Cross-Faction Grouping

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Raven Nocturnal, Jan 26, 2022.

  1. Dominic Blue Dedicated Player

    Honestly since they’ve stopped making Villains only content and we have to rely on grouping together in random ques I don’t see the problem of giving is this. The only worry is didn’t Charon way back say it might not be easy due to archaic coding? At least take smaller steps like incorporating LFG chats with both heroes and villains at least? Hopefully newer devs see the need for this.
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  2. NiX® Level 30

    little message of the day :), so, will a dev take the trouble to respond....
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  3. Raven Nocturnal Devoted Player

    Thank you. Yeah, I hope maybe the idea can be passed by the devs again to see if they still have plans for this or not (perhaps the new CM can ask? ^-^). At the very least for more of the "baby steps" they were working on prior to leaving the company. Such as a merged LFG (can be separate so is able to be turned off), and/or open world pickups.
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  4. Green Action Well-Known Player

    we will have to see, the future does look bright, but.. you know never know, this might happen next week lmao. ( just kidding)
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  5. NiX® Level 30

    hi, still no developers to answer us, so the fight continues :)
    good day to all
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  6. NiX® Level 30

    how can you, the developers, not just respond, to those who, like me, have a lot of things on their criminal character and we struggle with having to redo everything on the other side (hero)
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  7. Green Action Well-Known Player

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  8. Green Action Well-Known Player

    I don't think we need to pressure the devs, but bumping the thread and allowing others to also speak theyre piece will benefit this conversation/ thread more, the more ideas and the more things discussed
    are more things that can be used inside the game to help it develop further.
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  9. Raven Nocturnal Devoted Player

    Well, considering I started this thread over 2 years ago, quite easily lol.
  10. Raven Nocturnal Devoted Player

    It's not really pressure if it's something that will benefit the future health of the game and it's population. They already started the project but did not finish, and the whole idea is MIA for 2 years now.
  11. Knight Racer Well-Known Player

    I was in birds of prey Metropolis today and someone shouted in chat in the zone that they couldn't find out where Meta experiment was. As soon as I saw that I tried to invite them. However it said "not a member of my faction". I guess the devs don't realize that sometimes heroes and villains do team up in comic books. But I guess that's only good for duos, alerts and raids.
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  12. NiX® Level 30

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  13. Green Action Well-Known Player

    Wha ti mean is, saying "why arent the devs doing this yada yada" ( i am guilty of it in this very thread)
    there's no need for that, Just bump the thread let them see and allow others to see, and bring up their concerns or ideas, the More voices, the louder the echo.
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  14. NiX® Level 30

    In the EU, what is happening in the past is that everyone has become a hero, so what is the idea.....? that we are all heroes and therefore we will gradually move away from the DC universe.........
  15. Raven Nocturnal Devoted Player

    Human nature, follow the crowd...
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  16. NiX® Level 30

    And yes :) :) :)
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  17. Green Action Well-Known Player

    Well we have now realized and see the truth, the game is done, none of this ever mattered to any dev (team), and thats the truth, RiP DCUO2024
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  18. Raven Nocturnal Devoted Player

    I wonder what the new team thinks of this idea? Perhaps they can give us insight if it's still in the works/on the table :)
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  19. Raven Nocturnal Devoted Player

    Villain side is struggling bad, even the "people's villain" (or whatever he calls himself) is switching to hero side... Gross.
  20. Raven Nocturnal Devoted Player

    Welp, an old buddy messaged me out of the blue to tell me how he finally understands what I meant lol. He caved waiting for a queue and went on his hero to form the group. After 45 minutes of forming (and informing the group constantly that he was switching to his villain after gaining entry), they replaced him after getting into the instance. Told him "ah well maybe next time". It was HIS group.