Test Discussion Ally: John Stewart

Discussion in 'Testing Feedback' started by Cardboard, Mar 29, 2024.

  1. CGEMINI Well-Known Player

    Tbh, the only combo powers is gonna truly help is Celestial and HL (maybe water given that spamming ability), I think munitions has one too. Since all 4 have safer abilities than rage and earth. But it’s such a minimal buff that why would you ever choose this over the jack of all trades allies like Zatanna and Batman who laughs. They actually do more damage btw and offers other effects as you may know. The only passive I see that’s worth running is that controller one is definitely good but controller shields are already strong so it’s like why would you buy this? We already conquering content without this ally and it’s not gonna be impactful either because there’s the already existing allies doing it better for whatever reason (not for the controller shields supercharge passive). You can’t have an ally like poison ivy but then release an ally like this that don’t have much impact. This is why I didn’t want them to make another might buff ally or prec buff and be effect specific for whatever power it’s made to make powers more unique. To actually draw in sales. When we got the artifact like Heart Of Isis it’s unique and really cool despite some things not working well in content like the teleport ability. It could’ve been a powerful option but not all effects are useful or viable. I expect a attempt at more unique ways to make these powers different from each other.
  2. CGEMINI Well-Known Player

    At the same time nature was producing more numbers than what atomic, quantum, or sorcery is giving. I think they should’ve started with the lower damage powers with allies that would’ve increased their popularity and damage. When you give powers too much buffs then everybody gonna wanna play it and I be seeing nature dps melting just as good as it was before they nerfed transformations. They done nerf transformations some time ago now all I see nature players using gorilla getting these high aoe parses that other powers can’t produce for might.
  3. CGEMINI Well-Known Player

    Right. Smh.
  4. CGEMINI Well-Known Player

    It is but you can’t forget how celestial is built for combos too. I guess make light seem more appealing but when the videos come out that this ally combo effects do not make you stronger than what Zatanna or Batman who laughs is giving. Nobody is going to buy it for damage increases. They’ll buy it if they want stronger shields for their controller roles despite them already being strong but stronger is always best. That’s the mindset. xD
  5. KhariXD New Player

    I get you, just power reduction wouldn’t be enough but there are far too many allies giving might buff. It’s pretty redundant atp, it especially sucks when they release a powerset ally and all it does is offer “might” instead of actually giving the powerset some useful synergy with the ally like nature. For HL, something like a reduce power cost and possibly giving an increase to combo dmg or speed after doing a certain amount of combos would be far better than just “might”.
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  6. bboy-rei Well-Known Player

    The first passive would be better if you got stacks of might for each successful combo use, perhaps not given as insane of a buff as Poison Ivy for nature however.

    As it stands I can still wait for a Dr. Fate, Eclipso, or Donna Troy ally for celestial on both DPS and healing side.
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  7. KhariXD New Player

    Wholeheartedly agree, HL’s biggest problem is its power consumption same with celestial. It should be very easy to go in and change the base power cost for most of their main abilities. There’s no reason for a combo powerset to have such insane power cost to their abilities when it also cost power to use said combos. But let’s be real, until further notice they are more than likely gonna continue to focus on using allies as a form to buff powersets and if that’s something they are gonna do then I much rather it be doing in an actual useful manner that isn’t
    As ridiculous as ivy of course but that also isn’t as stale as yet another “might/prec” buff.
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  8. ThePerc30z New Player

    I think instead of a might buff it would be nice if the corps combo passive gave some type of power reduction while using combos.

    My biggest problem being hardlight is how power intensive it is. In order for me to have some sort of power management, I needed to equip cyborg / oracle for their power passives and grimorium verum if I have in robot sidekick. Running content like elite alerts with no troll or roleless buff you will really notice the power problems. Changing this passive to give power reduction can allow hardlight players to experiment with the ebon's or lernea's artifact without them being completely out of power using one rotation. Since this passive seems to work for other combo abilites in the game, I think other combo powers like celestial can also really benefit from this suggested change.
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  9. Pale Rage Dedicated Player

    Nice concepts, interesting application in controller role, definitely helpful there.

    Let's talk in terms of consumer ideology:
    *Is this ally doing as much damage as the top allies? No. Therefore in the active ally slot, it's worthless to someone who needs to level up something more viable.

    *Is the passive buff enough to warrant spending? No, considering that EVERY might based power (that's really putting out effort) has better options, and most combo powers only have 1 passive spot open (since we are forced to use cyborg or Oracle for power), it really causes players to think, "what's the best in slot" for the only spot we have. This isn't it.

    Make the damage be the same across the board: all allies dish out the exact same damage (ya know, like orbital strikes did) vs AOE and vs boss.

