The Go Go Gadget Guide to Everything Gadgets

Discussion in 'Oracle’s Database (Guides)' started by TheDark, Feb 15, 2013.

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  1. sheensprayshot New Player

    I understand everything you said. I have been reading intensly since I switched so I understand the interactions, positioning, the dps build differences. I am more ignorant in the application aspect of it now. Seeing what can maximize damage, with minimal effort which to me =efficiency.

    I hear people say all the time "do what works for you." I really get annoyed with that statement. Yes, that statement applies to some things...If the goal is to beat someone in a foot race from point A to B....then physics says a straight line is the shortest route. Then we can dive into the body mechanics, the breathing...etc. But the starting point is a "straight lineeeee.." To say.."do what works for you" in that situation wouldn't be wise. What if they want to run zig zags?

    Forgive my rant. Isn't really directed to you. My simple point is that the devs created this game, and power interactions. I am confident that many of them know what combination provides the most damage, and which don't. I strive to find it like I am sure many of you have.

    I will start using NG instead for adds. Dont quite get positioning yet. Or what you ment by doing something on "one end'" and something on the other.

    Ok, so the numbers on the scoreboard isn't the most reliable. I hear that about hard light often. I guess I should stop focusing on that. But then how can I tell if im a good dps or not??

    I await your knowledge.

  2. dr strangeonline Loyal Player

    Its up to you that's just a example of the powers you said you we're interested in using and how to use them a little more efficiently to get the burst explosive damage. I would use the GG at the end to get a higher dam mod when I go weapons heavy to give the trolls a little time to build up power.

    I often lunge depending on the weapon or the situation that's up to you and how you want to fit your playstyle.

    Hold Tap Triangle and after hitting the tap cast a power. You should see white weapon damage while your power cast does the yellow might power damage.

    I pick up where I left off so that I don't mess up my DoT's.

    It's best to mix in weapon and power damage. You can clip many weapon attacks with power attacks. Just test the weapons you like best to see which one's will and won't. If your in a raid or alert and the trollers are low on power build up your combo's so you regen some of your own power and they have time to regen theirs.

    Darks gonna give you the best info. He's got more of a handle than me on this. Good luck buddy.
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  3. sheensprayshot New Player

    THANK YOU. That put so many things in perspective for me. No wonder people like Rifle so much because of the quick rifle grenade launcher. Thought about using that...but I heard that its very power hungry.What you think?

    Dark really seems to know his stuff. Can't wait.

    A few more questions.

    How often would you say you use your weapon in between your rotations assuming you still have power?

    Whats a good amount of Might and precision to be a good Gadgets dps? I know the more the merrier, but to start off as.
  4. TheDark Devoted Player

    It's power hungry because while your DoT powers are ticking you cycle Rifle grenade then Gauss Grenade or Napalm Grenade. So if you were using Gauss (it shoots right out the gun for a smoother transition while Napalm does its normal animation) it would be Gauss>Rifle Grenade>Gauss>Rifle Grenade>Gauss etc until it was time to restart your DoTs. That is very power hungry and there isn't away around that. It's just what you need to do if you want to net in high damage.

    For me, the only time I would use my weapon longer is when the team and/or controllers are low on power. That's to by them time to regenerate power and feed the healers if they need it more considering how Defib works. Otherwise I use my weapon just as much as as I use my powers. However, it does lean a little more towards powers just because I have to reapply multiple DoTs on targets.

    Well right now my might is around 2800+ and my precision is close to 1200. I'm still modding but I am for aim for balance of might & precision given that I use both powers and weapons often in rotations. Players have preferences but it's not going to hurt to lean towards might. It always depends on how often someone uses powers or weapon combos.

    When a player says that to you I assume they probably explain what they do/use first then they explain what the power(s) specifically do. The idea is to just put general info out there. I think when they say that its more of a warning in that even if you tried what they are using you won't get the same results.

    In regards to the power interactions and getting the most damage from them there is a chart on the first page that gives you the steps to activate them. The power interactions, the explosion burst damage and burning damage over time, are static. Meaning that it doesn't matter how you set them up or in what order. Each power is going to give you the same damage off either power combo you use and it's just additional damage to what you already have ticking from FG/CFo/CFi. These 3 powers also have a static base number. No PI extends their Dot ticks to make them directly stronger.

