Bought Booster Bundles, Nothing In My Inventory

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Anima, Mar 25, 2015.

  1. amazingmanll New Player

    I got it on my guy thx
  2. Bobburt Committed Player

    So is the Booster Bundle the golden egg?
  3. Hraesvelg Always Right

    I did find a snipe.
  4. Bobburt Committed Player

  5. DarthSupes31 New Player

    1kr0n1cLant3rn USPC and i havent gotten anything from my 3 bundles except the replay badges.
  6. niteravn Active Player

    The ticket says that I have gotten the bundle but nothing has shown up in my inventory on any toon on the account.
  7. exile529 New Player

    I didnt get my missing bundles either =(
  8. capnoni New Player

    I am not finding anything either and i checked all my characters.. twice even because i can be blind sometimes.
  9. Astral Lantern Well-Known Player

    Same here......ticket states resolved.....but's not.
  10. Coldzoom Well-Known Player

    Same I stilldon't have the aura box from the bundle I bought Wednesday night
  11. karthik ravalcol New Player

    same here ticket resolvd but i didnt get my booster bundles and i check in every toon....
    • Like x 1
  12. Vesper Dedicated Player

    I just checked all 14 of my toons. Did not get the Aura Box or extra items on any of them. I did receive the replay badges.

    The Booster Bundle purchase was made on Vesper, USPC.
  13. Mystere Well-Known Player

    I did not get anything. I checked all toons on my account.
  14. Sufficient New Player

    I'm still waiting as well, character is called Suffice on USPC.
  15. Hraesvelg Always Right

    It's late. I doubt we'll see any more progress tonight.
  16. fRuiTy New Player

    fixed mine... tyvm

    3 radiants out of 16 boxes :)
  17. TemporalHawk Well-Known Player

    still waiting
  18. Psycho Command New Player

    So I normally hate forums. but this was just such a bad day I have to get this resolved. After accidentally imprinting over my favorite armoy build I discovered something incredibly disturbing. I went to grab my Blue Nimbus I just to make a new style to redo my armoy. I however discovered that my blue, yellow, and green nimbus, as well as my yellow smoke auras were no where to be found. I hadn't used anything out of the booster bundles yet, I opened them to see what auras I would get but had yet to collect them , because I planned on getting 2 more this monday. This kinda upsets me because ever since i renewed my legendary for a year I've had nothing but bad look. Please turn my luck around. <3 Shock Psycho USPS
    Also I submitted a ticket. Reference #150327-000185
  19. Zephyrzaivian Active Player

    Nope. Looked through all 18 of my toons and nothing. Bought 3 Bundles under Zephyrzaivian. USPC. Ticket marked as solved though. I guess I'll reply to it and say I didn't get anything.
  20. zeroman New Player

    Bought booster bundle packs and nothing.