    If we're going with such as low percentage increase of might, let's at least make there be no cool down, only require a combo be used every 10 seconds to keep it running. With that timer, increase that might percentage up, and it "might" be considered by some lol.
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  10. CGEMINI Well-Known Player

    Yep, here’s the thing the jack of all trade allies is helping y’all with stat increases and power regen and reduction. So why would you need this ally? Shazam is outclassing this ally too another stat buff ally and combat. Idk if they don’t realize that they already made allies like this that are stronger or just forgot. Combos powers aren’t even as strong as they think they’re compared to what some of the non combo powers are giving with supercharges but they aren’t weak either and at the verge of being just as strong as those powers. If they are seeking a balance approach with this ally then everything else needs a nerf.
  11. KhariXD New Player

    Idk if you’ve been HL at all but even while using oracle and cyborg in both passive slots with a troll it’s still not enough to actually stay powered because they nerfed the power regen of those allies so much that they’re useless. This is also assuming one isn’t using ebons which is NEEDED in this meta to compete in the slightest.
  12. CGEMINI Well-Known Player

    Still better than the ally they’re trying to sell to us.
  13. Ingrando Well-Known Player

    I was hardlight but switched to quantum and I won’t be switching back. Combo powers do less damage and this buff won’t help. The way to do decent damage with hardlight I spammed ram combo whip trash which drained my power forcing me to use cyborg and grim. Also lightweight? Whip trash, whirlwind dervish. But it’s a fun power for sure
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  14. bboy-rei Well-Known Player

    I'm currently not using ebon with celestial (may change if we ever get 2x art again), but I haven't needed to use Oracle and/or Cyborg for passive allies, I hardly have power issues with the BWL/Shazam passive combo while also having Quislet and RSK in my build.
  15. Penryn The Gadgeteer

    As implemented, almost anyone will be able to use the Corps Combo passive. Corps Combo can proc off any of the feet mods like Tumbling Master or even something like Brand of Hectate. You aren't restricted to using it with a strictly combo-based powerset like Hard Light or Celestial. The passive's effectiveness should also be evaluated in that context.
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  16. lllStrichcodelll ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    Combat ability: The Daze effect is nice since Lantern needs it. However, its pointless having a 90 second cooldown for it. Dividing his damage by 4 but also his cooldown decreased to 20 seconds would be extremely helpful for both consistent PI from the Ally and having a synergy of clipping the ally with an ability such as Weapon buff or Phase dodge with a matching cooldown.

    1st Passive:
    The passive buff is as high as pretty much any other buff we already got from other allies (Zod, Shazam). Lantern is in a situation similar to Nature, where the base damage is low compared to other powers. Simply increasing this buff to compensate for it will not work well because it would buff Munitions, Celestial, Rage, Quantum, Atomic, Earth and Water too.
    I don't see a way of differentiating this buff to only apply to Lantern by simple logic such as "only proc when full combo has been done" or "If combo has been done, stack when 2nd combo has been done".
    This only leaves me with suggesting this passive to only apply for Lantern (Green/Yellow) abilities and increasing the buff, or keep it as is but then applying the Combat ability change I suggested to give Lantern players a reason to go for this ally in particular.

    This change could also bring Aquaman back on the radar of some players not using him for Lantern specifically.

    2nd passive:
    This one seems fine. Troll SC's have been lacking in terms of blocking enough damage in E+ and this could be a nice addition on top of providing extra vit. I dont see any issues or reason to improve on this one.
  17. Illumin411 Loyal Player

    Agreed. 10s duration with 30s cooldown means 6% might buff with 33.3% uptime (2% /s)

    Shazam ally is 6% might buff that lasts for 30s and can be refreshed every 90s. So again, 6% might with 33.3% uptime (2% /s).

    Zod ally is 2% might at all times. (2% /s)

    So this ally isn't really helping combo powers any more than Shazam and Zod already help ALL powers. Considering both BMwL and Zatanna are stronger buffs per second (nevermind Ivy for nature), I don't see John Stewart to be advantageous at all.

    Literally, the only reason I'm intrigued by using this ally in its current form for my atomic alt's dps is because I'm tired of seeing cards pop up over my character's head. Even then, I could have leveled Zod for that reason but haven't because....ehhh.
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  18. Illumin411 Loyal Player

    Agreed. I've actually been running Blue Beetle when trolling in E+ as the group shield is completely useless so I might as well give some SC generation. It'd be nice to make the group shield relevant again. Then again...one-shots are one-shots.
  19. Odin EU Level 30

    As many have already mentioned, the buff is on par with e.g. Shazam where boths up time every 3 minutes is 1minute. I can see the ally being part of baseline for hallways and stuff for baseline increase without resources use. But it becomes harder to justify its use elsewhere. I would rather see the buff duration increased to 12 seconds, but more importantly give it the Philosopher stone effect when it activates. Meaning you are allowed to spam constructs without power issues which is HL’s main weakness. Furthermore, this would enable both construct powers; rage and hard light run ebon as a main art as these two powers are the ones that doesn't really need/can use a finisher. As rage finisher is close range and HL’s main single target combo is handclap and grasping hand + some alternations when out of power with HV and finisher at this time.
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  20. TheLQ-DCUO Loyal Player

    While this would make sense as John Stewart is a lantern, the ally would be more marketable if it appealed to all combo Might Powers rather than specifically HL. Especially if it is not as strong as Poison Ivy is for Nature.
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