Server Hotfix - January 25, 2014

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Mepps, Jan 24, 2014.

  1. Harlequin Devoted Player

    By buying the DLC, you have access to those Legends and can buy them from the vendor with Marks of Legend. You don't get them automatically.
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  2. Sertico91 New Player

    Well I'm really trying to play but since 2 days before they release armories i'm having issues with User Interface! and once loaded it seems i hade lag..can't do aller/raid/duo..nothing
  3. Dammacx New Player

    That's awesome, I prefer the slim design also. I was guessing more people were requesting the high beams so that is why they went back. Now I can also hope for more interesting auras other than glowing. I understand they don't want crazy auras that hide the Power effects but there are lots of subtle ways they could do the auras. And also all auras do not have to be full body.
  4. Dammacx New Player

    Some ideas? Keeping in mind that this video is 3 years old so the graphics might not be up to DCUO but imagine how good it could look on the Unreal Engine. This is my one big hope overall for DCUO is more freedom and options for character creation. I understand the need to stay within the world of DC lore but I think the storyline of the exobytes and now the time travel aspects could allow the stories and ideas of the game to diverge a bit from established DC lore.
  5. UnknownSonPride New Player

    oh ok thanks for the info!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! really helpful
  6. UnknownSonPride New Player

    thank u for the info
  7. Primortal Level 30

    I agree, maybe they can make power switch tokens that we could buy and add to the armory. When we push the directional button to switch styles and that style is under a different power type a message can pop up and say " you are switching power types and it will cost however many tokens" Would that be a good idea guys?
  8. Primortal Level 30

  9. Primortal Level 30

    Sorry to be confusing and no I do not want to spend hundreds of dollars on switching power types but I don't mind spending a reasonable fee for a stack of power change tokens like we would pay for replay badges. What I suggest is a base fee for power type badges for those who like to switch powers often. The reason why this is a big deal to me is the new rage power just dropped and I'm a hard light troller; I would like to switch between hard light and rage like Guy Gardner. LOL
  10. UnleashedBrevard Committed Player

    What about assault and battery maze glitching out and locking half the team on one side and the other at the begenig of the maze unable to enter
  11. Jamie New Player

    Ok, that narrows down where the issue is. I'ld help you level up but you're on the wrong server. Hopefully the dev's will fix the issue you are having.
  12. Th3 J0k3r 0f Cr1m3 New Player

    Listen up Mepps, there is a Major issue on ps3 with peoples tabs taking forever to load and voice chat not working, FIX IT NOW OR I WILL PETITION EVERYONE IN USPS3 NOT PAY YOU GREEDY A$$HOLES MONEY
  13. Wildfire New Player

    its not just PS3, PS4 as well.

    Fix it devs, this joke has gone on long enough, you have one of the worst voice chat systems of any game ive ever played. its a disgrace, and the amount of times there are issues with it is unacceptable.

    The amount of money we pay each month to get a shoddy game back is beyond a joke, ESO is looming, i really hope most of the population of DC on PS4 transfer to that and leave this game in the garbage where it belongs.

    Go ahead mod, delete my post and complain to me in private messages, i wont read it anyway, you know this by now.
  14. XxAngelxOfxDestinyxX New Player

    There is something wrong with the flight movement. Everything time I am flying around my toon begins to stop short in mid flight or crashes into an invisible wall. Am I the only one experiencing this? I have noticed it for the past 3 days. I wonder if the hot fix will resolve this because I do not want to waste 10$ on a movement respect token.
  15. DaveDawg216 New Player

    i was on 2 hours ago and now my launchpad is saying i'm missing a patch what the hell is going on
  16. Primortal Level 30

    I'm actually surprised to here that. I haven't had any issues with loading on my PS4. Everything has ran a lot smoother since I switched systems.
  17. zizie New Player

    they shld give me other mision than tht man,like the gl etc,but all i got is tht ivy mision stucked on my journal
  18. zizie New Player

    i think they shld fix the launch pad..
  19. Plum Crazy Committed Player

    Yup iam just killing time until ff releases on beta on the ps4.
  20. Mephisto Rapha New Player

    Simple? Unskilled? No. And I'm certainly not a troll. I was simply saying that don't try to fit into a mold in which you clearly cannot. If you speak another language, speak it. What you typed in Dutch was far more decipherable than the broken English of the comment I was referring to. I meant no disrespect and I didn't mean it to be rude. But your comment can be translated, while his/hers could not. So just speak YOUR language. I wasn't saying don't play or participate, but it makes it easier to understand when it's written correctly, regardless of language. If I offended anyone, my sincerest apologies. It was only meant to be a point of advice. But I'll shut up now before I generate any hate.