A Guide to Everything Earth

Discussion in 'Oracle’s Database (Guides)' started by Clutch_GT, Jun 3, 2014.

  1. Clutch_GT New Player

    Current Bugs
    3/23/13 Gemstone Shield initial cast bugged.
    Please upvote here
    6/06/14 Unstoppable not activating escalating might
    Please upvote here
    9/03/14 Jackhammer Aftershocks not extending Absorbtion duration
    Please upvote here

    Hi Everyone this guide is in a work in progress state so bare with me as I get it together. If anyone is willing to help/test or find out any bugs shoot me a PM in game or on the forums.

    This guide will be a compilation from the Earth community so any and all feedback is welcome keep in mind this isn't the be all end all "Earth Bible", it is merely a guide for Earth users to further hone their skills with the power-set. Before we begin below are terms and abbreviations that you will find throughout the guide that you should familiarize yourself with.

    Terms & Abbreviations
    AE: Area of Effect.
    AS: Aftershock.
    DoT: Damage over Time.
    Pre: (Precision) stat for weapon damage (white numbers).
    Might: stat for power damage (yellow numbers).
    DmGA: Damage Absorbtion via Aftershocks
    DmGT: Damage Transfer via Brick
    CC: Crowd Controlling.
    Dom: (Dominance) stat regarding whether you can CC in content as well as the duration of control effects
    and it is also added to Earths defense stat on a 1:1 ratio after a power is used (does not stack).
    Def: (Defense) Reduces damage from NPCs. To mitigate 1% of damage requires 15 defense @ level 1 & 71 defense @ level 30.
    AP: (Armor Piercing) a stat that ignore a % of defense based on content.
    NPC: Non playable character.
    Aggro Dump: Loss of aggro.
    Aggro: AKA Hate or enemy aggression towards high threat targets.
    Taunt: When using a power in Tank stance instantly puts you on top of the threat table for 12 seconds.
    Trash Mobs: Groups of NPCs usually weaker enemies.
    P.I: Power Interactions.

    PvE Tanking 101
    Important Notes for Earth Tanking
    Weapon Mastery & Damage Role (WIP)
    Community (WIP)

    GU37 Earth Feedback Thread
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  2. Clutch_GT New Player

    PvE Tanking 101

    This will be a brief summary on playing the role of a tank in PvE content but I feel is necessary for people to have the information in order to excel at being a Great Tank. As a Tank your superpowers will taunt and put you on the top of the aggro threat table meaning all enemies are focused on you which makes you an invaluable member of the party use this to your advantage by keeping all adds on you and not on your teammates. Remember your groups success is based on your actions at end game.

    Since we are essentially a punching bag the Tank powers have different mechanics to mitigate the incoming damage and survive those hits in Earths case it will either be Aftershocks or Damage Transference when using Aftershocks you will need to use either Jackhammer or Upheaval. One thing to note when aftershocking with Jackhammer is the initial cast will grant 50%DmGA and subsequent aftershocks will add to the duration of your DmGA which is capped at 18 seconds if you successfully aftershock 3x. When using Upheaval 1 aftershock will grant you 50%DmGA additional aftershocks do not extend the duration of your buff.

    The other option is through Damage Transference via Golem simply summon Brick and a portion of your incoming damage will be transferred to Brick after summoning Brick use any power to gain the other 25% DmGA to cap it out at 43%(I have to re-test this percentage in case it was changed to 50%).

    Below are some terms you should be familiar with by now or should familiarize yourself with now.

    Dominance - Ok first things first DOMINANCE DOES NOT EFFECT AGGRO this has been stated by Tunso & Spytle (the video below debunks it). It is merely a number that determines whether or not you can CC in PvE. For an Earth Tank it is also factored in your defense stat on a 1:1 ratio it is also factored into shield strength based on your dominance and restoration score in Tank stance it is 100%dom : 100%resto.

    Taunting - Taunting can only be done in tank role by casting offensive abilities, certain pets (Brick,Guardian,Holographic Decoy) or a person utilizing taunting consumables that forces the mob it is used on/cast on to redirect their attacks toward the tank/pet/person/decoy for 12 seconds simply hit your target with a power or taunting consumable. For the people using Brick as a pseudo tank in Damage role use Fortify Golem to power Brick that way he will have power to taunt.
    Note: Some non offensive abilities will taunt as well in Earths case Gemstone Shield, Reinforce, Soothing Sands, Fortify Golem, Summon Brick/Crystal.
    Note: if an NPC has immunity just use a power to taunt it and it will go towards you do not spam power trying to pull an immune NPC it will not be pulled only taunted.

