Counter Immunity Removal

Discussion in 'Battle of the Legends (PvP)' started by CosmicIV, Jul 2, 2015.

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  1. appocolyps Committed Player

    As a pvp fanatic and old school member of GRaviTY the immunity removal needs to be balanced, i think the immunity to counters needs to remain but immunities to damage needs to be removed, the fact that you get the counter immunity is reward enough, the 3 second invulnerability is not necessary and imo is the problem.
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  2. Reformed New Player

    Something that people (not saying you personally) don't seem to understand, you can only "farm immunity" if your opponent(s) keep making themselves vulnerable to being countered.

    In a 1v1, the only way I could farm immunity is if my opponent gets countered every 2-3 seconds. I would hope that if the guy is spamming block breakers, he would learn to stop after the 3rd or 4th time I lunge him...

    I have literally gone into matches against a PVE'er, seen that they aren't very good, and just hold block. The guy (usually Batman or Robin for some reason) will tap, tap, tap and get countered. I don't even bother to use the immunity to hit him back. I just sit there holding block for 1-3 minutes. Sure enough, the guy gets back up, repeats the tap, tap, tap, and goes back on his butt. EVENTUALLY, the guy will block break me, /eat, and continue to melee. At that point, I swiftly wreck him. Of course, I end up getting a private message from him saying that I'm a block scrub.

    If I truly had to guess why they are making this change, it's because they either cannot, or don't want to waste effort, fix the issues associated with counter immunity.

    I remember an episode of Seinfeld in which George Costanza's goal is to own 365 pairs of underwear, so that he only has to do laundry once a year. I wonder if we're dealing with something similar.
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  3. Reformed New Player

    I have to admit that I can get pretty frustrated when I'm PVE'ing and PVP'ing and things go sour, especially against the Hope Brothers. However, I always own up to the mistakes I made that caused the frustrations.

    Unfortunately, we live in a society where a lot of people DON'T own up to their mistakes, and would rather blame others for their own faults.

    Is this relevant? I'm sure several of you see where I'm going with this. ;)
  4. loupblanc Dedicated Player

    Since I am not a recognised forum (either on my old account) or this current FTP account, my posts are probably lost somewhere in the muddle of posts in this thread. So here is a summation of my feedback on Counter Immunity Removal, plus some add-ons.
    - I get that this will happen. Post 83
    - Immunities are not as much of a barrier to the player new to Pvp. Immunities already occurs in Pve. So just having an in-game tutorial/mission/video will help new players (should not be in the Brainiac ship) with understanding Immunity (and hence utilising it as an advantage). That is clearly a lot less work involved than rolling back Counter Immunity and doing all the coding work and tweaking of counter vulnerability windows to a timing that makes sense, and accounts for hardware and ping discrepancies. Post 536
    - I hope that it reduces server lag/latency, because if it doesn't, I don't get the point of doing it at all :confused:. Without having to account for Counter Immunity, it should, in theory reduce server lag/latency. This is more likely a resource-driven decision since the dev team is on a monthly episode release schedule. Post 404
    - I get that there will be FOTM powers and Legends characters. This is a gaming business. Money talks. No biggie. Just hope that the people using FOTM powers/Legends characters don't cry foul and whine when they lose i.e. why am I always stuck with noobs, hacker! I will report you!
    - On with the cheese. Post 404
    - On with the faceroll. Post 414, Post 551
    - It really is not that easy to get Blue Immunity constantly. Just a matter of who has the better poker face, and plays better at Jedi mind tricks. And as for the screen-blocking cheese and BB spammers hiding in the background/air, I say - Fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me.
    - Lastly, Keep Calm and Pew Pew Pew. Post 539
  5. Darkerusaelp Devoted Player

    Seems legit.
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  6. Holy Level 30

    Zzz... why would you share the exploit. Now everyone is going to be a god at countering :( :( :(

    Good thing they removed immunities... with exploits like that, it would be IMPOSSIBLE to kill someone. Oh dear god. :eek:
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  7. Ace1 Dedicated Player

    Great! secrets out well now how will i compete now that my "cheese" has been revealed to the world.....
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  8. Ogat New Player

    I just wonder where the actual arguments for removing immunity are, aside from"It's the stinkiest of cheese" and "You PC overlords exploiters just want to win.."
    I mean the people who support it, are literally supporting the introduction of a lotery into a competitive mode of a game as the deciding factor on who wins the competition. There's no other way to spin it. The combat system of this game is unique and rewards skill, lets strip down the reward so it no longer requires skill, that's literally the logic that's beeing pushed on to us, all in the hopes of pulling new players into a midless damage spam lotery fest. That's the grand idea.. really?
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  9. SPAM Level 30

    After trying your secrets in your guide, I was called a hacker. Guess it worked. :cool:
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  10. Ace1 Dedicated Player

    The shield you recieve off of a counter immunity was tweaked many updates ago. As it stands the shield will absorb 15% of your maximum health, so to average that with our current gear, all it takes is 3750 damage to remove the shield.

    This furthers the point even more that counter immunities are far from op, especially considering EVERYONE can achieve them. How the devs think this is the worst thing in pvp or that its even broken is beyond me. /rant over
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  11. Fies Committed Player

    To me that sounds like a very reasonable compromise although I´d like immunities to stay as they are. Would keep powers like cele and legends playable and still be very rewarding. Maybe adjusting the mitigation instead of completely removing it would be appropriate given the huge dmg but that could also be solved by increasing effective health or maybe buffing heal for example. I really like that idea.
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  12. Sabigya Steadfast Player

    20% :p.
    Any decent Arena player can crack the shield with a single hold attack. The place where the mitigation is most useful is in Legends and most complaints regarding immunity has been directed at Arenas.
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  13. spack2k Steadfast Player

    i came to the conclusion that countering needs to be rewarded but the current counter immunity needs to be nerfed !

    why nerfing ? - to close abit the gap between skilled and not skilled players
    why counter reward? - because else pvp doesnt make any sense
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  14. Ace1 Dedicated Player

    Whoops knew it was somewhere around there, but yeah thats still a paper thin shield in arenas.
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  15. Sabigya Steadfast Player

    Whoops I accidentally shared a PvP secret. Forgive me PC Overloard Council! I am going to be kicked out for sure!
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  16. Ace1 Dedicated Player

    You're right! You know what those evil pc PvPers do to those who share cheese. /sarc off
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  17. Remander Steadfast Player

    According to the post by Mepps in this thread, they aren't.
  18. HeavyWeapon Dedicated Player

    So I read like the first 10 pages and gave up because it all seemed the same. Did anyone actually ever give a reason why the removal is good? Cause I can't see how this helps PvP in anyway ESPECIALLY with WM and AMs in the game. Man they just really don't want me to come back and play the game now do they?
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  19. Remander Steadfast Player

    Hey, Ogat, you don't have to convince those who are for immunity removal. You have to convince the Devs. Did you see my response to your post in the testing section? If you really want to state your case, you (or anyone who's against it) should record some legit scrims on test, post the vids, and let the evidence speak for itself. If removing immunities is so game breaking, it should be obvious. Talking hypothetically and posting snips of contrived scenarios won't do it.
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  20. HeavyWeapon Dedicated Player

    Why? This is just another example of the devs changing something because THEY think they are right and instead of them proving to us the reasons they made the change they want us to prove otherwise. It's such buttbackwards thinking and I know you are just playing devils advocate but come on you know as well as I do that suggesting that we post videos as evidence isn't going to do anything. They have made their minds.
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