Can the subscription price be reduced?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Aduzar Light, Jul 21, 2021.

  1. Eve YouTuber

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  2. ThunderGunExpress Well-Known Player

    Intended as a compliment and probably a bad joke and if so I apologize. My birthday is coming up though if there's any cakes offered.
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  3. Apollonia Dedicated Player

    me: the sky is blue
    you: gotcha! the sky is blue
    me: ...

    Again, everyone gets access to these features and what's being offered to members is ingame items and discounts as a substitution for exclusive access to features.

    Correct. No one is complaining we won't get access to features anymore. We're losing the incentive to subscribe.
  4. TheLorax 15000 Post Club


    That might be how you see it... well actually you can't see it because it's not available yet... You may not be into items and discounts but that doesn't speak for all of us, we just want the perks of our sub to reflect what we're paying. Have you considered maybe the current subscription model just isn't doing it for anyone? Members have dropped their subs, premiums have always been on the fence about subbing. Is gating the community from aspects of a self styled free-to-play game really how we should continue the next 10 years?

    *shrugs* Have fun with premium I guess? Let us know how it goes.
  5. ThunderGunExpress Well-Known Player

    I'm wondering how I can "like" your warning because it was a funny joke.

    Unless you were serious and then please be specific.

    e2a: Without emotion. I'm trying to have a discussion.
    e22a: ...Was it the part when I told you I thought you were great at your job? I know that was harsh but I stand by what I said.

    e3 because I keep thinking of something.

    The "Warn me" is the joke warning, right?
    Because really the true warning would be for my very first post in the thread.

    I haven't insulted anyone.
    Other than Jack...which is still harsh...but you can defend him or he can defend himself and I don't really like doing it; especially because we read some of the same comic books when we were kids...

    ...but he's got it comin'.
  6. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    Constructive: I don't like the new membership benefits for these reasons.
    Non-constructive: There are no new membership benefits.

    I invite you to dislike stuff and tell us why, to offer suggestions, to discuss and debate them. Sometimes the facts are confusing or unknown, and we can discuss and clarify those, too. When there's a bullet point list of changes but you state baldly that there are none - I can't even. What if someone read your post and thought it was true?


    On the actual topic, there is a theme in some of the feedback that having exclusive things, content, features, etc., is important to members. Perhaps a clear divide, feeling most-valued or special, or just those more core-game things felt worth subscribing for. It makes sense (and has been the thing) for over a decade. It's been changing for over a decade, too - all the way back to the free-to-play transition, where very similar things were said.

    The pure subscriber model is sometimes described as the velvet rope model - cool kids and VIPs get the rope opened so they can cross through to the special place, while others look on from outside and wish they were in there. Some of them will be driven to pay to enter. That works for a lot of things. It has some serious drawbacks in MMO or group games, where the bulk of the game is about playing with other people.

    The access level changes here are largely taking that free-to-play transition just one more step - we want everyone to play together. We don't want a velvet rope keeping people apart. That's going to feel different.

    We believe we are replacing that exclusivity with a ton of value, which leads to members getting things faster, having higher level artifacts or allies, more cosmetics, more of all the things. In one breath, some are talking about membership not having the value and also that monetary things are not important. While the feeling is different, certainly, at the end of the day a membership purchase is at least a little bit about value.

    Now, that's not to say you have to like the changes. We think they are compelling. I think it they are insane. But you don't have to. If you don't, that's okay, and also because of these changes, you don't have to pay for them. You don't have to subscribe to enjoy the game. We want you to. We want everyone to. But the whole point here is that the game is still a complete game without membership, and we want everyone who plays to be able to experience that, not just a small percentage.

    Perhaps it is a fantasy, but we think doing so will get more people to fall in love with the game, to get their friends into the game, to keep playing when time or money is short, and eventually have more people supporting us with their dollars in whatever ways. We want purchases to feel awesome, not like the thing you had to do to make the game fun. Perhaps it is a fantasy, but we want purchases to be a vote of confidence, a choice to support the game you love so it continues to thrive.
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  7. Apollonia Dedicated Player

    You understand the difference between ignoring these perks and not being satisfied with them. Right? Pretending we're ignoring them when we've repeatedly acknowledged them and explained they aren't an acceptable substitution makes you look like it's you that's operating in bad faith.