    Avoidance/Dodge - This is your ability to completely avoid all incoming damage and block breaks. Unlike block, avoidance/dodge always gives you a chance to get away from a hit scot free. Avoidance generally comes in the form of dodge and is always useful to utilize.

    Crowd Control - CC is important because it allows for the tank to manage his threat more effectively via powers/weapons, creates less damage coming in to help out the healer, and allow focus fire to be more beneficial. CC is a must and should be used on every situation that you feel requires it. Remember, CCing also reduces yours and the groups incoming damage the best way possible through effective CC.
    Note: Keep in mind bosses are unable to be CC'd and some adds will gain temporary immunity when blinking white/blue therefore nullifying CC for a short time just taunt them and they will go towards you even if you cannot pull them toward you.

    Rebuffs - Unstoppable and Soothing Sands are more actively used for PvP to remove debuffs from allies however it can be extremely beneficial to use in PvE content. For example the side boss in Nexus who does an AoE pull on your group members if you use your GC during his pull you can nullify the pull and grant the party temp immunity from CC. This is also beneficial to use to help out Melee DPS who get countered or knocked on their rear and can't breakout use this to get them back on their feet instantly.

    Counter Mechanics - Now that counter mechanics were added to PvE this is very important for everyone to pay attention to especially Tanks if an NPC is on it's back it is doing 0 damage to you. Not only do you have to worry about being block broken which exposes you to spike damage you also have to pay attention to the feint system in play. To make it easier to understand when you see an NPC/Boss with a yellow bracket around them the system is telling you they will do a feint sometimes they will use a block break and go directly into block when this happens do not lunge them instead block break them. On other occasions they will be blocking the brackets will pop up and they will lunge you simply hold block to get the counter + immunity. Ideally you want to mimick the NPC to get the right counter off when you see the yellow brackets pop.
    Note: when you successfully gain blue immunity you gain damage prevention for a short period you can use this to your advantage.

    Blue Immunity - This is gained by successfully landing a hard stun through blocking a combo, block breaking an NPC/Opponent, or interrupting a ranged attack. When gained you will receive damage prevention (2500 damage shield) for a short period and will have immunity to Crowd Control effects as well for the duration.

    Mob & Boss Positioning - This is something that every Tank needs to pay attention to when fighting Mobs/Bosses always position them opposite of your group this way any attacks will hit away from your group and not towards them. For example GCPD Batman in the Nexus of Reality has a shield range attack that will block break you and hit behind you in a straight line one that can possibly one shot members of the group so you would always want to keep him facing away from the group. Another thing when positioning never give your back to any add or boss the reason being is that you always want an escape route if things go south or can use dodge to avoid block breaks/heavy hitting attacks from NPCs.
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  3. Clutch_GT New Player

    Important Notes for Earth Tanking

    Absorbtion and what it means for Earth
    The best way to look at Absorbtion is to treat it like an invisible filter that reduces all damage by 50% and 43% for pet users. There are two unique ways to achieve your Absorbtion buff you can either use Aftershocks or by using Brick the first two section will focus on Jackhammer and Upheaval.

    Secondary Buff
    Earth's primary buff is Absorbtion which is what every Earth tank should be focused on maintaining and keeping up while blocking actively when they need to avoid spike damage. We also receive a slight defense buff that is based off of our dominance on a 1:1 ratio that gives us a bit of wiggle room outside of block. I.E: Base Def is 2000, Base Dom is 500 when you activate a power your defense will go to 2500.

    Jackhammer Breakdown
    A very unique feature about aftershock tanking is Jackhammer, it is a duration based power that you control. On cast Jackhammer starts you off with 8 seconds of 50% DmGA, when you Aftershock it you will receive additional duration which is capped at 18 seconds or 3x AS. It is also one of our most potent PbAoE CC powers we have (most NPC's will not break out until the 9th AS). If you decide to go the AS route as an Earth tank you must actively hit a power every 12 seconds to maintain your secondary buff which is defense.

