Open Episodes Return!

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Dexella, Nov 21, 2016.

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  1. Danja9 Active Player

    This fool wrks for dcuo or is gettin free legendary. Plz ignore play who are encouraging dcuo on charging u money for less
  2. xoHLxDPSox Steadfast Player

    only difference here is they get EVERYTHING that has been released up til AF3 for free til 2017. Or later probably. Which is BS. Because at that rate you wont needa use a single replay badge to get caught up. Therefor remaining f2p even once this is over. Waiting for the 3rd, 4th, 5th+ rounds of open access.
  3. Off Side Well-Known Player

    Get access for all dlc is the only one true perk for members, not one of many.

    C'mon, 150 replays is a joke (before were 250); LP are 500, but to get something good you need at least 3 month sub, and wait up those 3 months pass; 1 free vault is worthless too; also, open lockboxes, because you have to play a lot to get 1, if you only run stuff (like now: 4 solo mision, 1 duo and 1 alert), then log out, how many lockboxes you get in a week? 2, 3?

    At this point, yeah, no cash limit is another good perk, but this does not mean that all members are rich as well... and well, most people sub to play the content... and prove of this is they are giving free access to all dlc (except last one) to get more subs.

    Forgot about 10% on MP, but c'mon, is there anything good there? TC's keys? rec kits? power tokens? All they are consumables, and, at least for me, consumables don't worth what they cost... how about add more cool styles? Oh no, because will be better add more consumable items (like sodas).
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  4. Veritech Loyal Player

    You carry on like the game hasn't been full of 'idiots' and 'noobs' since launch. The community standard isn't as good as you make it out to be. ;)

    It's a means to encourage new paying members rather than letting the game die out. Maybe they should just let it die, it doesn't seem like many people actually enjoy playing it, these forums are a never-ending sea of complaints.
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  5. ChillCat Loyal Player

    Works for DCUO? Nope

    Getting free Legendary? Nope

    I simply choose to not pitch entitled, foolish, childish tantrums because somebody else got a thing. It's greed; plain and simple.
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  6. >>>KIra<<< Dedicated Player

    It would have been better to wait to give the promotions, because whenever we pug a group with all the new people we can never even pass the 1st boss. It means hours in one raid. Just last night every group I got into we couldn't pass the alert. But the 1st night when the AF3 came out I pug into a group and pass both raids and the alert no problem. Now it will be difficult to do that. I believe they should have waited to do the promotion so we can play without all the problems never even getting pass the 1st boss. Does any of this makes sense?
  7. ChillCat Loyal Player


    They DON'T get...
    - replay badges allocations
    - DB cash stipends
    - unlimited cash escrow (hint: <-- this one right here is a major pain to work around; especially with the winter seasonal coming up)
    - access to all powers
    - access to recent Legendary skins on the vendor. MP only.
    - daily vault access
    - accelerated drop rates on prom boxes and free prom box keys
    - accelerated TC key fragment drops

    They DO get...
    - access to the episode content pre-AF3 but with extended loot locks

    Looks like Legendary members still have it a lot better.
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  8. 1 ncmike Dedicated Player

    The fact remains that this is the 2nd time this year that they have done this for f2p/premium players and done nothing for legendary members the people who pay monthly.
  9. HEALER35 Well-Known Player

    I understand what your saying, but the point is that we pay for all that stuff you just named. They are not giving that to us twice a year like they are doing with f2p.

    They are not saying members here we are giving such and such to us, yes we have better loot locks and can run the vault everyday even tho its useless because the vault doesn't really drop anything, but in the end WE PAY FOR IT!! not giving anything.

    That's what I think they are trying to explain.
  10. ChillCat Loyal Player

    It's simple marketing. Give free players a taste of what they could have all the time to entice them to sub up. The more players sub, the more revenue for the game to build more and better things.

    Look within and consider these things
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  11. 1 ncmike Dedicated Player

    No it's bad marketing you don't give away free stuff to nonmembers and just leave the people who pay a membership hanging in the wind with nothing extra to show for it what you do is give them something too.
  12. ChillCat Loyal Player

    A Legendary players subscription has absolutely nothing to do with a free player. Shocking, right?!? Legendary members are not part of some exclusive club because every sub is valuable on an individual basis. The goal is always, always, always to get as many people as possible to sub. That's just common sense. Assuming you are Legendary, your gaming experience is not reduced or hindered by this promotion. You are getting exactly what you paid for. If DBG secretly went around to free players and offered them this promotion on the agreement that they not talk about it, would you know? Would it affect you? Would you even notice? Of course not.

    Getting bent out of shape because of a promotion that is specifically intended to get more players to sub because you already have a sub is ridiculous.
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  13. HEALER35 Well-Known Player

    In the end what are you going to do you know, is it fair many would say no including myself but every member pay they membership for their own reasons. I pay mine because I want to experience the whole DCUO experience and I love the game.

    Hopefully this will bring more players on board to purchase memberships because lord knows we need some more tanks and healers. Maybe they might have something planned for members you just never know.
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  14. Nydia Level 30

    What legendary skins?
    I thought anyone can buy the skins from the Market Place.
    And the prom boxes don't even drop as much as they use too
    And the key fragments you still get those free and prem (different amount in drop from the event) but you still get them
    you can go into the vault once a day as a free and prem player
    • Like x 2
  15. HEALER35 Well-Known Player

    I believe the vault is once a week for free and premium players I think, I know its not everyday like members.
  16. ChillCat Loyal Player

    For legendary players, certain MP skins are available on the in-game vendor for Marks (e.g Bombshells)
    Prom boxes should still drop at the 6 hour rate for legendary, plus free keys. Free have to buy keys.
    Everyone gets free keys but Legendary gets them faster; every 2.5 days. Free takes longer
    I'll check that out, i thought free was only every 3 days. My bad if my info is out of date.
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  17. Nydia Level 30

    I didn't know that they had certain skins that only legendary people can get this is something very new to me and i have been playing since 2012
    But my point was that there is nothing special for being a legendary member if free and prem can still have access to these items like legendary.
    Its just my opinion about all this.
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  18. VictoryMC98 Dedicated Player

    I was a bit concerned that AF3 Dropped for all, and not legendary member as it had in the past.
  19. |The 3rror Committed Player

    people acting like they got permanent access when some f2p have to wait 2 days to be able to do duo/alert content they don't own plus you got "water power " coming soon you got short login que and get loyalty points/ replay badges and a discount on market place unlimited access to lockboxes and unlimited escrow I think the ones that are ungrateful and selfish are the people complaining about what they should get as legendary
  20. recoil Committed Player

    trust me i've been all three. free to play, member, and premium. legendaries aren't suffering but the free to players are. and i'd imagine if the legendaries put themselves in the free player's shoes they would whine just as loudly about that too. as i have stated they HAVE to give them the open episodes just enough to keep the vast majority of free players from leaving. they could just dispose of the dlcs and make it open to all but then they'd lose sales and that would put even more financial pressure on membership and those who buy it. that's economics for you both in reality and online.
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