A Corrupted Guide to Celestial- Post-Stats Revamp

Discussion in 'Oracle’s Database (Guides)' started by Fatal Star, Aug 11, 2017.

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  1. Ant Tao Well-Known Player

    Thats similar to what I have been using. I was confused on if PcDL just spreads the pi or creates it. DMcB is one of the sexiest moves in the game imo lol.
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  2. Fatal Star 10000 Post Club

    Has anyone else played around with Curse? I'm not sure how the damage ticks on it scale since it's so situational, but they seem to be stronger the harder the enemy hits. Like on a common add in E3, I'm lucky to see ticks of 300, but the E3 bounty I was getting 600-700. I tried it in PanE I was seeing 1000+ on ultraman. It's really hard to tell but if that is the case then it just might be our best single target ability in elite raids
  3. Tilz Loyal Player

    got same ticks on adds in E3 and bounty E3 (around 300). haven't checked raids
  4. E Clip Dedicated Player

    I tried it a few weeks ago during a Pano E run, after parsing the log it accounted for 1% of the total dmg ... so I think its useless. Only the initial hit is somewhat decent but imo if you are going to use any spell for single target inbetween combos, CS is a far better option.
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  5. Emilisa New Player

    Don't forget Earth 3 is a buffed/clamped area depending on CR which is gonna skew numbers.
  6. Fatal Star 10000 Post Club

    Yep I took that into account already. Which is why I tried it in PanE. Need to take a closer look at the combat log next time
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  7. Fatal Star 10000 Post Club

    False alarm, tested it again while watching the combat log, the ticks suck
  8. Tilz Loyal Player

    Yep. Tested it with only curse ticking. Would have been a nice option though.
    For range malediction is just a nice DoT
  9. Ant Tao Well-Known Player

    How is life drain compare to cursed idol as a dps supercharge?
  10. xD25x Dedicated Player

    NVB still nets more damage potential.
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  11. Fatal Star 10000 Post Club

    Well it depends how you use curse too, on single target I look for something to clip with benediction, when you take that into consideration, curse actually does more damage then sacred light (sacred light still has more potential if you're looking at it from how often you use the SC) or malediction, since it has an initial burst hit and it does 200-300 ticks every second that the enemy hits the tank, which will add up since it's a 12 second duration. It's just very situational, I do agree it would be nice to see the situational powers buffed up quite a bit.

    Life drain does less damage since it heals, it's a good SC for healer role if you're looking to battle heal, other then that it's kind of hot garbage

    He's correct, NVB still has most damage potential as a SC, cursed idol you face the problem of positioning like on bosses such as J-Quick who often jump out of range of it.
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  12. E Clip Dedicated Player


    This is a screenshot from a run about a month ago, I always wanted to ask about this, but kept forgetting. I remember we noticed this at the end of the run, but looking at the video, I see the imba heals (yeah Tilz I can heal too!!) happened sometime during the first boss fight in Pano E. I watched the video, but nothing out of the ordinary happens. Has anyone ever encountered this bug, is it exclusive to celestial and what could be causing it? Are there any other bugs like this that can throw the scoreboard off (doesnt have to be heals)?
  13. Fatal Star 10000 Post Club

    You might have hit an NPC with a supply drop. That registers on the scoreboard. Well it DID, not sure if it got fixed or not with the scoreboard revamp
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  14. E Clip Dedicated Player

    Cool thanks! Yes I just checked, I do use a supply and Johhny teleports ontop of me and steps into it. Then I can see a few ticks of about 300k heals and one 3.2 mill... This was a run before the scoreboard revamp, I'll keep an eye for this if its still happening.
  15. Tilz Loyal Player

    pff. I doubt you can heal :rolleyes:
    But with that other heal in the group you just had to.. i see that.
    Also no wonder you got 1st in damage. Knowing that 2nd dps... no wonder :rolleyes:


    Ye like Fatal Said.. npc into supply drop causes those healing numbers.
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  16. Charmed Legacy Dedicated Player

    Just popping in to say heyyyyy and miss you guys! :D

    Love seeing you guys taking such good care of each other! Keep it up!
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  17. OC-GG New Player

    Fatal can you please please translate the loadout for us new to celestial?
  18. Fatal Star 10000 Post Club

    SL= sacred light, BcM= benediction combo'd into malediction, PcDL= plague combo'd into divine light, DLcP = divine light combo'd into plague, RcW= retribution combo'd into whither, NVB= neo-venom boost.

    So the rotation would be sacred light clipped with benediction, the finish the benediction combo into malediction, followed by plague into divine light, then divine light into plague, and then retribution into wither 3 times, repeat process.
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  19. OC-GG New Player

    Ty very much! Has worked better than my previos loadouts but still not doimg the dps i want. Will keep trying.
  20. Charmed Legacy Dedicated Player

    You would find a way to use RcW lol :p
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