Work In Progress DCUO Development Update - July 2021 - House of Legends Discussion

Discussion in 'Concluded' started by Mepps, Jul 7, 2021.

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  1. spikeat Well-Known Player

    So if Spire, PZ and Power Core have loot locks, does it means these instances will be excluded from the rest of the group because it's tied to Grain of Time currency?
  2. Jafin 10000 Post Club

    I thought that's what they meant at first, but I think they just meant that the vendors would be in that specific room (I think it was the foyer) regardless of what seasonal it was, instead of spread out in different places like they are currently. For example currently (on villain side) Poison Ivy is in the Pit for the Spring seasonal when that comes around, Sinestro is in the central area where Constantine is for the Holiday seasonal etc. Instead of that they will always be located in the same room while their own seasonal is active. I could be wrong though, maybe they did mean all year round. Hopefully we can get some clarification.
  3. Crussader New Player

    I have a question/concerned. I dont know if it has come up, there are a lot of pages to go trought for this page. lol

    What is stopping players from just quing up for the quickest on duty missions to farm source marks instead of quing everything up with the new UI? I think there needs to be a small incentive for quing up everything with the new UI from quing up for specific missions. Like, getting 1 or 2 extra source mark on each boss for just quing everything up. My concern is that the que times will not get better because we will eventually find what is the quickest missions to run and just run those. I rather que for individual stuff if I am looking to do or farm a feat. If I have to take a loss in the extra incentive that would be fine because I am quing it with a purpose. Then if I just want to farm for source marks then I will have the new UI.
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  4. Igote New Player

    Im testing the dlc now and dont have mission envolving multiverse ?? Realy ? for God sake lol

    The new GUI its cool, but why we cant click on the mission we wanna do ?
    The topics with recents dlcs its cool, i can see the order of the missions to get storyline complety.

    But the old dlcs dont have the same system, if the all dlcs come with this its more interactive to new players know the order of the long 10 years of contents.

    The new system of allies its good, i've liked and this allies can save in missions solo or duos to get some feats.
    The tiers are so confuse now, idk, i preffer the old organize way.
    And in this post have the words "Its mechanicals changes and we will back later with more raid-focused".

    Ok, but ... Aug-Set-Out.

    Its 3 mounths without new raids and missions, only farming old stuffs, man... its torturous LOL.

    The new ideias its great, but ill wait to back to the game when new stuffs come.
  5. Natthan New Player

    talking with my friends in league i realized how misunderstood my woords are and looks like I was afraid of not being able to complete something in my posts, well i came here on the forum one more time just to clarify its the opposite.

    Not just me but any old player know the old bosses mechanics and we know that we can complete a certain raid with a certain CR in fact here is an interesting question, autoscaling makes unnecessary for many like me to grind for allies, artifacts, more SP, running and in same way having no reason to invest $ in the game, just because play downscaled game will be only to complete missed parts to complete a styles and hold marks to buy materials and auras, skipping all progression for old players will be cheap and less stressful to daybreak will be less money invested, who will pay for progression if it does not represent anything? , and to new players just face with more toxic players in game who refuse waste time with a team wiped because a newbie failure ...

    that's my point it won't be fun for new players, everyone knows about the playerbase here, nor will it be beneficial for developers why anyone will spend anything to decrease the grind if grind will be useless with the locked stats when downscaled, to slight and useless increase any stats if that raid alert will be beated by players like we did in the past without artifacts or allies or more sp...

    with simple downscaling optional like a event and teleports options for player who want jjust grind solo feats, players would still want to invest in progression for artifacts and for the new allied system becasue they will want be strong to beat everything fast and everyone will be happy include daybreak who wasted time and resources in a update who will be a failure in revenue
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  6. DscwcFolly Active Player

    WHY HAVE YOU DEVS NOT ADDRESSED THE Promethiam Box Issue?????

    update says that promethean boxes are not going to be in game no more and that there contents will be distributed elsewhere

    for example all style items in the promethium boxes where are they going to be
    and what about all other items where are they going to be
  7. hhussk01 New Player

    Every MMO I've ever studied has had this problem once they open up loot. Players will find the shortest, easiest to complete missions with the most rewards.
  8. SmileB4Magic New Player

    As a long time player since 2012 , this is definitely up there as one of the worst updates. Simply because of stat clamping. This game started back in 2011 and has had a few bumpy roads . But stat clamping is going in the wrong direction. The feeling being strong and getting better gear is the purpose of progression. It gives us a sense of purpose playing dcuo. After years of grinding skill points artifacts etc… and now we’re getting stat clamped for every dlc with the exception of the last 3… And on top of that role less buffs are removed in non end game content as well. It’s like the purpose of this is too toture us trying to form groups to run older content when that’s when it’s the hardest to form. Forming groups at around the current dlc is a lot easier. The few good things of this update tho is no loot locks in non end game content, upscaled old raids is cool and the allies is a neat aspect added. Only thing bad in my opinion that will lose alot of players is stat clamping. Will see how it goes but I don’t see anything positive about stat clamping. What is the real reason why you guys are changing it. Because it is a major change
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  9. GoldenBrownDragonFire Well-Known Player

    Will there be a pvp vendor in the HOL? Unless I missed it, didn't see one on the test server
  10. merin New Player

    please make the stat clamping optional like if you want source marks you should take it but if you dont the things should stay the way they are because you are taking away all the fun in the game
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  11. the solowing Unwavering Player

  12. Raizen Reaper Active Player

    Free/Premium players will receive 1 Destiny Tokens per month or not?
  13. Jafin 10000 Post Club

    Yes, as long they log in whatever the correct amount of days in the cycle is.
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