Work In Progress DCUO Development Update - July 2021 - House of Legends Discussion

Discussion in 'Concluded' started by Mepps, Jul 7, 2021.

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  1. LeagueOfV Dedicated Player

    The new system definitely seems like an interesting way to "solve" the leveling issue by removing CR and using source marks to purchase all the old gear. I'm wondering if you will be stat clamped in the open world now, which will have a similar effect?
    My all time favorite open world is Gotham Wastelands. Now that everyone can access it freely, I'm hoping they might add some new end game content to the map. Like they have in the past Gotham Under Siege by having multiple levels on the same map. In addition to upscaling open world bosses, adding new ones to existing maps for the new episodes or rotating monthly content is another option too.
  2. xxHELLSTROKExx Loyal Player

    No one really knows but it does sound like we would at best be about 3 dlcs stronger than needed. So speed feats will take some effort no matter how long you wait to attempt them. Raids that are still tough now will continue to be tough 5yrs from now if this is still implemented. But yeah, if you and your friends struggle on CTE as of today, it's going to be worse shortly by the sounds of it. That excites me personally lol. Like going into ZooE and needing to pay attention will be awesome
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  3. inferno Loyal Player

    I just want to further clarify: it will be under loot lock but Not Cr relevant? I.e. at 340 CR if I were to go do Age of Justice Open world missions and bounties, I would get full source marks or any other lower open world missions.
  4. catplaysxoxo Loyal Player

    I am very intrigued about the "Allies" systems. If it's meant to help solo players and new players then I'm all in. Passive buffs sound very good and I'm all for it. Imagine a green lantern player summoning his green lantern sidekicks then having an ally such as Hal Jordan helping you. Though I wish these allies have stories to tell and aren't there just for the mechanic.
  5. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    We have been a bit confusing on this. Sorry!

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  6. K3str3lDC Dedicated Player

    Sorry if this has already been asked and answered, but will faction impact what characters we can have as our allies? If so, will there be some grey area characters that will be available for both? And I doubt you’d give any names aside from the ones already listed, but would you be willing to give us a number of how many there will be when the system first rolls out? And are there any particular characters that are completely off the table for being part of this system? Will some be special and harder to get and advance than others, like maybe the mentors (or will we like automatically have our respective mentor as our first one similar to how you get Tim’s or Harley’s Legends once you hit a certain level)? Will some of them need to be obtained during particular times or events? Will there occasionally be new allies made obtainable that tie in to the release of an episode or some other significant moment like a new movie or an anniversary? For instance, releasing Robin as one as a Teen Titans, Batfamily, or Super Sons related episode releases or Harley on her next major anniversary. I would love if all my Lantern girls could get members of their respective Corps as theirs so I could really deck them out with that, the henchmen, and the orbitals (which I still need to get the Yellow, Green, and Red ones for their corresponding girls). And I’ve noticed I can have a battle pet and henchmen out at the same time. Will we be able to have all three out at once or will that be limited? Will they be an orbital-esque splash damage type deal like Batman and Joker with the Gotham Pack? Or will they stick around and join the fight like sidekicks? Will they be put in slots of our utility belts or something else? Can we have multiple allies in our arsenal at a time (but presumably only send one out at a time much like trinkets)?
  7. inferno Loyal Player

    Thanks, mepps.
  8. Sammy Well-Known Player

    Will we be able to customize the legends and give them costumes and accessories we've unlocked?
  9. Imaginos Dedicated Player

    Crappy drop rate is a crappy drop rate and queuing up a bit more often isn't going to fix that, I'm sorry to say. Old gear that drops and people want for styles also needs to be changed to DPS so everyone can use it. So incredibly frustrating doing an old content mission to get a style you want for a class you are not. Oh look MORE tank gear, sighs the healer.
  10. inferno Loyal Player

    Will the game continue to convert episode marks into source marks as they pass out of the end-game content window?
  11. Kimone Luthor Genetech Clone


    Mostly because the open-world Bounties are what I personally use as training exercise and personal goalposts - there's going to be plenty of other opportunity for end-game stuff literally everywhere else, I want Bounties to remain the same because I enjoyed the challenge of developing my character and my playstyle both to the point where I *CAN* solo them, and I don't think that it's very sporting to take THAT away.

    And before you say anything, learning to solo the Manbat is NOT the same thing as ROFLstomping a Tier 5 Elite Alert with four 342s.

    Also, to be blunt, if we're GOING to be clamped in literally all other content?

    I do want a place where my stats do still actually matter, since I spent a lot of time developing them and a lot of time lobbying for it waaaaay back when.
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  12. Jacob Dragonhunter Steadfast Player

    I suggested giving them portals to Upscale and Buff the bounties, not to clamp you. If you read the Save the Universe Portion in the development update, it's old content being scaled to end-game; this thread is suggesting for the bounties to do the same thing.

    Ahem: for clarification of what I'm referring to.

    Your trying to be blunt and make all these comparisons about clamping, but if you read my original post; the word clamping ain't even used once.
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  13. KHALONofOGUN 10000 Post Club

    I'm co-signing this.
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  14. inferno Loyal Player

    Already in the plans.
  15. Illumin411 Devoted Player

    Charon said the pet tiers won't be gated behind elite/renown unless in the future a tier 3 pet is done as a rare elite drop (in which case it's still only cosmetic different from other tier 3's). But the requirements to unlock the ability to purchase pets from the upcoming pet vendor shouldn't;t have anything to do with elite.
  16. Tiffany6223 Devoted Player

    Pets of any tier now have zero benefit because we will all be stat clamped. All it will do is make end game content feel a little less difficult at the moment. No real reason to waste time and energy on leveling much of anything anymore actually.
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  17. Illumin411 Devoted Player

    For the same reason they haven't added new body types/sizes in ages (if ever) , no. Everything they're doing already is a ton of work without having to go through every individual piece of every style and map each one to fit each new iconic. I mean, we get like 1-3 iconic updates/reskins per DLC, if any at all. Not to mention they're supposedly still working on trying to get a 2nd accessory slot for us. Even that is gonna take a while since it's kind of a side project they work on when they can squirrel away a little extra time in between working on episodes, bugs and other primary features.
  18. Illumin411 Devoted Player

    The three most recent episodes will not be clamped and will play as the three most current episodes always have. Also, there will actually be more reason to use pets, buff trinkets, supply drops etc in the older stat-clamped content than there is with the current system without stat-clamping. Right now we can button mash and steamroll all that old content so there's really no reason whatsoever to use pets now other than cause you like yours (I like my freeze drone :D). Hell, unless you're using a turret pet, most enemy NPC's, even most bosses, will die long before a normal pet despawns.

    With stat clamping adding back at least a tiny bit of difficulty (or at least reason to pay attention), the pets will actually matter a bit.
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  19. Tiffany6223 Devoted Player

    Illumin411, I sincerely hope you are correct, I truly do. I just wish someone with authority would give us clarification on these matters.
  20. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    They did. They have already confirmed everything Illumin said.
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