The Go Go Gadget Guide to Everything Gadgets

Discussion in 'Oracle’s Database (Guides)' started by TheDark, Feb 15, 2013.

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  1. AlexanderUnder Level 30

    Hey Dark, whats r thoughts about improoving stealth hands mod? Is it cool or stay standart, using hands max dmg + core strength?
  2. TheDark Devoted Player

    Max Damage & Core Strength is currently better than the Stealth mod especially for damage.

    The Stealth mod is only ideal for 2.5 seconds of complete protection from any damage. I'd personally like to see it around 3.5 seconds considering Stealth/Invisibility have a 30 second cool down, but I'm not obsessed over changing it. It's best used on one shots if you time it right. The downside can be lag interfering and it throws off your timing. I mostly use this mod on my Controller for specific boss fights with cheap attacks.
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  3. AlexanderUnder Level 30

    wow, so fast reply :D

    Yep, as i thought, core and max currently best option for DPS at any power. Thx again)
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  4. La Corbeau New Player

    can I please get directed to a troll load out for gadgets?
  5. Arwen Skywalker Loyal Player

    Stick Bomb (aoe dmg) or Taser Pull (single dmg) for your PoT (power over time)
    Defibrillator for your instant power out
    Gauss Grenade for your single target Defense Debuff
    Paralizing Dart for your Crowd Control and single target Attack Debuff
    Battle Drone for your Supercharge (best with Extended Supercharge mod)

    Last power slot can be stealth/decoy for aggro dump for rezzing, turret or an additional debuff
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  6. TheDark Devoted Player

    Standard is Sticky Bomb for PoT, defibrillator for instant power heal, gauss for defense debuff.

    The supercharges you choose will vary. Battle drone is a PoT supercharge. Power out scales off your vit. On the 30th second, a big burst blue heal will occur. This can be a weakness if you need to give the group, or a player, power right away. Timing it helps. Constantly hitting higher hit combos will allow you to keep it up a majority of the time due to a higher rate of supercharge building. It also powers pets and can be used in an offensive controller build.

    Speed drain, backflip and vacuum bubble would be your other power super charge options if you wanted to spec a skill point instead. They also power pets. Their power restore is literally instant but is delivered over 6 ticks. Word of power from the iconics tree would require a power point but it delivers power burst heals over 5 ticks that are larger chunks. However, with Word of Power you have to wait 3 seconds after casting for the power to hit the group. You can clip out of that animation though with supportive abilities like Defibrillator. Ultimately the total power both type of supers give is in the same bracket.

    Last slots are wildcards. Distract is often used for its detaunt and shield. Decoy is used for its tanking ability and it's damage absorption. There are other shields and control effects players aim for. Gadgets Controlling truly consists of a variation of loadouts suited for an instance. For example, Pdart is a great instant 8 target stun. Its downside being the primary target gets hard rooted. Meaning that target cannot be pulled by anyone. More info on the powers is found on the first page.
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  7. La Corbeau New Player

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  8. iiCoNx Active Player

    Ok i have something for ya,stealth,distract and emp rotation vs a photon spam on a boss under 35%. Hard 2 test on targets unless we get a target that stays at 35% theres a idea for the devs.I tried it in sm but who knows if it is worth it unless i run with the same dps over and over.curious to your thoughts on it.would love for a execution lo to be worth it
  9. D3vi1 Dedicated Player

    I'm actually working on this right now.

    The thing is, all the great EMP rotations, are AOE vice any loadout with photon is gonna be single target. Settings like SM works, but you have to consider your situation. Having an armory for burning boss up until 35% then switching to a more single target loadout and etc.

    Proving it's worth is another thing. I am actually working on this for few days now.
  10. TheDark Devoted Player

    I thought about using Photon Blast as a finisher after it received a buff and after I started getting overgeared for Unholy Matrimony. A few Atomic players in my league use their finisher, which I believe is a 2 ticker, which registers more and faster damage on trash NPCs.

    The most damage Photon blast inflicts is at melee. At base, that's a total of 282 to 342. It will always be single target.

