The Go Go Gadget Guide to Everything Gadgets

Discussion in 'Oracle’s Database (Guides)' started by TheDark, Feb 15, 2013.

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  1. TheDark Devoted Player

    Some players (tanks) are under the mentality that grouped up NPC's by a tank is always ideal to destroy enemies. Some powers benefit from having NPCs separated and that's where sloppy tanks or good controlling controllers help you out.

    NPC's will most likely be grouped by your tank. Throw Napalm into the mob then pick off the 2 NPCs at the far end corner of that bunch with CFoam. You got your non split DoT damage off Foam. Position and angle yourself before hand to save time. Then quickly switch to the center of that mob and use Fear Gas. Jump cancel 2 to 3 seconds after casting it so your channeling can hit 3 targets in the cone AOE for more damage.

    If it's too much for you at the beginning just throw Napalm into the herd. Throw Foam in the center or on one end without caring about how many targets you hit. Then Fear Gas on the other end or whatever remaining targets you have left. You could also skip the damage on the other targets and just apply Fear Gas on the same targets you hit with Foam which will already be burning. They'll take explosive damage.

    Foam's dots will split damage but will hit 5 targets. FG quick jump cancel will hit 2. 6 targets will be burning with Napalm. Depending on how many targets you have burning and how many targets you hit with Foam and/or Fear Gas, you can make up for not taking advantage of CryoFoam's non split DoT damage (explosive damage not factored) if you can hit, and accumulate damage (which will cost more power), on a minimum of 4 targets with explosive damage in a quick combo. Does that make sense? Or did i just confuse you?

    Both work but depend on multiple things which is why I don't prefer one over the other for all occasions. Usually players go for the second approach if power management isn't a concern. Just play for fun and try the second approach for now. Consume more power to do quick damage and worry about power management after you get the hang of it.

    If it was your first time in there, that's going alter your numbers. Revivals, dodging attacks, the dps off weapons, skill, and stats will too. It's usually a combination.
    I'm not sure what you're doing in there but since most of the raid is spent on boss fights just enter a "burn the boss" phase and consume more power to clip and net more damage. Just loosen up on power management and burn. Some bosses enrage anyway if you take too long.

    Cycle stat boost trinkets and keep them on cool down to make up for the stats you don't have compared to them. Unless there is competition between the dps that prohibits stat boosting soders (might, precision or those gold soders) drink them for the added stats. They are put in the game for a reason and it's self evident that higher stats is going to get you more damage.
  2. TheDark Devoted Player

    I don't know, or remember, how long the shield last for Event Horizon. It is a supercharge. So if it did last longer that makes sense. Distract is just a power. The cap is the same on Event Horizon and Distract. Controller shields damage absorption cap depends on 100% of your Dom and 100% of your restoration combined.
  3. Massah Committed Player

    The Dark -
    With decent success I have started running a consumable in place of the usual power clip. Basically I use either Napalm or Gauss Grenade as a DPS to get Buff to 45-50% and then Solar-flare clip into Consumable. (Using Static Grenade) obviously it helps to prolong the Damage Buff and with me being Precision Biased my Solar Flare hits harder burst than my powers. When extra Burn is needed and my SC is not available I then Napalm/Gauss* (depends on whether it is Mob or Boss) and will jump cancel Fear Gas Spray with Consumable while in the air keeping intimidation up. If I receive immunities and/or have good timing with Distract (especially while using CC Trinkets AoE Fist attack) I can have near a 20:1 Damage to Power Ratio in Nexus or Paradox in Alerts or Duos it is closer to 40:1 - can deal 800k- 1mill damage from about 20k power in BIA or FAM. (1410prec as DPS but usually 1716 on a flex - and 2700might)