    Explosive burst damage has a base of 15low to 18 high. That's about half the damage of Gauss Grenade's range. Having multiple targets burning or electrified nets you more damage just by taking advantage of explo burst because it doesn't split. That's what I mentioned before. That is how you get the most damage from adding in PI's. The burning damage over time last 11 ticks/seconds and has a base of 1low to 2 high. It's the weakest of the DoTs we can take advantage of. This additional DoT is ok but our other DoTs do far more damage. The only reason someone would bother keeping burning up is to take advantage of doing explosive burst damage. Not for the DoT itself.

    with Gadget PI's:
    Step one is cast a power to set up the electrify effect or burning effect. Certain powers inflict them. Example is Gauss or Napalm which we've been discussing start off are combo from the rotation.

    Step two is to cast CryoFoam, Fear Gas, or Cryo Field. Choosing one/some/all will always vary depending on the content. After you cast either one of those you activate Explosive damage. That damage can only be done when a target is burning or electrified. that is the damage that is static. These are the only powers that take advantage of PI damage.

    That should explain most damage PI convo. if you were referring to something else, let me know.

    Positioning is in reference to CFoam and Fear Gas in that loadout above. Both are mid range and have a cone AOE. You can't be too far back and cast FG or Foam because the damage won't ever land on your target. You can't be in the center of a mob and expect foam/Fg to hit everything around you. Putting yourself at an angle with CFOam so you can hit 2 targets to get essentially do 2 CryoFoam damage with 1 Cryofoam power cost is being power efficient and gets you to deal more damage since Foam starts splitting on 3 targets.

    More on positioning is when I spoke about Napalm Grenade. You throw NG and set 6 targets in the hallway on fire right? You now have 11 seconds of burning to take advantage of on 6 targets. that mob is clustered in the hall, possibly moving, so you cast Foam on the left side of that mob to blow them up with explosive damage. The 2 or 3 targets on the right side were probably not hit with Foam. Now you cast Fear Gas on those 3 on the right to deal damage to them with explosive damage along with your DoTs. Then you go back to burst combos. Is that a little clearer?

    Well first and foremost raids are done as a team. The goal is to work with your partners of the same role to heal or power or damage. Most players just have a high competitive nature and forget the different variables that alter the numbers. If you have the same stats, dps level weapon, experience & knowledge of your powerset as your competition you're in better position to compete. That is when you begin to use the scoreboard to some degree as a tool to measure who is better. Again, the scoreboard gives you an idea of performance. There is nothing concrete that measures what matters.

    You know whether you have good DPS, including yourself, if you stay alive, revive teammates, don't strain your healers or controllers too often, the bosses don't enrage and you aren't being defeated by a million in damage out.
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  5. sheensprayshot New Player

    TOTALLY clear I guess I was having a hard time picturing it.

    So in a nut shell, don't rely on the burning dots, since in and of themselves they're are weak compared to other powerset dots. The true damage is to have dots in addition to the burst damage. And since Gadgets doesn't have a great AOE attack so to speak...It is best to use foam, and gas in certain positions to optimize its effectiveness by limiting the splitting. Is that correct? So..lets say in trigon when you fight jarod and his brother. Sometimes they are huddled together. That would be a perfect time to....GG, fear gas,cyro field, the dots are going.....assuming Rifle is the weapon you would then Rifle grenade,GG, Rifle grenade.....Is that the idea?

    Now the trick would be knowing the timing and getting into rhythm in knowing when to recast dots. Any mental(no pun intended) tips or cues for that?

    I understand the terminology in them saying what they say to loadouts now.

    So you don't necessarily use a weapon combo in between each power, depends on the situation. But for the most part you lean more towards your powers.

    Thank you. I believe I understand the basics now. Its pretty similar to mental. With mental certain powers set up the terror pi...then you had your dots which caused more damage because of the terror pi...then you burst while your dots where there. I ignorantly thought a different power would be a vastly different strategy.

    I just need to learn the application aspect of it...and get the timing down.