    Note: This only applies to Jackhammer!
    Jackhammer Cast = 8 seconds of 50% DmGA
    AS 1x = 12 seconds of 50% DmGA
    AS 2x = 15 seconds of 50% DmGA
    AS 3x = 18 seconds of 50% DmGA

    Upheaval Breakdown
    Upheaval functions more or less the same as Jackhammer, however it is not duration based and requires 1 Aftershock to reach 50% DmGA. On cast you will receive 25% DmGA 1x AS will put you to 50% DmGA and the subsequent Aftershocks will give you a more powerful push back.

    Now you might ask why use Upheaval when Jackhammer is leaps and bounds better? Well there's a few reason to using Upheaval over Jackhammer, the cooldown is only 3.8 seconds vs Jackhammer's 8.3 so if you get CC'd out of cast you can reapply faster than Jackhammer, Upheaval is not vulnerable to block unlike Jackhammer and it's a very spammable CC/burst move to utilize that also buffs you.

    Upheaval Cast = 12 seconds 25% DmGA
    AS 1x = 12 seconds of 50% DmGA
    AS 2x = 12 seconds of 50% DmGA
    AS 3x = 12 seconds of 50% DmGA

    Golem Tanking Breakdown
    Note: Does not stack with Jackhammer or Upheaval!
    Golem or "pet" tanking is another option that Earth can utilize to tank with that works slightly different to Aftershock tanking. Simply summon Brick and use any power to grant 25% DmGA while your pet is summoned 25% of incoming damage will be transferred to Brick and 25% of that damage will be absorbed by using a power.

    So for an example let's say you get hit for 1000, 25% of the damage is transferred to Brick which equals 750 damage taken then 25% of 750 is absorbed by using a power leaving your total damage taken at 562.5 which equates to 43.75% DmGA which is less than an Aftershock build however this has it's Pro's & Con's in both PvE and PvP.

    Pro's: an extra body to help split damage, juggles, free damage, can be used as a pseudo tank in damage stance, can still transfer some damage while de-buffed to Brick, little to no up keep simply summon and forget, easier to maintain DmGA compared to JH & Upheaval which can be CC'd out of cast.

    Con's: less DmGA, can give out blue immunity, can be countered, cannot counter, has a very limited AI (tends to stay in AoE's).

    Self Repair:

    Envelop SC:

    CR Scaling Chart + Total health:

    Gemstone Shield Breakdown
    Gemstone shield is one of the best shields in the game, when you Aftershock it you are able to add new stones. Each stones adds a level of absorption for the shield. When you use gemstone it starts off with 50% absorption. This absorption is not the same as Jackhammer, upheaval, or damage shift absorption. The absorption levels on the shield effect how much damage the shield takes before eventually reaching the cap. Gemstone Shield can be increase to 67%, 83%, 100%.

    Gemstone Cast = 12 seconds of 50% DmGA
    AS 1x = 67% DmGA
    AS 2x = 83% DmGA
    AS 3x = 100% DmGA

    Damage first goes through gemstone before getting applied to either damage shift or aftershocks. Because of the uniqueness of Gemstone Shield, it enables it to last longer that other shields when desired. By allowing some damage to go through, the shield take a longer time to reach the cap. Which effectively allows the shield to last longer and potentially for the entire duration. However, there maybe be times when going to 100% absorption proves to be more effective. This is the case when a boss or add is going to do one very powerful attack rather than several medium attacks.

    Now for a scenario. To avoid too much math, lets just say a tank has 7500 and 1500 restoration and dominance. His shield will absorb a max of 3000 damage. Now lets say you are taking damage from a boss and this boss hit's a few times and very hard. The damage after defense mitigation is 2000, 4000, and 6000. I'll first do the math for each attack individually so it is easier to understand how it works, then do it if the attacks are three hits back to back (ie Paradox Ravager).

    Gemstone at 63% and Jackhammer for 50%: 2000 damage-1260=740*.5= 370 total damage taken from health.
    Gemstone at 63% and Jackhammer for 50%: 4000 damage-2520=1480*.5=740 total damage taken from health.
    Gemstone at 63% and Jackhammer for 50%: 6000 damage-3000=3000*.5=1500 total damage taken from health.