    Downside when using the Static Grenade as a troll is some inexperienced players (Ones that are barely out-damaging me in troll stance) assume my Static-Grenade is a Gauss Grenade and because my damage seems so high they assume I am wasting power when trying to Might DPS - even though it would be clear if one inspected me and saw that I am using Vit&Prec in all Red/Yellows that I probably prefer to deal White-Prec damage over Might based powers. IF they could interpret a scorecard they would also know that it is impossible to have that type of Power-out if I had been spamming Gauss Grenade (Still above double power out if P0T troll and usually about 1/2 if playing back-up) My damage when using the consumable is higher then power-out of the main troll, but using a consumable to clip Solar-Flare and in turn clipping the consumable with Defib is allowing me to do my crowd Control and in turn it is giving power back every couple of seconds. When DPS are wondering why the damage looks so skewed I assume they think more power spamming will yield them better damage when in fact all that does is shorten the gap as controllers can only give back so-much power in a set-time. (676base prec but on a flex at 982 +62 form defib 1044; 1918 vit, ditched CC troll trinket in favor of Boost II Supply drop and run Atlantean trinket - gives back power rotating with 343vit Trinket or 542 prec trinket depending on how power hungry the group is....)

    Would enjoy a run with you sometime:
    US PS3 Hero side
    (167sp- Hybrid spec - all cunning and vit, all tier1 Damage Innates plus all tier 2 Precision innates, - trying to finish picking up the Breakout Mastery- movement innates but have been using Distract as my primary breakout as it feels more reliable for the power cost)( Do not have any DOM innates nor do I have any Tier 2 Might Innates)
  4. sheensprayshot New Player

    "Some players (tanks) are under the mentality that grouped up NPC's by a tank is always ideal to destroy enemies. Some powers benefit from having NPCs separated and that's where sloppy tanks or good controlling controllers help you out.

    NPC's will most likely be grouped by your tank. Throw Napalm into the mob then pick off the 2 NPCs at the far end corner of that bunch with CFoam. You got your non split DoT damage off Foam. Position and angle yourself before hand to save time. Then quickly switch to the center of that mob and use Fear Gas. Jump cancel 2 to 3 seconds after casting it so your channeling can hit 3 targets in the cone AOE for more damage.

    If it's too much for you at the beginning just throw Napalm into the herd. Throw Foam in the center or on one end without caring about how many targets you hit. Then Fear Gas on the other end or whatever remaining targets you have left. You could also skip the damage on the other targets and just apply Fear Gas on the same targets you hit with Foam which will already be burning. They'll take explosive damage.

    Foam's dots will split damage but will hit 5 targets. FG quick jump cancel will hit 2. 6 targets will be burning with Napalm. Depending on how many targets you have burning and how many targets you hit with Foam and/or Fear Gas, you can make up for not taking advantage of CryoFoam's non split DoT damage (explosive damage not factored) if you can hit, and accumulate damage (which will cost more power), on a minimum of 4 targets with explosive damage in a quick combo. Does that make sense? Or did i just confuse you?

    Both work but depend on multiple things which is why I don't prefer one over the other for all occasions. Usually players go for the second approach if power management isn't a concern. Just play for fun and try the second approach for now. Consume more power to do quick damage and worry about power management after you get the hang of"

    Let me see if I understand. Two approaches. attacking the mob with Napalm to set up the p.i. which works on 8 targets. Then on one end using foam...then quickly going to the other end and using fear gas? And repeating the process?
    1.) How do you using target mode to single out...or rather double out two adds? And how do you time if the p.i. is still active?

    2.)Doesn't having to run from one end to the other end make you lose out on damage?

    And the second approach is basically to spread the dots...each add I see...that has no dot...hit them with either statis, foam, or fear gas. Is that the 2nd approach?
  5. TheDark Devoted Player

    Napalm is ideal for mobs because it sets 6 targets up for burning.
    If you hit your targets with Napalm chances are they are clustered together so you don't have to move your character's position much or at all.

