Bought Booster Bundles, Nothing In My Inventory

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Anima, Mar 25, 2015.

  1. fRuiTy New Player

    Can we get an ETA on when we will get out bundles reimbursed?
  2. Zephyrzaivian Active Player

    USPC, Zephyrzaivian. Bought 3 and seems like I only got Replays. Submitted ticket.
  3. Roc New Player

    No aura in box either. Roctart USPC. Submitted a ticket also.
  4. Systemfailure33 New Player

    2 boxes bought nothing received. ticket opened

    Also might not be related but im missing the Total recovery kits from the last bundle i bought, i had about 4-6 saved up and now they have dissappeard from my bank, anyone else have anything gone since the update??
  5. SUZUKIKING New Player

    Brought 2 only replay uspc spicysauce
  6. Teldon New Player

    Add me tot he list as well. On Teldon. submitted a ticket as well.
  7. Multiverse Creator League

    Was on the fence about getting a couple of Bundles this time.

    But reading this thread.... guess I will pass on them Bundles this time around.
  8. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    We will be restarting the server to apply tomorrow's hotfix with the fix for these issues.
  9. Systemfailure33 New Player

    Will the fix give the bundles already bought or just allow news ones to be purchased?
  10. Bobburt Committed Player

    USPC Bobburt

    Only bought 1 bundle. It wasn't in my inventory after purchasing. Hope the hotfix fixes that.
    • Like x 1
  11. Cabala New Player

    same same same, points and nothing else. poorly timed update combined with boutique issues has made this update VERY unpleasant.
  12. Chocolate Enforcer Committed Player

    Even the MP for Ps4?
  13. Bobburt Committed Player

    Doesn't look like the hotfix fixed the issue :(
  14. Zephyrzaivian Active Player

    Nope... it didn't. I still only have the replays.
  15. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    Purchases going forward will work correctly. We are investigating how to best fix up those of you who purchased when it was failing. It will not be tonight.
  16. Jumpnit Dedicated Player

    Should we summit tickets on the issue still just as a record of who needs the fix?
  17. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    We should be able to tell, but it won't hurt to submit a ticket.
  18. Zephyrzaivian Active Player

    I just hope it's sooner rather than later. I already sent in a ticket so I hope it can be fixed up there. I'd say just refund the SC of people who got failed, but it seems like a lot of us have the Replays from the Bundles at least.

    Would it be alright for people who are waiting for the fix-ups to buy more Bundles? Or would it be best to wait? I just want to make sure.
  19. karthik ravalcol New Player

    same here bought 6 booster bundles early today when server started n i only got replay badges.....
  20. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    You are clear to buy more bundles.
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