Test Discussion Episode 27: Loot and Rewards Feedback Thread

Discussion in 'Testing Feedback' started by Avair, Oct 24, 2016.

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  1. Dalae Well-Known Player

    If new episodes are based on 3 month cycles, i really think some leagues (and even servers/sides) will have hard times on forming groups and/or completing instances; so many relay on alts and/or dual role chars; with this new system most 2nd roles will be undergeared (and, with Stats Matter, "understated").

    I really was expecting 1,5 months to get 1 full set (I think most of the players play dual role, or with some alt). The new loot system give you that "progression feel", yes, but overall there will be "completion feel"? Would this be a hamster wheel, just cycling gear in a way we can't even enjoy it?

    I really hope Daybreak clarifies how the episodes cycles will work; some players need to take decisions according to that.
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  2. spack2k Steadfast Player

    u need only coins and renown for elite , u do not need to finish normal gear first however for op items u need to finish a feat first this feat is granted after owning one complete vendor gear set ( can be a combination of normal +elite)
  3. Pults Loyal Player

    Dun like dis at all.

    Normal progression should allow players to get the full set in about a month of dedicated gameplay (running all possible instances everyday w/o unlocking them). That way casuals can get it in a month or two with one month remaining to enjoy it.
    Right now it looks like we'll farm out a set in 3 months to replace it all again once the next episode lands and the lowest gear from the next episode will be better than the high end one from the current episode which basically screws over anyone who wants to use VIII mods or the Olympian mods. Which in basically means we wont have time to actually enjoy our gear since it will be useless a week after we obtain it (If rotation is 3 months).

    Now for modding, with the fast rotation it's impossible to maintain VIII mods with 3 ******* sets of gear you will go through and concidering once you get the next episodes gear you will have to again take off your mods to later on place them back on the new gear. Recovery kits had an average of 60%(?) return on recovered mods. Now if mods weren't attached to the gear that gets changed like socks I wouldn't be complaining but for now its a terrible design.

    Whilst this episode packs a lot of interesting content it looks like it's too grind heavy, pushes players to use RBs to achieve the true end-game and goes hard on mods and pushing sales of Total Recovery Kits.
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  4. bmce84 Loyal Player

    So I need about 2 months of no replay and playing every single day to get a whole set of gear on 1 role, just to see that gear become trash a month later with green gear, unless Episode 28 is in freaking July and it's green and blue gear are less than Il 165. So lets add the fact that an episode that already isn't alt friendly, also takes you almost the whole episode just to finish the set on one role, oh and yeah I think we can forget the whole "save your mods for vendor gear" argument as it's clearly not an option for dual roles or even main roles considering how long it would take to have just 1 piece of gear (and that's the cheapest). And lets not forget when stats matter you will need to make mods faster, and green gear wont be enough for raids, in fact maybe not even alerts.

    Guess this is why when stats matter comes DPS role will be nerfed, so players wont need to run in DPS and just have to gear up 1 role. It was bad enough we can't use alts, btw one thing is something unrealistic, this is just ridiculous, the system barely lets you gear up your main alts as it is, and with the grind for mods this content just doesn't seem to in any way help casuals, only replay burners. Oh and better get your replay badges ready SM players, you'll need them if you want to be geared up for the next SM after the episode releases.I like that we're getting more content, I like how the episode feels (and given I hate all WW related content that involves Circe, I hate that character so much), but I just don't like this feeling that you get a piece of the puzzle from everything, but when you stop to look at the puzzle after a week of work, all you've done is finish 1 corner on a 5000 piece 3d puzzle. Sure eventually you'll be closer to the end, only to see "SERVER DOWNTIME EPISODE 28" pop up on the launcher when you are still trying to finish this episode.
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  5. Apollyonx Active Player

    The problem is not the lengths to get the stuff. The problem is the reward for getting it. Currently getting all 8 pieces of gear gives you 1 higher CR and extremely minimal stats. If yo get your 8 elite pieces you get very unrewarding bonuses. Literally no damage bonuses for 6 and 8 piece elite, minimal set bonueses for 2 and 4 piece elite. The healing aura puts out a heal of about 1 thousand every 10 seconds....who cares, that will change nothing. The rewards are not there for the work out into it. So what you are left with is gear that is very minimally not as good than the gear you can get without ancient coins, and by the time you get it you will have a new set of gear minimally better than the last. I mean this ancient coin gear should be way better and worth getting...I bet that as a healer I could do all of this new content just fine without capping cr. And that should never happen, the progression in gear is what should help you beat the elite raids...I feel like all this is common sense but evidently not. Im upset I already stocked up on replay badges. If you want to check the gear for yourself it's on YouTube right now. So upsetting.
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  6. bmce84 Loyal Player

    The one thing I can't complain is about gear stats, people are still going by CR and saying it doesn't matter, but they seem to ignore that all the gear will be revamped and eventually that useless vendor gear will matter and we will need it, 1 CR wont matter but those stats will change when stats matter comes.
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  7. HarryHell Well-Known Player

    Sigh... fears confirmed, with fewer gear drops and having to do all daily content every day, and all weekly every week, my alts, my 2nd role, heck even my main is screwed.
    On the pluss side, there is enought to do, scratch that, to much grinding needed.
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  8. Defcon 0ne Well-Known Player

    iPhone auto correct. I actually had to look up what it meant. You dirty you. lol Corrected.

    Edit: NVM I can't even edit the post you quoted me on lol
  9. BumblingB I got better.