    After the first hit 1740 absorption is left on the shield, the first hit is still only 370 but the second hit is; 4000-1740=2260*.5=1130 and the third with out a shield is; 6000*.5=3000. Giving a total damage of 4500 received.

    Now lets look at total damage for all three hits at 83% and 100% to compare total damage.

    At 83% with JH: 2000-1660=340*.5=170, 4000-1340=2660*.5=1330, 6000*.5=3000 giving a total of 4500 received.

    At 100% with JH: 2000-2000=0*.5=0, 4000-1000=3000*.5=1500, 6000*.5=3000 giving a total of 4500 received.

    In this scenario, slightly reminiscent of the ravager's attacks it is going to be the same amount of damage regardless of how much you aftershock gemstone. However keep in mind that if the boss is only going to do one attack in the six seconds gemstone is up it is best to do 100% absorption. And if there are many adds or numerous bosses attacking it can sometimes be better to aftershock one or two times to get back into block faster.
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  4. Clutch_GT New Player

    Effective Health Breakdown
    Tank defense = 7000
    Dominance and Restoration = 1500
    Health = 8500
    Fire stats = 16900 Health and 7000+7400 = 14400 defense while blocking
    Earth stats = 8500 Health, 8500+7400=15900 defense while blocking and 50%DmGA
    Ice stats = 8500 Health, 13300+7400=20700 defense while blocking
    All tanks will get shield resistance equal to 3000 damage, except reflection being 11500

    Warrior red ball damages against the 3 tanks:
    Earth was taking around 3500 damage.
    Ice was taking around 7000 damage.
    Fire was taking around 8000-9000 damage.

    Ravager 3 swipes damages against the 3 tanks:
    Earth was taking = 1700-1900 by the first and second punch, and 2200-2800 by third punch.
    Ice was taking = 2800-3200 by the first and second punch, and 4000-5000 by third punch.
    Fire was taking = 3500-4000 by the first and second punch, and 5000-6500 by third punch.

    Now the effective health by each tank against these attacks:

    Health effectiveness against Warrior:
    Earth was taking 8500 health-3500 damage = Earth lost 40% of his health.
    Ice was taking 8500 health-7000 damage = Ice lost 82% of his health.
    Fire was taking 16900 health - 9000 damage = Fire lost 53% of his health.

    So, without any shield or heal... Earth has the best health effectiveness, and Ice the worst one.
    But lets talk shields a little well give each tank a 3000 cap shield

    With 1500 restoration and 1500 dominance, an Ice shield is blocking 3000 damage... So from that Warrior's red ball attack hit Ice for 7000 - 3000(shield) = 4000 damage done to the tank, so 8500 health - 4000 damage = 4500 health left. Ice lost 47% health.

    So fire with Hard light shield Warriors red ball attack hit Fire for 9000(attack) - 3000(shield) = 6000 damage done to the tank. 16900-6000=10900 health left. Fire lost 35% health.

    For Earth the shield is mitigated before absorption. So the Warriors red ball hits Earth for 7000. So 7000(attack) - 3000(shield) = 4000 much like what the ice tank is, but then the attack goes through 50%DmGA to reduce the damage in half. 4000*.5=2000 damage. 8500-2000=6500 health left. Earth lost 23% health.

    Now I bet you're thinking to yourself how can this be?! Ice seems to have it the worse. Well the shield for Earth and the iconic shield that both Fire and Earth can use have a lengthy long cool down. Ice on the other hand has many shields and can set up a rotation by cycling them. As well as Reflection which with 1500 dominance, Reflection(the best Ice shield) is blocking 11500 damage. So from the same Warrior red ball 7000-11500 = Ice lost 0 health, and still has some left on the shield.

    (Most of the stats provided are courtesy of Dianna WD. 13igTyme did the rest to complete all the powers shielding.)
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  5. Clutch_GT New Player

    Geokinesis powers center on shaping earth into pets and weapons to both hurt enemies and shield allies. Specializing in this tree grants +1% critical attack chance and +35 health.

