A/B - I will not heal a Rage tank. It cannot be completed without 100+ trolls.

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by MCAZR, Feb 19, 2014.

  1. Kristyana New Player

    You mean you're NOT supposed to spam every heal in your arsenal until the tank is at full health?
  2. Minx New Player

    Wait, what? Rage tanks still need heals? Rooney put me out of a job. :( *sigh*
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  3. Gwalir Loyal Player

    One of my favorites was back from 2012, from before T3 was even out. I had a fellow League member, an Ice Tank who could probably Tank BCw3 in T1 armor, who was kicked out of a Kahndaq group for being undergeared. They said that since, even though he was full T2 at a time when T2 was the highest, he was missing one Tank ring. Apparently they felt that one Ring meant someone was undergeared for one of the easier Raids at the time.

    My favorite from recent was something I overheard when I pugged Gates a few days ago. Even though there were two full Vestment DPS in the group who were burning everything extremely fast, the group leader told everyone not to summon any pets against the Avatar of Magic since then he would summon more adds than we'd be able to deal with. So of course, during the fight I summoned by Robot Sidekick, Battle Drone, Eerie Jack, and 3 Back-ups all at once.

    Still finished the fight in under a minute. :D
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  4. Fruity Reaper New Player

    I got kicked from a Khandaq group yesterday as my Rage tank was only cr43, so I decided to tank an undermanned GOT instead and got it done with no wipes and speed feat.

    Its a strange thing levelling a Rage Tank as you see so many preconceptions it boggles the mind, I have had Healers complain that Rage is too tough to heal and Trolls complain that Rage is too power hungry, all without truly knowing the power set. Obviously being so low I have only tanked a couple of missions and alerts but in all cases have never gone under half health (although the GOT run came close!) and never run close to losing all power.

    Bottom line is I had seen some beast tanks using Rage and wanted to try it out, am liking it but it does unfortunately show that people are far too quick to jump on the bandwagon rather than make up their own minds about powers, probably part of the reason for so many nerf or OP threads.
  5. Malik Asmodeus New Player

    I got kicked out of an Arkham Asylum group because my name was noobish... I laughed for a bit then ignored the other three people
  6. Malik Asmodeus New Player

    Oh and back when Marks of Distinction and Marks of Krypton were a thing, I got kicked out of a T2 group because my lv 60-70 gear didn't cost Marks of Triumph
  7. Tracmar Well-Known Player

    Just sit around and read LFG on USPC side..you will find some pretty funny ones

    "need 100+ cr for ace chem speed feat"
    "need 100+cr dps for fos 3 speed feat"
    "need 102+ cr for AnB" >> this one i send a tell that I have a 101 cr celes toon with exp .. response : sorry too low for AnB
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  8. ThatGuyLee Committed Player

    The most absurd thing ive ever heard was that i was "throwing too much power" in a raid. Ah ive never left a raid so fast
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  9. Theonemanlemonadestand New Player

    FALSE: Fire tanks are by far ( as a healer) the funnest, and easiest to heal as long as he's not hopped up on herp derp...

    As for healing in general I take a laid back approach as a celestial healer, you can do whatever the hell you want to do, I don't care... Its like being at a playground and your the parent. Have fun and as long as my spouse ( any controller what so ever) doesn't get to toxicated with cra cra, you'll be just fine. None of this is really that hard of a concept to grasp, sure you'll wipe once or twice while adjusting to the teams playstyles, Or maybe you'll figure it out before it gets to that point... in the end its not to hard to figure out which is what constantly blows my mind... anytime I hit a puzzle I try to look at it through the "devs eye" Like look at rage crash... its got two purposes and shows.... Now the tanks version of rage crash is an oh shizzle drizzle button... meant to sustain you for a brief moment and thats all, its not Cruise control for cool, A lot of people are to daft to try anything else and rely on that button like it was blessed in holy water... thus why a lot of healers don't like healing rage tanks... I personally don't care because within that very flaw I see a way to keep them alive. Albeit a verry jerryrigged way of doing so but meh... They'll eventually hit that brick wall of reality at some point and if they remember me they'll be like "damn that guy was a good healer" and just knowing that makes me feel like a dude in a big truck with a small manhood... In short, It strokes my ego because they suck so bad.