    Either move your camera view (Right Analog stick) completely away from the end you hit already, out of screen, so that when you target a NPC (pressL1) it will select the NPC on the end you didn't hit.
    Or hold L1 and press the left or right direction button to cycle through your targets in the mob.

    Doing this in the first place is just to make sure you're attacking every NPC in a herd. You could just focus on small sections of a group if you can pull that off better. This way isn't the only way to go about attacking a mobs.

    If you see a target on fire (flame animation), they are burning. You have 11 seconds to take advantage of step 2 for PI's. That's plenty of time. With electrified targets its about the same length. Instead you see an animation of yellow streams of moving electricity on a target.

    You don't have to run anywhere, or very far. Napalm's 360 AOE is similar to the size of CryoField. So the burning targets won't be spread out far at all.

    For whatever the reason they are, a jump can do it. Foam, stays active when you jump, on one end hit 2 targets. Land and you cast FG or apply FG first then jump and move to Foam.
    The moving around to apply these 2 powers is done really quick otherwise I wouldn't have bothered with them because it would have been a waste of time. All it really is is just targeting.

    First approach is taking advantage of everything that is burning in a mob with that one Napalm. It's more AOE. Use Fo/Fi/FG to make sure each member in that mob takes explosive damage and non splitting Damage over time. This one gets you more damage just from foam not splitting its dot and foams 2 explosive hits. If you channel FG a little longer and jump on the 2 or 3 second you gain more damage from FG. This one is a little less power hungry. Here, you're taking full advantage of your powers to get higher damage while managing your power bar.

    The second one works too but uses more power to accumulate damage. Depends more on your controllers. You're still spreading DoTs, mostly by recasting your DoTs on mobs more often, but your main focus with this one is just to focus on what you're already targeting or whats just infront of you (more cone AOE). Forget what's on the side until you've dispatched your targeted enemies. Here, you make up for, or surpass, the damage you would have done with Foam not splitting & explosion damage by increasing the rate you use your offensive powers. You play faster and more aggressive than you would with 1.

    Both work and can be altered a bit. The first one can still produce higher damage than 2 if you used Napalm more often while foam is up but then it would no longer be a power friendly combo. But at anytime, you can throw the power friendly part out and switch it back on.
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  6. farm3rb0b Committed Player

    When I first started playing I couldn't understand why everyone was jumping all over the freaking place. Jump is a skill people don't associate with damage, but it's quite helpful across the board. I'm a big fan of the Napalm/FG PI. I've used Foam in the past, but I recently spec'd out of it...long story short I needed to switch it up to get other stuff for a better dual spec. Anyways, a great benefit of FG and jumping if you're talking about a larger mob is the fact that FG can be jump cancelled. So, Napalm the lot of them, target one end with FG, jump to the other end of the mob...which should jump cancel the FG animation, and then apply your PI of choice on that burning set of the mob. I imagine if you're trying to do a quick burn with FG you're jump cancelling it anyway, but it should allow you to hop on over to the other side of the mob you're burning down as well.

    Also, semi off topic. Getting ready to do a power set rotation to empty my bank of my crazy amount of styles. Been considering going to one of the other three troll powers to get that shield SC for the T5 raids. I have to say, I'm absolutely going to miss Gadgets and a large part of that is this thread. TheDark and Penryn and everyone else who has contributed to this thread have been extremely helpful to myself and to others. I've always enjoyed Gadgets for it's ability to be great in multiple situations. Quick burst powers and stacking dots for more sustained damage. It's got CC and PI powers for controllers. Man, I'm gonna miss GG and Distract so much. :( Anyways, nostalgia aside, I just want to thank everyone for their testing, their numbers, and their helpfulness. There is always someone responding to questions even if it's just the standard, "Gimme a loadout so I can top the DPS charts." :p
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  7. TheDark Devoted Player

    Is static grenade another electric PI consumable? Which level do you use V or iV?
    Good job on the precision build. I was starting to believe that no one could make it work anymore.
    You should definitely come in here if someone ever has questions about a precision build.

