Work In Progress DCUO Development Update - July 2021 - House of Legends Discussion

Discussion in 'Concluded' started by Mepps, Jul 7, 2021.

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    Changes are going in the right direction.
    But currently here's the problem to gather a group for old content to complete the feats and old styles and etc. In my opinion it could be solved if you would add 1 teleportation with all instanses with possibility to join instanses with any amount of people in the group (even solo).
  2. PHNTM Well-Known Player

    The changes look good, especially as they line up with what I've previously suggested :D
    With all these though, will the next steps be looking at skill points/feats and their relevancy too? A lot of peoples aims atm are to get their cr maxed and then they stop playing or lose any desire to push for feats/elite feats due to not being worthwhile (which results in older content being ignored/older world bosses ignored etc).
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  3. Liightmare dc Active Player

    One thing I think is def needed to be improved with this dlc is episode specific augments. Is there a way to have them automatically put in for whatever dlc your running? Maybe make them all active so as long as you have them leveled you automatically get the buffs? It is going to be a real pain going back to older content and having to remember to switch augs every time you get into something new.
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  4. xxHELLSTROKExx Loyal Player

    Lot to read thru. My only question so far is about newer content not dropping source marks. So if I'm capped on currency for a certain dlc that's within end game range then I wouldn't want to run it correct? Because there would be no rewards except gear drops? Like right now I'm capped on wv, LLL, and shortly will be in flashpoint. I still go do some LLL stuff like the weekly open worlds and raid for source. That is going away?
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  5. Tiffany6223 Devoted Player

    I am new to posting on the forum, but I have played since 2014 and worked hard to level my character. I created this account just to comment here. Stats clamping .... I am so angry this is going to be a thing. I have waited to post here so I could more accurately articulate my concerns because I was too mad about reading that I am now going to be stat clamped in non-end-game content.

    Why am I going to struggle, grind, run dailies to get better gear, improve artifacts or get SP if I am just going to stat clamped to the lower level content be it 1 tier, 2 tiers, or 3 tiers. All my work is in vain with the exception of end-game content where even there we are playing At Level.

    I do not see a benefit to this. I was so excited about the new membership benefits but this negates all of that. Why receive any of the bonus Artifact XP or anything else if it is ultimately just going to be stat clamped.

    I remember the first time this was done and how powerless we were in lower content. To me, we are just now back to where we were before the original stat clamping occured. Mepps has said the devs are 1000% aware of this, but I just don't believe they are. Please, please correct me if I'm wrong as my judgement right now is very clouded with anger over having all of my hard work stat clamped.

    I play Final Fantasy 14 also. I know about the daily Rouilettes which will be a good thing here for DCUO. Damage stats are very clamped in those lower level dungeons but not health as is my experience. Nevertheless, it is frustrating there and will be here too especially with all of my gains as a super hero wiped out because of stat clamping.
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  6. Jafin 10000 Post Club

    That'd be cool. Since we're in a bit of a lull in DCUO I started up the free trial of FFXIV the other week and you get a bonus if you do an instance that needs a specific role (like healer). You get extra experience points and currency. Obviously character exp. is irrelevant in this game after level 30, but bonus Source Marks and/or Nth Metal/Ally XP would be a good incentive to run a specific role. They would need be able to lock you into the role you choose though and not let you change roles while in the instance, otherwise people could just queue up as a healer/tank etc. to qualify for the bonus and then switch to DPS while in the instance. That's what FFXIV does - you queue up as one specific role/job and once you get in you can't change it.
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  7. TheSapphire Well-Known Player


    LoL FF14 is exactly what I had in mind when I asked. :) It is a good incentive to fill out groups of randoms looking to run something.
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  8. Genicesyde New Player

    My main worry with all of this and it seems like a large portion of the population agree- coming from a veteran player who reads a lot but doesn't post ever is the stat clamp. This would be just fine if we have the OPTION to do that. We have worked hard and grinded countless hours to achieve the stat levels we have. What a stat clamp means to me personally is removing the OPTION to run back to older content and not have to worry about what my ENTIRE group is doing to pick up feats that may have been missed. I am all for raising content, even in a clamped manner, to where it is to be run as designed- BUT GIVE US THE OPTION to be clamped. If this were in place, all of the clamour would stop and we would have a CHOICE. I am encouraged by the changes as long as I have that CHOICE to play the game in the manner fit to show off those big massive stats if i would like to. @Mepps and @Panderus- please heed that ability to choose and all will be well!
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  9. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    Early open worlds will also be stat clamped (the ones before the modern era that don't boost your combat rating up already). Source Marks will be obtainable from the daily/weekly missions out there, but they will still be loot locked. The focus for 41 is on the on duty instances.
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  10. 9001BPM Steadfast Player

    So I can’t go to Atlantis to get my source marks? :(
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  11. Last Dragon Well-Known Player

    Quite... Shocked!
    Didn't expect such changes from DCUO of all games!
    You guys are literally one step away from becoming one of best mmo's on the market if all those changes will indeed go live.
    The only problem that will remain is lack of pvp content, but hopefully it will get looked at some day too. Don't forget, pvp players can also be well-paying customers. Just look at games like DotA, LoL, Fortnite, Overwatch and others on how to achieve that.
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  12. TheSapphire Well-Known Player

    You could call the new quickplay interface The Trouble Alert as a nod to Super Friends. :)

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  13. L T Devoted Player

    I'm pretty sure that by "source marks will still be obtainable" Mepps meant that source marks would, in fact, still be obtained from that.
  14. Panderus Senior Producer

    This is something we are looking into but may not launch with EP 41.
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  15. 9001BPM Steadfast Player

    Oh. :(
  16. MaryMagdalene_DCUO Well-Known Player

    Will Ally XP and catalyst be sold on the marketplace?
    I would like to max out a few allies quickly so I can properly experiment with my various builds.
  17. Jacob Dragonhunter Steadfast Player

    So with the potential of the save the universe content concept coming up in Episode 41, it got my brain storming a bit. Because it's old content/probably instance content that's gonna be randomly scaled to end-game; but what about open world?

    What I'd really like to see is some open world bosses get buffed and have rewards for end-game users as well.

    Just a set of examples of what I want to see:

    • Take the Sub Avatar missions in Gotham, give people a portal to upscaled bottled gotham to fight upscaled Sub Avatars. And perhaps; they can farm the upscaled sub avatars for end-game currency and enhanced astral alloy end-game gear?(Food for thought.)
    • Starro the conqueror? add him into the rotation and buff him to end-game; give people end game currency and gear.
    • The Raven Bounty? Upscale her and add her to end-game.
    • How about the OG Open World Bounties? I know plenty of people pick on poor Bizarro because he's weak.. buff him, give people end-game rewards and gear.. and make it happen.

    My point is.. I want some open world action to be upscaled if it's possible, not just instances. I want to knockout a high level morrowbot.

    It's just an all evil suggestion, but I'd like to see your thoughts on it.

    Should they buff open world bounties with save the universe? I want it.
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  18. Light Bender92 Well-Known Player

    “Legacy Content” is my favorite one I’ve seen so far if you guys still haven’t decided on a name yet.
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  19. Sammy Well-Known Player

    so with the stat clamp. Are they saying that if you never were able to do Elite before, you never will be able to again?
  20. 9001BPM Steadfast Player

    I suppose it depends on how far above the content we’re being clamped to. They did emphasise that we will still be significantly more powerful than we would be at level. But I must admit, I am worried about the implications for getting the tier 3 Seahorse.
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