    Average Power Cost :260
    Lowest Power Cost : 125
    Highest Power Cost : 450

    [Tank Role]

    In the Tank role all damage you cause is penalized by 20%. Using super powers increase your Defense and Toughness by 1 per point of Dominance plus you gain 25% Damage Absorption. You will also attract the attention of enemies causing them to attack you, rather than allies. Finally you gain +3 Perception, improving your chance of detecting Stealth using enemies.

    [Player versus Player]

    While in the Tank role you have a special advantage versus Gadgets, Mental, Quantum, and Light power users. You are immune to their debuffing effects and highly resistant to their controls. Some abilities provide you and allies total immunity to Controller effects. Attacking them may inspire Confidence within you, briefly increasing your damage by 55%.


    Earthen Grip [Base Damage] Power Cost: 200 Cooldown: 2.6 seconds
    Grabs your target with a hand of Earth, damaging, stunning, and pulling it toward you.
    [Power Interactions]
    Crushes enemies, making them vulnerable to crushing effects.
    [Damage Role]
    Increases all damage by 35% until the hit counter resets (at least five seconds)

    Shards [Base Damage] Power Cost: 200 Cooldown: 1 second
    Stomp your foot, creating a wave of increasingly large rock formations that spring from below, damaging and knocking down enemies in their path
    [Power Interactions]
    Crushed enemies take additional damage over time.
    [Damage Role]
    Increases all damage by 35% until the hit counter resets (at least five seconds)

    Summon Crystal or Brick Golem Power Cost: 333 Duration: Permanent Summon until banished or dies
    [Summon Crystal Golem]
    Summon a destructive Crystal Golem to attack your enemies. Crushed and Dazed enemies take additional damage from Crystal's super powers. Hold the summon button for three seconds to banish it.
    [Summon Brick Golem]
    Summon a Brick Golem to defend you. Hold the summon button for three seconds to banish it.
    [Damage Role]
    Brick taunts enemies to attack him.
    [Tank Role]
    Transfer a portion of your incoming damage to Brick. Brick uses super powers to repair and defend himself.

    Striking Stones [Base Damage] Power Cost: 250 Cooldown: 1.6 seconds
    Smashes enemies between two gigantic rocks, damaging and knocking them down.
    [Power Interactions]
    Crushed enemies take additional damage over time.
    [Damage Role]
    Increases all damage by 35% until the hit counter resets (at least five seconds)

    Debris Field [Base Damage] Power Cost: 450 Cooldown: 12 seconds
    Cause a fierce, localized dust storm to materialize at your target, continuously damaging enemies within its area of effect.
    [Power Interactions]
    Crushed or Dazed enemies take additional damage and may get knocked down.
    [Damage Role]
    Increases all damage by 45% until the hit counter resets (at least five seconds)

    Soothing Sands Power Cost: 300 Cooldown: 20 seconds
    [Usable While Controlled or Countered]
    Command the sands of the Earth to heal you and gain immunity against control effects for a short time.
    [Tank Role]
    +10% Control Resistance.
    Proves immunity to control effects and removes control debuffs for you and up to 7 teammates.
    [Damage Role]
    Increases all damage by 45% until the hit counter resets (at least five seconds)

    Fortify Golem Power Cost: 150 Cooldown: 7.7 seconds
    Fortify your summoned Golem, shielding it from damage and restoring power to it over time. Increases the strength of Brick's defensive powers based on your Dominance.
    [Damage Role]
    Increases all damage by 45% until the hit counter resets (at least five seconds)
    [Player vs Player]
    Does not shield your pet in PvP scenarios.

    Totem [Base Damage] Power Cost: 250 Cooldown: 30 seconds
    Conjure an undulating Earth Totem that damages and knocks down nearby enemies and increases your chance to crit. Any nearby golems receive healing over time.
    [Damage Role]
    Increases all damage by 50% until the hit counter resets (at least five seconds)

    Rumblecrush [Base Damage] Power Cost: 350 Cooldown: 1.6 seconds
    Hurl a large chunk of stone at your enemies, damaging them over time.
    [Power Interactions]
    Crushes enemies making them vulnerable to crushing effects.
    [Damage Role]
    Increases all damage by 50% until the hit counter resets (at least five seconds)

    Reinforce Power Cost: 125 Cooldown: 12 seconds
    Imbue your fists with the power of stone, increasing your precision and critical attack chance.
    [Tank Role]
    Protects the group member with the lowest health percentage by transferring a portion of their incoming damage to you.
    [Damage Role]
    Increases all damage by 50% until the hit counter resets (at least five seconds)

    Meteor shower [Base Damage] 50% Supercharge cost
    Construct a meteor from particulates, then flip it into the air, causing it to rain debris down on your enemies. Enemies caught within the area of effect are heavily damaged, stunned, rooted, and knocked down.