    1) There are no new features being added to test which are exclusive to membership or they would have been announced already. I said this above also. Nothing to wait for.
    2) I consistently replied stating I speak specifically for players who agree with my position [no one else]. I did this to preemptively neuter these inevitable "you don't speak for all of us" cries when you run out of ways to tell us to fall in line and just be quiet. And, mischaracterizing what I said as speaking for everyone, when I didn't, is yet another strawman btw.
    3) I have for years now. My suggestions in the membership thread address this. Thankfully the Devs adopted almost all of my suggestions! So I'm very happy with the proposed changes and happy I was able to constructively add so much to the proposed upcoming changes.

    However, I also warned that doing all of these perks but not replacing the exclusive features would not be enough to satisfy members who value features over items and discounts. And here we are. My replies here and in the membership thread are going to age very very well. Other people are now reading what's coming and they're starting to see what I pointed out then and now here, and they're saying the same thing; all this is cool... but it's not enough to justify a sub.

    It's going good, thanks for asking. I don't have to sub and support the game while I'm waiting for features to get added to it (that may never get added at this rate). I'm saving money on this game and spending 2x as much $$ on another game instead. I also haven't logged in for weeks now bc there's been no announcement of new features to draw me back in. And reading some of the other replies here and in similar threads/posts, it turns out I'm not the only one who is on this page.

    Never forget that this game's pop is well under 500k players while there's millions of people replying to Twitter and YouTube comments waiting for real features to get added to this game that would attract them in, who would love to start playing or return, if the game added them.

    And isn't that why you and your friends are really upset? Because we're telling you we're not interested, and deep down you realize you can't just make us be quiet and play anyhow. And instead of supporting your fellow players in asking for more substantive content that would retain them, you'd rather write toxic posts and argue with them. Maybe that's not a great strategy. Maybe it's time for people like yourself to start supporting your fellow players who aren't satisfied with what's being offered, until it gets offered. But hey, if you don't, I'm sure it'll work out well for you.

    Over the last couple months the quality and constructiveness of your replies to me have declined so I can't imagine having a meaningful exchange with you again like we use to... I think we're done here and unfortunately have to finally add you to my list. Cheers.
  8. Tiffany6223 Devoted Player

    Perhaps it is missing the feeling of being extra special by having membership now that that velvet rope is gone? I don’t know. To me let’s just try out the new membership, see how it is, then decide if we like it or not.

    I liked feeling extra special as a member but I’m willing to give all the changes a chance. It was a nice feeling and I paid for the perks. Now we will have different perks so let’s see what happens.
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  9. ThunderGunExpress Well-Known Player

    I don't disagree with anything you've said and I wish for nothing more for you and this game. And I wish that was how I felt, just like the way I felt when there were 3 PVP locations to play at (Ace, Arkham, and Batcave. I listed them in the order of my preference; strategy for the former 2 and I loved Ace for the strategy plus proximity...but I loved Batcave too.)

    About Legends. It's how I learned how to play the game.
    It's not really the smart way and I'm not sure if I'd recommend it...but maybe I would. It's sort of like throwing someone in the deep end of the pool to learn how to swim.
    But in real time, it taught me against a live player when to lunge, when to block break, when to roll, yadda yadda. As well as unlocking each character and learning brawling from playing Bane, and rifle from playing Two-Face, and so on.

    Why I preferred playing Legends over regular PVP was not only because you got to play as the DC characters which I can't emphasize enough (and I mentioned this before too, but I purchased most of the Legends characters, not really because I needed them on the characters I actually played PVP on because I already had them, but just in case other characters ever want to play them and to support the game).

    The most fun I've ever had in the game, is if I'm playing a Robin in the Batcave, and I'm up against someone else playing a Robin in the Batcave, and it's a really close match, but that person just slightly beats me because they were sightly better than me. That's bow-worthy.
    It's like playing tennis with someone slightly better than you. You don't want them so good they're zipping tennis balls at your balls but also good enough to be a challenge.

    Anyways, Mepps. I used to love Legends PVP.
    I don't anymore.

    I also enjoyed Legends PVE when it first came out.
    Even during your bonus weeks, I can't get through a match anymore.

