-Known Player

    It's sad, because most players are these forums don't care about the games health or the decline in the game itself, and that's okay, but the devs are using it as a shield now not to answer any functionality Game changes with dcuo, this should already been a thing, it's 2024.
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  19. Raven Nocturnal Devoted Player

    Sadly it already has :(
  20. NiX® Level 30

    rather than giving up, I'm going to post a message every day, until a dev responds to the request :) :) :)
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