    Now the other use, and more design acceptable application for a powerset called rage, with a move called rage crash would be for its dps counterpart, where you want to mindlessly apply as much damage at a focal point as possible in the briefest amount of time, a safe way to do that without worrying about your defenses is nullifying the damage in for a breif moment... granted in 8 seconds you better pray whatever it was you were laying down Gods almighty wrath upon is liquified to an unrecognizable state... or your in for a world of pain.... However; in dps role I'd view rage crash as the Ideal "cruise control for cool" but this about that, this is about Saying insane things in video games... on that matter I say, welcome to the internet *jurassic park theme music plays* If I knew how to imbed this I would
  10. Theonemanlemonadestand New Player

    well I'll be damned it imbeds itself
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  11. Deranya Dedicated Player

    As a healer, I loooove healing a rage tank. Why? Its a challenge, either I mess up or the tank, if we mess up :p mostly we dont and we are done quick. Maybe it is because I made a rage tank myself to learn how they work, but really, who doesn't love that adrenaline kick when you see the tank go down to min health in an instant?
    Makes me feel powerful xD love it.
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  12. Theonemanlemonadestand New Player

    I dunno I don't really get adrenaline kicks from playing video games, its just wholesome entertainment... if his health goes down low "it is what it is" if he dies and its not on me that he died, it is what it is... if he died cause of me... I'll reassess my tactics, change my tempo, and keep on keepin on man.
  13. Deathmike Devoted Player

    I know, right?
    This space alien technology from the future is wicked.

    Deathmike out.
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  14. Theonemanlemonadestand New Player

    I'm sayin man... I was all like "crap I don't remember the html to imbed a video, nor do I feel like looking it up right now" so I just pasted the link if anyone gave a damn and SLAP must've forgotten its 2014, I should be pissed I don't have my flying car yet.
  15. BigAl Devoted Player

    At first, most healers had a hard time healing rage tanks because Rage mode causes the hp to drop a bit low at times before that second expires and they get it back. Alot of healers thought they had to dump heals on them, not realizing that it wasn't going to get thru. My healers have gotten used to it now, so I don't need to voice out when I'm enraged. Not everyone is a smart enough player to figure it out, so lucky for you they weren't in your group.
    And grats on being on of the few groups that aren't major d-bags asking for insane CR. I was invited to FOS1 and someone asked what my CR was, even while standing next to me wearing the CR 90 style. I said "85." After totally destroying the other dps' numbers, he/she sent me a tell asking what my "real" CR was. I told them "103" :p
  16. blklightning New Player

    Ice tanking = OP tanking in easy mode
    Rage tanking = OP tanking in advanced mode.
    IKR! I came into a Paradox run to help out some buddies. They were doing it for marks and left 1 tunnel open. Anyway, Rooney had joined to tank and I joined to heal. So easy keeping him alive.

    Perhaps I shouldn't mention the wipe he caused cuz he was dancing on top of the Tyrant (or something to that effect) and started the battle early. HA!
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  17. Rooney Well-Known Player

  18. Minx New Player

    LOL...you know he does stuff like that on purpose. He's worse than I am!!! I've got vids to prove it!!!

    LOL all you have to do is heal the Rage Tank for the 2 or 3 seconds that he is vulnerable and you complain about that??? What a thread we have here.
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  20. Moxley Mayhem Dedicated Player

    i'm speaking of tanks in general, so yes it's very fair to say. but, you say that as if healers can take a back seat and somewhat become lazy with their healing output in regards to a rage tank. i totally disagree on that. a tanks health should never be low, period.