    Envelop 35% Supercharge cost
    Enclose yourself inside a protective rock lattice for a short time, knocking down nearby enemies and quickly restoring some of your health.
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  6. Clutch_GT New Player

    Seismic powers focus on calling forth tremors to affect the world around you. Specializing in this tree grants +5% critical attack damage and +25 Health.

    [Aftershock Abilities]

    Tapping melee directly following the use of a super power that has the ability to Aftershock will recast it for no aditional power up to 3 aftershocks subsequent aftershocks after 3 will cost power. In Tank role when using Jackhammer activating from the tray will grant 50%DmGA upon cast aditional aftershocks will extend the duration of your DmGA capped at 18 seconds or 3 aftershocks this only applies to Jackhammer.

    Average Power Cost: 262
    Lowest Power Cost: 200
    Highest Power Cost: 350

    [Tank Role]

    In the Tank role all damage you cause is penalized by 20%. Using super powers increase your Defense and Toughness by 1 per point of Dominance plus you gain 25% Damage Absorption. You will also attract the attention of enemies causing them to attack you, rather than allies. Finally you gain +3 Perception, improving your chance of detecting Stealth using enemies.

    [Player versus Player]

    While in the Tank role you have a special advantage versus Gadgets, Mental, Quantum and Light power users. You are immune to their debuffing effects and highly resistant to their controls. Some abilities provide you and allies total immunity to Controller effects. Attacking them may inspire Confidence within you, briefly increasing your damage by 55%

    Stone Power Cost: 200 Cooldown: 1.5 seconds Base Damage: 28.60 Range: 23-32
    Shoot a hardened stone at your target, damaging it and knocking it down..
    [Power interactions]
    Dazes enemies, making them vulnerable to dazing effects.
    [Tank Role]
    Taunts a single target to attack you instead of others. The effect is more powerful and will not be broken by standard tank taunt.
    [Damage Role]
    Increases all damage by 35% until the hit counter resets (at least five seconds)

    Pebble Blast Power Cost: 200 Cooldown: 1.2 seconds Base Damage: 27.78 Range: 23-32
    Blast your target with piercing pebbles, damaging it.
    [Power interactions]
    Dazes enemies, making them vulnerable to dazing effects.
    [Damage Role]
    Increases all damage by 35% until the hit counter resets (at least five seconds)

    Upheaval Power Cost: 250 Cooldown: 3.8 seconds Base Damage: 27.29 Range: 24(9)-32(12)] (x) = Aftershock base damage
    Generate a wave of destructive energy that causes a dust storm to whirl past your enemies, damaging them.
    [Aftershock x3]
    Creates larger dust storms to push your enemies back
    [Power interactions]
    Dazed enemies take additional damage
    [Tank Role]
    One use of Aftershock grant additional damage absorption (while damage shift is not active), and the absorption can be sustained for two more Aftershocks. Pushback gets stronger with each additional Aftershock.
    [Damage Role]
    Increases all damage by 35% until the hit counter resets (at least five seconds)

    Localized Tremor Power Cost: 200 Cooldown: 1.6 seconds Base Damage:28.49 Range: 24-33
    Perform a cataclysmic ground pound that damages nearby enemies.
    [Power interactions]
    Dazed enemies take additional damage and may get knocked down
    [Damage Role]
    Increases all damage by 35% until the hit counter resets (at least five seconds)

    Gemstone Shield Power Cost: 245 Cooldown: 22 seconds Base Damage: 9.74 Range: 8-12
    [Useable While Controlled or Countered]
    Summon a ring of gemstones to protect you from a percent of incoming damage.
    [Aftershock x3]
    Creates additional gems to increase the percent of absorbed damage; the final Aftershock will damage enemies
    [Damage Role]
    Increases all damage by 40% until the hit counter resets (at least five seconds)

