Bought Booster Bundles, Nothing In My Inventory

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Anima, Mar 25, 2015.

  1. karthik ravalcol New Player

    pizza delivery takes 30 mins but my booster bundle deliver taking lot of time to spawn in my inventory, 1 and half day n no sign of my booster bundles wow...
  2. TemporalHawk Well-Known Player

    same here still none of the missing bundles
  3. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    The grant failed yesterday if you were not logged in. We will redo this morning.
    • Like x 3
  4. D Miles Active Player

    You guys have had a long week. Thanks for all the help and don't forget to go home at some point in time!
  5. Vesper Dedicated Player

    Awesome! Glad you guys figured out the reason for the glitch, and that it seems (relatively) simple to reset. Thanks so much for all that you guys have done this week. It hasn't been easy. :)
    • Like x 2
  6. Teldon New Player

    Meeps what do I do about the 900 extra replay badges I got from this? I only bought two bundles. I had no replays on me when I bought the bundles. At best I should have only 300 or 450 if the monthly award has hit. Only other thing I can think of that gave them to me was the new legends bundle but I don't remember it saying anything about replays.
  7. Hraesvelg Always Right

    So should we try to be logged in to help facilitate things? If you send me an e-mail, I can hop on a few minutes later.
  8. Disatria New Player

    Bundles have been taken off MP? Tried to get one today but the buy button is discolor end and cannot be clicked so I figured it's still under going investigations and taken down till fixed
  9. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    Make sure your inventory has space. Also, make sure your shared bank has space (as this MIGHT be a bug).
    • Like x 2
  10. niteravn Active Player

    Thank you for the update. I will try and stay logged in so that this can happen. As of right now, it has not. But on a different line, I want to thank you and the Devs for all of the work that you have done this week. I know that the issues were not planned but you got the job done and are still dealing with the minor issues that are still present. You can't please everyone in the game but overall you do a great job of getting us what we need. Thank again.
  11. Disatria New Player

    Sorted inventory thanks mepps didn't notice I was full
  12. SUZUKIKING New Player

    Just for the record havent gotten my two booster bundle yet. Spicysauce uspc
  13. Zephyrzaivian Active Player

    What time do you want us to be logged in?
  14. Bobburt Committed Player

    So I need to be logged in to the game? Dang.
  15. Vesper Dedicated Player

    Mepps, please clarify for us:

    Do we need to be logged in for the grant to go through? If so, what time? And should we be on the toon that made the purchase? Or are alts okay?
  16. Hraesvelg Always Right

    Just mail me a couple of radiants, we'll call it square.

    (That's a JOKE before someone gets all clenched...)
  17. Coldzoom Well-Known Player

    Yeah Mepps please let us know.
  18. Astral Lantern Well-Known Player

    This is being handled like bush league badly.....i mean...who the hell is running things there?...failed to go through due to our toons not being logged in???...what kind of baloney is that?

    At this point in time i'm like screw you daybreak and just give me my damn SC back....the excitement and fun is already gone for me at least with this pack with the horrible way you guys have handled this....been almost 40 hrs since i posted my ticket...some GM says "Resolved" and now i can't even get a response....way to lose customers...way to lose customers.
  19. zeroman New Player

    What do I do if this happened on the ps?
    • Like x 1
  20. Patusia New Player