Work In Progress DCUO Development Update - July 2021 - House of Legends Discussion

Discussion in 'Concluded' started by Mepps, Jul 7, 2021.

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  1. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    They are changing a bit, probably. Just in case you didn't catch the note, you can click a screen further to get back to the "classic" on duty functionality, where things will still be listed out as they are now by tier.
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  2. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    Changing item drops isn't in the plans. It might be something we look into down the road. You will likely be able to get those instances to pop faster from most everyone else going through quickplay.
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  3. Tygerfyre Committed Player

    I'd really like more specifics on how the clamping is being done. I can understand not letting a CR300 into a CR100 instance, but will they be clamped to the suggested CR for that content, or will it clamp to some level above the suggested or max level for that content? So a CR100 instance clamps a CR300 player to CR125 or 150, for example.

    I have no idea what those numbers should be to make the content not a pushover while still making us feel "strong," but I'd sure like to hear some examples of what the numbers are going to be, and what the overall goal is with the clamping.
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  4. Nezquick Level 30

    Let me say, im very excited for this. This is finally turning into the MMO I’ve always hoped for. I’ve always said DCUO just needed the extra back up & it’d be set. I do have questions though, I’m missing how replay badges will come into effect if loot locks are gone? Will it be just styles & feats to unlock now? I hope cross LFG is in the plans. Villains need it. Will membership still be 15? Wil ally’s be a huge grind? Artifacts are already money hungry as is. $300 for a full artifact is a lot for something that does make a game difference. I’d take membership being $20 if artifact grind was removed.. also, Would scaling bosses take longer than clamping?
  5. Eve Creator League, YouTuber

    Idk if this is the right thread but - the system with collecting and summoning iconics, will it be explained further? I am curious on how it works. How do we find the Iconics, is there going to be a separate tab to upgrade them like augments and artifacts? are they character bound?
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  6. Vonsharpington Level 30

    LET'S GOOOOOO! this is the right play!!!!
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  7. RealTegan Dedicated Player

    Ha, you just about said the same thing as John over on Sophie Fatal's channel. By the way, Mepps, you are cordially invited to the SophieFatalTV stream tonight (8 pm Central, 6pm Pacific) to hear the Unicorns' reactions to the news. I suspect, based on the non-DCUO stream and how excited John and Sophie are right now, that you and the other devs ought to show up just to bask in the happiness.
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  8. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Do you expect to have cross faction grouping/lfg/trading worked out before this, or will we be standing around in the new hall unable to group up? Especially since it seems like we'll still need a group of 8 to get into clamped though (can't believe we are trying this again after GU 47).

    How long before the clamping is rolled back if it's not going well?

    Quickplay sounds great for people wanting source only, but for feats it seems like it's going to be a detriment.
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  9. Evolution New Player

    So many words to say we ain't getting new content. Just a different way to play old episodes and if we want to play them in traditional way we will be weaker. Enjoy.
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  10. Blight KOBRA Commander

    Well, no Suicide Squad centered episode this August, that's disappointing. :mad:

    But the ally system is a VERY exciting announcement and something I've been hoping for for a long time now. The only questions now are in just what capacity they will be incorporated. Will they actually fight side by side with my character for an extended duration of time, or will they be primarily absentee stat boosters.
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  11. Cerulean Osprey Well-Known Player

    1.) Can you guys figure out a better way to term"Not End-Game Content", LOL. That's confusing to explain to people. Some people understand "Endgame Content" as everything after Level 30.

    2.) I love stat clamping as a whole. Most players that are coming up haven't developed a well-connected friends list and have to PUG it. Yes, they can LFG to form the experience they want, but that's a lot of work just to find a group.

    Might I suggest stat clamping to 2 tiers above the content? That seems fair. So if I'm running the FoS raids, overgeared people will be clamped to Tier 5.
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  12. Red Wáve Well-Known Player

    I'll join the chorus being very concerned about the stat clamp.

    I do most raids on my main most weeks, in no small part to get the Statue for Most Prestige Earned in the League Hall, yes I'm that vain.

    Will JFAe, USe, ZooE, PanoE go from 10min runs I can solo, provided I have 7 people to que me in, who usually stays there, to 30-60 min actual 8-player missions, with no Loot Lock telling me I've already done it? Same with AoJ Alerts and RwC Duos and Alert?

    I have yet to complete Phoenix Cannon Elite, which has my remaining Feats in Metal II. As it is today: I *need* a Tank and Heal, 5 people to que us in. Other stuff I'd rather do, relying on people to do mechanics first boss, risk of crash on entry are a few reasons I just havn't gotten around to it yet. I expect a good run with 8 competent people would take 10-20 minutes. Am I better off getting those Feats done asap, rather than after the changes, where I will *need* those other 7 people to have a chance at successful run?
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  13. Cerulean Osprey Well-Known Player

    So you're saying you want things to stay the same so you can do things on your own in an MMO?
  14. inferno Loyal Player

    Could you expand on the Ally system? What is it for? Will these take up utility slots similar to Sidekicks or henchmen?
    Will they require activation?

    I am assuming they are not meant to replace missing players or running instances with the less than required number of people.
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  15. Cerulean Osprey Well-Known Player

    Are there any other details to share on what an Ally would look like on the battlefield?

    I'm not unenthused about it, but I'm not really that excited for it either. To me, it just sounds like a glorified Pet or Sidekick with Wonder Woman's skills and powers. I'm not sure about how to balance it, but would love for that Ally to feel like a gamechanger when they enter the battlefield. Like, if Superman were to come in... you know the tide's gonna change.

    Sometimes I don't even notice people's pets. They're just there doing a little extra damage.
  16. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    Loot locks are still in for the latest three episodes/year's worth of content.

    No price changes for membership.

    I think this is too subjective to answer. It is intended to feel pretty different than artifacts.
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  17. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    Heh - we wanted to be super clear to the point of obnoxious. Panderus even included definitions of terms! We will likely settle on an actual in-game name for this and go with that in the future.
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  18. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    We will explain the Ally system more in the future. It will definitely have its own UI - they are not trinkets.
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  19. Red Wáve Well-Known Player

    I'm saying I would vastly prefer the option for things to stay the same. Running at-cr without Loot Locks sounds awesome. But I already spend 3-4 hours a day just to get my dailies done on my 4 main Toons. Another hour for Raids and weeklies per Toon.

    If the changes goes live as I understand them, I would probably end up running less content, not more. A quick ZooE, PanoE typically takes 15-30 mins. 5-20 of which is getting the group. If a Leaguemate needs it, I'll typically get done with whatever I'm doing and Toon that isn't Locked or just run it Locked, to help. If it becomes a 30-60min run per Raid, I propably won't have the time.

    Just the example that comes to mind. Another would be the Atlantis, JLD , Metal I&II, BoP Alerts that are still frequently run by people who needs the OP drops or Feats. A 5-10 mins quick run? Sure, Inv. A 15-20min run? Nope sorry, busy atm.
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  20. inferno Loyal Player

    This is a VERY interesting response. I am not one to jump into conclusions. Allies having its own UI, hhmmmm, Why would they need it? Can't wait for more reveals.. and you say this is coming by August?
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