    Thank you.
  6. thesteelshadow1 New Player

    sheen im not sure if this will work for u but at a little over half intm cooldown ill recast cfoam if i clip it with foam the first time. so u loose a tick maybe two every other foam but it helps me alot with keep track of my dots. fg can be clip threw out ur rotation for ether the dot or a quick burst for very little cast time depending on what the situation is. for instance fg jump gg pb to finsh or a boss or add, or ng fg jump foam intm for grps. as for using ur weapon that will depend on our weapon u use i.e rifle u will use a lot cliping tap triangle between everything but other weapons will be use after 1 or 2 power clips like hbs solar flare ect.l as kind or guide line more u use ur weapon vs powers will help w ur modding. like i use 2 powers then weapon pretty much all the time so ive got 2998 might but snice use my weapon alot ive got 1342 pre also. hope this helps and if ur in ps3 hero side id gladly show some stuff with diffrent weapons in loadouts ive tried.

    thanks The Steelshadow
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  7. sheensprayshot New Player

    Awesome. Thanks for giving me the visual on how to time my ticks. Understood now. I will add you on PSN...yes im hero side. All my info is on my sig. Thanks
  8. sheensprayshot New Player

    Now How do I get there?lol. I know, I know...SP. I have a bit ways to go. I have 88. Im working on my 86 gear right now. Most of my 85 are modded out. What mods betwixt precions, might, and precision in mod do you reccommend for each piece to optimize my precision and might?
  9. TheDark Devoted Player

    Yea pretty much got it. I'm just saying not to strictly rely on burning DoT as your only Damage over time. If you can keep it up or take advantage of another player setting it up then do so just for the goal of getting additional damage off of PI explosive burst damage

    Correct about Foam and FG.

    For trigon alert,
    Because there are 2 of them in there you could also use Napalm to set both of them on fire and then Field to cause explosive burst damage and 2 dots (Field and burning) on both at the same time. Then throw in the FG for another explosive burst hit on both and another DoT.

    Using Gauss Grenade is fine too. You'll just get explosive damage on one target because you can only electrify one target with GG in damage stance. You'd have to apply GG on the second boss and go Fear Gas which would then active explosive damage on the second boss you didn't electrify. The 1st boss you hit would be burning so FG would cause explosion on the electrified boss and the already burning boss. Using GG just takes another cast of a power.

    And yea GG> Rifle Grenade would be repeated if that was the weapon.

    I didn't play mental for a long time but I understood that with Quantum's PIs. I realized that's what you were talking about. In that sense, Gadget's PI's operate differently. They're easier.

    Steelshadow and I use the same indicator. When Intimation is halfway, I recast my DoTs on a target. Intimation lasts 15 seconds. FG 8 Dot ticks are quick and expire sooner. Foam has a total of 8 ticks for 8 seconds. Stasis Field has a initial hit plus 7 ticks and last for 8 seconds. So by the time Intimidation is exactly at half you recast them and you just don't take advantage of the last DoT tick which isn't that big of a deal unless you're playing to conserve power. Sometimes I use my 3rd GG>DW charge through as an indicator to reapply my doTs too.

    When you're fighting mobs in the hallways. the halfway mark on Int can still work but the only problem is you have to reapply your DoTs often because the other DPS will be killing everything with you. So you make sure you see an ocean of yellow numbers ticking above targets others you have no DoTs up.
  10. TheDark Devoted Player

    Modding in general is hard to call for players because some put more focus on different sources for damage.
    While the option to go pure might or pure precision in red sockets is always there, it's highly recommended to go might & precision in reds to increase both your damage stats. The other slots depend on whether you're more weapons heavy, power heavy or balanced.

    It's basically, if you use more weapon combos then average put precison & health/power. More power damage then its might & health/power. If you combine weapon and power combos then precision & health/power and might & health/power. You could also experiment with mixing up precision and might gear. I personally modded for balance considering I use both stats often and if power is limited I can fall back on weapon combos that aren't weak.
  11. sheensprayshot New Player

    True. I have found something that works for me. I think I will stick to it for now.
  12. sheensprayshot New Player

    I experiemented with this. I understand a little more now. And Yes I do believe Gadgets P.I.'s are wayyyy easier than mental. Awesome.