    No, three raids did. Because that's how many we had when lauched. We didn't get MoK from any daily content other than the daily alert and a chance in the vault. Courthouse came later, then GU17/18 revamped the tiered content. Which wasn't until after T4 was launched.

    I wish people would stop dismissing the fact when vendor gear was launched, we had limited access to be able to get it.

    Look, again, I have a lot of problems with loot in this dlc, but the normal vendor gear is not one of them. Elite gear, dropped gear, and mods are just terrible.
  10. Korlick Loyal Player

    Yes, but you also need to salvage the dropped gear to get the materials for the mods (for gear AND generator) and the feats attached to them.

    Exesive gear cost.
    Exesive amount of materials.
    Less rewards

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  11. Korlick Loyal Player

    Either increase how many coins we can get or reduce those ridiculous prizes.
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  12. pitbullb3 Devoted Player

    You could be fully geared on both roles in the month to month system. RNG wasn't bad, especially with the alert. I have like 10 175 toons and i never spent a dime.
  13. Apollyonx Active Player

    But when they release stats matter, this gear will be obsolete. So tell me the incentive of getting to 189 if I'm able to heal the elite raids at 188. Why would I spend RL money on replay badges to rush to get to 189 when the reward is not that great. They needed to make it So that vendor gear took you up multiple CR, made the stats better, make the mods better, make elite gear meaningful, and make the elite raids accomplishable in tangent with being geared. If you can do the elite raids fine at 188 then there is no incentive...
    Please don't rebuttal with completionism type answer. I love completing stuff but am not going to waste a ton of time and money just to say I accomplished there meaningless goal. THEY NEED TO FIX THIS BEFORE IT GOES LIVE! I havnt found a single person who thinks this makes sense. It does not achieve the goal of entertaining us not make me want to invest into RB like I have in the past.
  14. HarryHell Well-Known Player

    fos was free, an update not a dlc, and if you wanted to complete a gear it took you less then 16 weeks with only running 3 raids a week, not 2 raids + open world every week, and daily doing 1 solo, 1 duo, 1 alert, daily open world content. This grind is far worse regarding vendor gear
  15. BumblingB I got better.

    That's my argument! We have more content to grind from! It's the only way to make the gear acquisition last. So either they give us less content for currency, or they make it cost more. They went with the latter.

    The problem isn't the vendor gear, it's the dropped gear, elite gear, and mods. All are extremely terrible.

    Yes, you can't replay your way through best gear very fast, but you aren't supposed to. That's something us players have ingrained into ourselves. I'm included.

    But the way loot is for Elite players, it definitely is designed for the replayers.
    The way the dropped gear is, it's designed around 1 player, one role accounts. So eff alts and alt roles.
    The way mods are, it's designed off a system but half-***** into it with only one place to grind the materials. It also isn't trade-able, so eff all players that want to share or even be on top.

    Having to run your content with lock outs is what we had. Having to replay your content just to get anything is not. The vendor gear isn't the problem, it's everything else introduced in this DLC.
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  16. Korlick Loyal Player

    During the FoSĀ“s era, yes, there was only those 3 raids to gear up, but you didnt need to run everything everyday during those months, you had time to run alts or do something else than grind. And you didnt replace that gear a month later. Also...you didnt have to grind materials for mods.
  17. spack2k Steadfast Player

    My Suggestion :

    - duo should reward 2 coins (not 1) as always
    - alert should reward 5 coins (not 3) as always
    - normal raid and elite raid shouldnt share lootlock
    - renown should be increased from 100 per boss to 250 per boss

    if iam not mistaken this would mean 115 coins a week ,~9 weeks to farm 1 set.
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  18. WhiteW0lf Devoted Player

    This exactly. But again, it really just depends on how long this is meant to last. There are too many unanswered questions here.

    For example, are they planning on updating and adding content for this current gear system and having it be top gear for a long time like they used to way back when? Or are they planning on this being released like the 3 month cycle DLC's all with their own currency and separate mods and so on?

    The answer to those questions will make a world of difference when we consider the pricing and necessary time frames for obtaining everything from this DLC. So, until they tell us that for sure, we really just have no way of knowing if these prices are in fact ridiculous, or if they make perfect sense.
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  19. Apollyonx Active Player

  20. HarryHell Well-Known Player

    Allthough i agree with what you defining as problems, i disagree in normal vendor gear not being one. If there were more steps in between i could go with the time it currently takes to farm.
    Having to just do the weekly stuff every week should get you the best gear before next episode. Tons of people don't like solos duos or open world grind missions, certainly not enough to do them every day at least.

    Even though it failed, the symbols system would be the best way to have best gear on vendor, or 2 seperate currencies, 1 droping from the daily another from the weekly, having 2 sets of vendor gear, where the one being able to be bought from weekly runs, would be slightly higher in stats. I always disliked the idea of having best gear on vendor but have to admit that it kinda worked in t3-t4 days.
    Active players doing all content, should at least be able to get best gear in less then 2 months imo.

    Btw from the cost of the gear i have to disagree in replaying your way very fast, but agree in that you are not supposed to.

    Again, yes the modding, the drops the entire way of improving your stats in this episode seems way off, the mods need to be made cheaper, 24 exos way to much by itself, not even mentioning the mats you need because it makes me pissed. Kinda had the feeling that devs were going overboard when Mepps said "grind is longlivety", which i disagree in, many back in the day started playing dcuo because the huge grinds where never really needed.
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