    Also, because you know I'm maxed at 250 Marks of Legend and you know our mark sink was taken away and I foolishly purchased Future Harley, one of the few I hadn't purchased on the marketplace and claimed it on TGE, the last one I needed.
    I wish I never claimed it.
    I wish I could keep purchasing it and donate to the league bank. Could you arrange that for me? Actually, probably doesn't matter, does it?

    But I don't find Legends PVP or PVE fun anymore. Had more passion for the the former and enjoyed the latter.
    And as I said in my very first post too, Mepps, I think we've just grown apart.

    I don't like your (Jack's) slot machine boxes.
    I don't like your (Jack's) BREAKTHROUGH FAILURE failure failure and Seals.

    But you rock.
    If you'd like to address my not finding value for me for my grievances towards your (Jack's) policies, you can address them if you'd like.
    If Brit's membership is no longer important to you the warning is appropriate. I think he said he had 4 of them? I only had one.
    But, y'know. Keep 'em in the casino. No windows.

    e2a: Mepps...have you mentioned when and if we'll ever have the ability to exchange cash from one character on our account to another?
    I'm not asking for me. I'm not a customer. I'm asking for them.

    e22a: and as you know Mepps, as I've explained's not personal, Definitely not towards you.
    You had me as a member from the first summer I played after the 1st anniversary to last summer.
    If you were to make changes that address my grievances, I'd very much like to support this game again monetarily.
    I do thank you for making playing for free (premium) for me for now on much more liberating and fun.
    My passion is still pretty gone, and I don't know how much I'll want to play, but when I do, playing as a premium has many many more benefits. But if lack of passion has me eventually not playing at all because of Jack's policies overall...well, again. I'm not a customer now so no big loss.
    I used to be.
  10. Apollonia Dedicated Player

    For what it's worth I think this is a great and thoughtful reply.

    I've said in other threads that I'm very happy with the general direction these changes are taking the game in. I think the word I used was "heartened" ... And frankly, since most of my feedback in the membership thread is reflected in the proposed changes, I'd be a hypocrite if I didn't think that.

    However, I stand by what myself and several of us have expressed here in saying what's being offered isn't enough to justify staying subbed. So we disagree and that's okay. But I'll be happy to resub once you guys start adding the features we've been asking for over the years.
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  11. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    Yes I do understand. And I'm not upset, I'm tired, I haven't slept since Saturday. This is how I'm seeing it:

    All of us are getting these brand new toys that we haven't even unboxed yet: haven't seen what daily rewards are being offered, haven't seen what's in the Fate vendor, have no idea what Allies are or how involved the leveling process is. Paying members are still getting the special treatment. Here you are just sitting there hung up because your old toys got handed down and you're not satisfied with what Santa brought you because it wasn't on your Christmas list. I understand your disappointed, it's just weird that you're disappointed at this particular juncture. You're not even remotely open to the possibility that these changes could benefit more of the player population and possibly lay the foundation for something closer to what you wanted?
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  12. nawanda Loyal Player

    The negative feedback about the proposed new membership model is driven partly by the reality that extra currency and extra rewards aren’t what drove us to become members in the first place. For example, the included monthly replay badges, the discount on the marketplace and the extra stabilizer fragments. These have always been perks, and welcome, but they aren’t drivers of motivation to sub. The motivation to sub has always been gameplay related - access to the new content, access to armouries, full trading capability and so on.

    With the proposed new membership model, many of these advantages are being given to non-members.

    Extra currency and drops isn’t sexy. There is already fatigue towards the Jackster payment model and other features of game design over the last few years which have built a strong link between being able to maximise your character’s potential and collecting stuff. It’s become a stuff game. Collect 17 of these. 12 of those, 4000 of those, 10 stacks of this, etc etc. It never ends.

    And now we are told we should carrying on paying our membership so we can have more of new and existing types of stuff. Wow, exciting.
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  13. Apollonia Dedicated Player

    Nawanda did the assignment. Exactly this.
  14. farm3rb0b Committed Player

    I logged in to upvote this. Especially that green part. Can't say it better.
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  15. ThunderGunExpress Well-Known Player


    This is the most serious question I've ever asked.

    How many warnings do I have to get until I win a pony?
  16. Proxystar #Perception

    If you want to get respectful answers from the developers, whether that be Mepps or Jack, then try approaching it with a level of respect and maturity not this rather transparent attempt to come across as edgy, it will never serve as an effective conduit to get your point across no matter how valid you think it might be.
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  17. Proxystar #Perception

    Oh I see, so you have some sort of personal issue with me because of something I said to you in the past unrelated to this thread, fair enough...