    With EMP at melee, its base is 405 to 491 and mid range of 345 to 416. PDart has the same mid range, but far range of 264 to 322.

    If you take a time frame and divide that by the amount of it takes to set up Photon Blast (3 seconds) vs EMP (4.5 seconds) or PDart (4 seconds) you'll get an amount you can cast in something like 30 or 60 seconds. You then take the averages of those base ranges and multiply. You'll find that Photon Blast only at melee range nets more damage on paper. However, that's under the condition you are just spamming PB the entire time. In reality, you would be setting up EMP and PDart with 3 powers, Distract, and possibly stealth which brings that damage up higher. Depending on the boss fight, you also benefit from double damage ranges for using EMP or PDart rotations. This is just comparing damage to our own powerset. It's not even comparing to how damage registers among the other AMs versus ours.

    However, if there was a combination of both then maybe it might work. By that I mean. 3PIs and Photon Blast or Photon Blast spam then Distract EMP. Either would depend on how squishy a NPC is. That would also be something that I personally would make a different armory for. I would never use PB on bosses 35% or higher anymore. Photon Blast is good for focus firing a target you are trying to prioritize (both in PVE and PVP) but it will always lose out on total damage netting on the scorecard the moment there are 2 NPCs or more.
  11. xD25x Dedicated Player

    Dark what are your feelings on vortex cannon?
  12. Hale Well-Known Player

    Just coming back to the game.Does the gadget am cancel my weapon mastery crit?
  13. TheDark Devoted Player

    Yup. For 12 seconds after hitting AM buffed EMP or PDart.

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  14. Hale Well-Known Player

    Oh wow so now I'm forced to spam powers all day *sighhhh*
  15. D3vi1 Dedicated Player

    I'm classical guy. I use pistols with no am. Whether it's good or not, I don't care. It's just fun for me
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  16. Hale Well-Known Player

    Yea I feel u but I pug a lot and having fun will get u kicked
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  17. D3vi1 Dedicated Player

    Back in the FOS days being the top raids, I would be kicked from raid group if they see a DPS with pistols. Took awhile for me to build a good bunch of groups that trust my dps and know I can keep up no problem.

    Now I just don't care. I play with the usual people who knows me. Or form the group myself and get it done. I play this game to have fun. No one is taking my guns away from me. :)
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  18. TheDark Devoted Player

    Since PSN was down I went on test server to confirm my numbers on EMP III rotations (the ones with Stealth) I had from when Gadgets was on test. There is definitely some exaggeration from players about the rotation's damage & practicality/usage. Numbers do vary within the +/-5% of the target numbers (35.5,30,25.5). At most it's 1k above that if Bunker Buster is used. But again, these rotations all have ranges. Most reports are usually based off Scorecards from instances with too many variables. As always, burst type damage is superior for damage registration for some to most cases but moreso when we're surpassing NPC's CR.
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  19. The Game Well-Known Player

    So is it me or is SB, GG, FG, EMP hitting less then what it usually does? I seem to be struggling now ever since this update. Idk if it's that or stealth.

    As far as my troll loadout I have defib, sticky bomb, GG, Pdart, Cryofoam and Battle Drone. I sneak in a rotation once in a while since we still get AM damage.
  20. TheDark Devoted Player

    Sticky Bomb was fixed a while ago so it registers a total range of 2 targets worth of damage. Previously it was dealing 3 targets worth of damage.

    For AoE, GG, FG, and CryoFoam is superior to using SB, GG, FG if you also use Stealth (EMP III).
    However, just using 3PIs and Distract (EMP II) like GG, CFoam and Vortex Cannon is superior to GG,FG, CFoam on AoE and is even good on single target.

    Using Sticky Bomb and/or Fear Gas for single target will always net less damage than using either Stasis Field (for strict focus firing) or Vortex Cannon/Napalm.

    If you're using the Stealth route with Battle Display in it (EMP III), you can't get VC or Napalm without risking something like Foam, damage crit innates, or Bunker Buster. Bunker Buster use is what actually boosts us over in damage.
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