    I shall be grinding to see how effective I could be with my understanding now. Thanks you all
  13. thesteelshadow1 New Player

    no prob man i was glad to help u out the other day and let me know if you ever need any more tips let me know ingame.

    Thanks The Steelshadow
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  14. sheensprayshot New Player

    Thanks. Your loadout out is so simple and effective.Love it.
  15. philrox7 New Player

    Hey guys, first of all, thank you, thank you, Thank YOU to TheDark for starting this, and for everyone who contributed. Ima decent troller, but have jumped to regularly great trolling in paradox thanks to the information here.

    Question on shields. Which is the best shield to use for picking up people? Ive been using distract (also benefitting from the timer for pot), but noticed that i still get disrupted even in the first 3seconds and sometime s fail to pickup.

    Is hard light shield, or energy shield better?

    Thanks in advance
  16. TheDark Devoted Player

    if you're getting interrupted at 3 seconds with Distract then the damage cap (your resto and dom) was reached and the damage taken interrupted you. So popping a second shield right after Distract is gone can help depending on whats going on around you.

    Energy Shield only activates when your health is at or below 35%. it wont activate if you take a rapid 1 or 2 shot. It has to be given time to register. So if you're at full health and you go to pick people up it's not going to help much.

    Hard light shield last 15 seconds and the cool down is pretty long (40 seconds). The same strength equation as distract. It will shield you and I have used it before to pick people up. The only thing I don't like about it is it's not usable while controlled. So if you're being juggled, or controlled in general, you have to break out first then cast it which can take time away from picking someone up depending on where they are on the cog.

    I use Neural Neutralizer but that power also has it's downsides. I mostly use it to break myself out of control effects (10 sec cooldown) so I can strictly reserve Distract for fallen teammates.

    Personal Dampening Fields (IV & V Exp) is another option. It's a consumable and cost no power. They aren't usable while controlled either but they last 6 seconds and the damage cap is high. IV is 1275 and VExp is 2035. If Distract fails you, cast PDF, clip it with Defib then pick up a player. You'll still be vulnerable to control effects but if you are taking damage the consumable will absorb it and can by you time.

    If you're Acro, Perfect Poise can be used to pick up like 2 teammates. That gives you immunity for 8 seconds i think but it's a supercharge. Anesthetic is similar.
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  17. Gadget*Switch New Player

    Thread still going strong I see. :)
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  18. sheensprayshot New Player

    Had my 1st paradox run today. Didn't have the chance to finish since many people kept get dc'd. Didn't even get past the 1st boss in the tunnel. He reset SOOOO MANY TIMES. Ridiculous. Overall I was satisfied with my performance. I was 3rd in damage. I had less power in than the top two dps. The 1st had almost 3 million, the 2nd had on the low end of 2 million. I had 1.4 million ish. I wish I had more damage. But conisdering I been playing this power for less than a week. I am hopeful. I thought I would get I was pleased with the fact I died less, revived more players, and had less damage in though. The top guy had 87 gear...the 2nd dps had 85 gear...I have almost all 86. So my guess is that either the 2nd guy had alot of skill points to my 90..or...his powerset...I think it was fire suit paradox....orrr...I just need to improve on my rotation. I don't know.

    I do know its crazy in paradox. And I just don't get how one can target 2 or 3 at most adds to optimize the damage of the powers with all that going on.
  19. philrox7 New Player

    Awesome, thanks! This is very helpful. Given this info, ill stick to distract, then just have a consumable personal dampening field. As attractive as an additional hardlight shield is, i dont wanna sacrifice a power slot that can be used for something else. So far i have sticky, distract, gg, defib, and wop.
    Then in my utility ill have trigon troller trinket, aux, personal dampening, and supply drop.

    I hope i get dampening field tho, as when i checked in the broker, only plans are available.

    Also is it just me or the shield from a quantum sc (dunno the name but their version of wop) has a higher cap/lasts longer than distract?

    Thanks again
  20. Lucaefor New Player

    Think it might have been changed to 7 seconds with 20/30 seconds cooldown. I guess it would be easy for someone to respec and confirm.
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