    Epicenter Power Cost: 300 Cooldown: 4.2 seconds Base Damage: 27.7 Range: 25-31
    Create a focused seismic event that damages and pulls enemies toward you.
    [Damage Role]
    Increases all damage by 45% until the hit counter resets (at least five seconds)

    Unstoppable Power Cost: 300 Cooldown: 20 seconds Base Damage: 29.07 Range: 25-33
    [Useable While Controlled]
    Burst with seismic energy, damaging and knocking down nearby enemies. You become like a rampart and gain immunity against control effects for a short time.
    [Power interactions]
    Dazes enemies, making them vulnerable to dazing effects.
    [Tank Role]
    Provided immunity to up to 7 teammates
    [Damage Role]
    Increases all damage by 45% until the hit counter resets (at least five seconds)

    Tectonic Break Power Cost: 350 Cooldown: 1.6 seconds Base Damage: 29.08 Range: 23-33
    Surround yourself with pillars of rock, then explode them, damaging nearby enemies.
    [Power interactions]
    Dazes enemies, making them vulnerable to dazing effects.
    [Damage Role]
    Increases all damage by 50% until the hit counter resets (at least five seconds)
    • Like x 1
  7. Clutch_GT New Player

    Jackhammer Power Cost: 225, plus 75 per Aftershock after 3 Cooldown: 8.3
    Base Damage: 28.4 Range: 23(3)-33(5) (x) = Aftershock base damage
    Pummel the ground below, generating destructive vibrations that damage nearby enemies.
    [Aftershock – Unlimited]
    Creates more destruction
    [Power interactions]
    Dazed enemies take additional damage and may be knocked down
    [Tank Role]
    Increases Damage Absorption. Additional Aftershocks increase Damage Absorption duration (while Damage Shift is not active)
    [Damage Role]
    Increases all damage by 50% until the hit counter resets (at least five seconds)

    Sandblast Power Cost: 350 Cooldown: 2.6 seconds Base Damage: 12(41) - 18(53)
    (x) = Second Tick of Sandblast
    [Vulnerable to Interrupt]
    Assault your target with a stunning sandblast, heavily damaging and knocking it down. It the target is below 35% health, the attack deals extra damage.
    [Damage Role]
    Increases all damage by 50% until the hit counter resets (at least five seconds)

    Earthquake [Base Damage] 25% Supercharge cost
    Stomp both feet to create an incredible seismic event that wreaks widespread destruction. Your target and enemies caught within the area of effect are heavily damaged, stunned, rooted, and set on fire from the splattering lava.
    [Aftershock x3]
    (Costs an additional 25% Supercharge for each Aftershock)
    Causes additional damage to enemies
    [Power interactions]
    Inflicts burning to cause damage over time

    Entomb [Base Damage] 35% Supercharge cost
    Trap your target inside a giant crystalline shard. When it breaks, the target is damaged, and enemies near the target are damaged and knocked down.

    Iconic Powers

    Weapons Expert
    Better your odds of critical attacks that cause more damage.
    Permanently gain +3% Critical Attack Chance

    Tactical Genius
    Increases the damage amount of critical attacks.
    Permanently gain +10% Critical Attack Damage

    Intimidating Gaze
    Increase the potency of certain defensive and healing abilities and the duration of super powers with control effects. Additionally higher Dominance allows control effects to affect higher level enemies.
    Permanently gain +25 Dominance

    Powerful Resistance
    Raise your health amount, increasing the damage necessary to knock you out.
    Permanently gain +100 Health

    Nanoweave Armor
    Reduce incoming damage from enemy attacks.
    Permanently gain +50 Defense +100 Toughness

    Sonic Shout
    [Vulnerable to Interrupt]
    Channel a cone of sonic energy to stun and damage your enemies.
    [Damage Role]
    Increases all damage by 40% until the hit counter resets (at least five seconds)

    Neo Venom Boost
    Temporarily increase your strength, defense, and damage output from an experimental derivative of venom.
    [Damage Role]
    Increases all damage by 40% until the hit counter resets (at least five seconds)

    Mesmerizing Lasso
    Lasso an enemy and pull them toward you, grounding, stunning, and causing damage over time.
    [Damage Role]
    Increases all damage by 40% until the hit counter resets (at least five seconds)

    Hard Light Shield
    Encase yourself in a shield that prevents incoming damage. This is considered a healing type shielding effect.
    [Damage Role]
    Increases all damage by 40$ until the hit counter resets (at least five seconds)

    Robot Sidekick
    Deploy a hovering security drone to assist in battle. Hold the summon button for three seconds to banish it.