    And it would seem it's about breaking through at 120, I see, i believe the odds at that level are 40% yes...

    Ok so effectively each time you roll that it's ever so slightly worse than flipping a coin, although technically possible, flipping a coin 15 times for it to land heads every time, would be a statistical anomaly, despite being technically possible.

    With that being the case, I would stand by any position I previously held that your story about failing 15 times is either incredibly unlikely to the extent it raises doubts as to whether it's genuine, or is just a complete fabrication to reinforce your discontent with seals in the first place.

    I get it, you hate seals and you largely blame Jack it seems and you're angry I dare not believe you.

    I've leveled about 15-16 arts to max and have about 8 toons with arts at 120, I know the game and how it rolls, that's why I can sit here with a straight face and tell you I believe exaggerating because it comes from a place of vast experience.

    Nevertheless, what all this does is in fact reinforces the very thing you're fighting against, membership benefits, because they've said they plan to put seals on the daily reward vendor, getting 3x the extra daily rewards would massively benefit you in this regard, by reducing the money you inevtiably need to spend on seals, even moreso, if we give your story the benefit of the doubt.

    Also I think some perspective is probably important here, even if you had used 15 seals that's what about $5 worth? Yea its not particularly pleasant, but the extent of your dissatisfaction over a sum that negligble, probably borders on the unreasonable.

    Again, membership benefits going forward sound like they'd probably benefit you greatly, so glad I could help ;)
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  18. ThunderGunExpress Well-Known Player

    Can you break that down to one sentence for me?
    Do you believe me or not?
    Is there a statement I made you have issue with?

    Just be a little more specific for me please.
    I don't hold grudges really. I'm just telling you what happened. The thread's out there somewhere if you want to look it up.
    Have I ever lied to you, Proxystar?
    Is there something that I've detailed in this thread you have issue with?
    I'm trying to have a mature, adult conversation. What in my prose suggests that I'm not?

    I love DCUO so. You brought it up.

    Everyone keeps telling me "You'll get your point across better if..." when I feel I'm the only one who's said a whole bunch of things I find negative about the game right now for me with no adult, rational argument otherwise.
    I'm waiting. Call me "edgy" if you must but I'm waiting for someone to detail a point I made that was wrong.
    I've also always been the type of person who isn't so stubborn. If you have something against me, I'm not really sure what it is...but I appreciate openness. With friends and colleagues. If you can convince me, I'll listen. I've convinced and been convinced. By those I feel who made their point well, and by those who felt I did. I'm open to you changing my mind.
    Discussion. Adult. Rational.
  19. Proxystar #Perception

    1. You say you used 15 seals on rank 120.

    2. I do not believe you. If you have a video showing yourself using 15, that would be different.

    3. You can tell everyone your story about 15 seals if you like, it doesn't really matter whether I believe you or not, right, I'm equally entitled to tell you I don't actually believe you though when presented with no evidence, presented with evidence my view would be different.

    4. The level of maturity I'm specifically discussing here with you, is in reference not to all your posts within this thread even but the number of posts where you directly address Mepps ask a question, then goad him with comments like "how many warnings do I need to get a pony"

    Those types of comments are childish and serve no purpose, if anything they in fact do you a disservice entirely and just come across as edgy because they're basically you saying "come on Mepps warn me, I dare you!"

    It's the type of behavior that would or should only appeal to a teenager lacking any and all social awareness, thus why I've directly said a little more maturity is better because the opposite of cited behavior is naturally that, maturity.

    Again, glad I can help, it sounds like you should probably subscribe when the changes come in because those seals will obviously be useful :)
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  20. Dominic Blue Dedicated Player

    Canadian Playstation subs were bumped up to twenty dollars a few years ago not thru Daybreak's decision but because Sony wanted to for whatever tax conversion reasons. So a lot of us Canadian players have just rolled with it since we were paying the 15 dollar rate for awhile before and we think it's still worth it. With the new Legendary upgrades now it feels like my extra five dollars still balances out in the end in terms of game worth. However if Daybreak decided to drop American subs to ten or nine dollars whatever I'm sure us International subs would still pay more regardless so in my opinion, um no? Pay your fifteen please