    Gag Glove
    Launch a hilarious lead-filled boxing glove at your enemies, damaging and knocking them back.
    [Power Interactions]
    Dazes enemies, making them vulnerable to dazing effects.
    Dazed enemies take additional damage.
    [Damage Role]
    Increases all damage by 40% until the hit counter resets (at least five seconds)

    Amazonium Deflection
    Deflect incoming attacks, protecting yourself from damage. Some damage will be directed back at your attacker, knocking them down and possibly stunning them.
    [Damage Role]
    Increases all damage by 40% until the hit counter resets (at least five seconds)
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  8. Clutch_GT New Player

  9. Clutch_GT New Player

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  10. Clutch_GT New Player

    Ok I believe this should be all the space I need :) post away guys/gals.
  11. Prodigy Progeny Dedicated Player

    Title needs some earthyness like...A Terraforming Guide to Earth
    • Like x 2
  12. Clutch_GT New Player

    Yeah it's more of a place holder for now but I do like that but damnit they didn't give me my GOLEM ARMOR!
  13. Rox New Player

    Awwww I was gonna make an earth guide. Mate we can work together :3. We both are USPS so I wouldn't mine.
  14. Prodigy_Deity New Player

    Thank you for this new place to put all info. As for helping you test things, I'm unable as I'm on the ps so no test server for me. But good luck and willing to put my earth to good use once it goes live... That is if you guys don't des over everything by then lol
  15. Clutch_GT New Player

    That's fine by me Rox as I said before it's more of a compilation guide I could care less who's name is on the guide I'll make sure I have a shoutouts section as well for whoever decides to help with it.
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  16. Owl Devoted Player

    Possible Earth Golem Tanking loadout:
    • Summon Brick Golem: 25% of incoming damage transfers to Brick when in line of sight
      • Brick has survival abilities that he will use if he has power
      • Brick will Self Heal if low on Health and Encase himself if severely low
      • Brick will Taunt if the caster is low on Health or Encased
    • Epicenter: Radial area pull
    • Soothing Sands: Usable While Countered Self Heal that provides Group Crowd Control Immunity
    • Fortify Golem: Shields and Powers summoned Golem
      • Brick requires power to use survival abilities
    • Totem: Object that Heals Golem and knocks down nearby enemies
    • Unstoppable: Radial areal knockdown that provides Group Crowd Control Immunity
    Possible Earth Aftershock Tanking loadout:
    • Jackhammer: Provides 50% damage absorption upon cast for 9 seconds; Aftershocks extend time
    • Gemstone Shield: Provides 50% damage absorption upon cast; Aftershocks increase absorption amount
    • Epicenter: Radial area pull
    • Soothing Sands: Usable While Countered Self Heal that provides Group Crowd Control Immunity
    • Unstoppable: Radial areal knockdown that provides Group Crowd Control Immunity
    • Possible powers for final Slot
      • Amazonium Deflection: Adds 5000 Defense + Immunity to Counters
      • Hard Light Shield: Damage Prevention up to Dominance+Restoration
      • Word of Power: Supercharage that provides Power to the group + Self Heal
      • Shards or Localized Tremor: Crowd Control
      • Reinforce: Transfers incoming damage from a team member to the Tank + Precision boost
      • Grapple Line Attack, Low Pressure or Tornado Pull: Movement tree Pulls
    • Like x 5
  17. Rox New Player

    Alright looking foward to helping out :)

    BTW: Is your forum name the same as you player name?
  18. Clutch_GT New Player

    Clutch_GT is my PSN username. My characters are Villians but I'm usually on Sage Tui I do also have an Electric hero (Eureka Zero) so my testing will be limited on her unless you need a punching bag :p
  19. TrueOlympus New Player

    I'm actually pretty positive GemStone did not get the Jackhammer treatment. They said jackhammer is the only power that does the duration thingy
  20. Rox New Player

    Lol you villains are my punching bags :p
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