    I completely agree. I was actually talking about it in PM. It's always a specific kind of mentality that ruins the learning and gameplay experience. That's in regards to player approaches (damage or controller) and understanding of the scoreboard. I could rant forever on the mentality of moron dps, lack luster controllers (both in game and on the forums), and the flaws with the scorecard . Thank god there's an ignore option for players.

    I'm also modded with Vit & Prec across reds and yellow sockets. My precision is about 559 unbuffed. I use bow and rifle. I also use One Hand's flurry for damage but thats only in t4 and under raids. There is only one downside about modding that way. I'm a really good PoT controller. So when i see these 1900+ vit controllers consistently drop the bolt or not regen their own power I go nuts. The 2 things controllers can only do to a great degree, thats their job, and they fail to do it. My controller friends list is very short.

    I'll add you ingame when I log in this weekend. I'm definitely going to try out the HB SF combo with that consumable.
  8. D3vi1 Dedicated Player

    Have you guys tried shock inducers? Its a weapon clipper. No pi, but its quick and range.
  9. farm3rb0b Committed Player

    Haven't tried shock inducers. I tried the Napalm Atomizer thinking I could save the power Napalm Grenade costs, but the animation is way longer than I'd like. I went to Static Grenade going after the stun. I tried a cheap plan in a low level instance and I'm not impressed as of yet. I might make a IV plan and see if the stun works better. I know it lasts longer, but I'm not even really seeing the "stunned" work across screen for even a 2 sec stun. If you're using the consumable for a PI, then you want burning (Napalm Atomizer), electrify (Electrostatic Pulse Grenade), orrrr maybe frostbite (Cryogenic solution). If you just want something that's a quick consumable, there are a few stuns. The new Quantum consumables stun rather well, I hear Chronometric Emitter is the better of the two. I'm probably going to stick with the Static Grenade until I can get some expert level dampening fields. I have the IV but I feel like it doesn't last long enough for even pick ups. :(
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  10. D3vi1 Dedicated Player

    Its just for weapon clips. No pis. Its fast. Get back in the action
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  11. Massah Committed Player

    Static Grenade has no PI - it stuns (Usually if you are a Tank or DPS - but not very consistent)

    It has almost the exact same animation and sound effects as Gauss Grenade so it is a fairly quick clip with superb Range and no Damage Split- so a Level V Expert hits harder than Gauss Grenade in Controller Stance.

    I use Intimidation in Controller Stance to add Crowd Control to my weapon attacks and due to the 1-9 hit weapon combo generating the same power back I only do the 2-hit Solar-Flare combo as Players tend to spam power at too fast a rate for me to do real tier weapon regen.

    My DPS build is:
    Distract, Intimidation, Stealth*, Fear Gas Spray, Gauss Grenade, Napalm Grenade
    Surprise Attack, Implosion Mine, Bunker Buster, Gauss Grenade, Word Of Power

    Non-T5 Raids as Controller:
    Sticky Bomb, Defib, Stealth*, Intimidation, Gauss Grenade, Distract

    In Nexus or real power Hungry Groups - I swap Stealth for Word Of Power so that it is more reliable plus has the extra 350vit for still being in Controller stance since Stealth removes you from Controller benefits.

    In Paradox I do the same so WoP in place of Stealth and I replace Intimidation with Napalm Grenade. (Healing Debuff more important than trying to get cheap stun with Intimidation)

    If I am in an Alert or non-T5 Raid I usually never need WoP so I will do a quick Stealth - Fear Gas Jump if viable or help Burn with a Bunker Buster - on USPS3 most of the time I can cast both from the Stealth Loadout and they both Land activate Fear Gas first then mash Bunker or Word Of Power to get a SC cast in before fully exiting Stealth. (Gauss Grenade also works well to throw after a Stealth Fear Gas while still retaining Stealth Buff)

    I used to use the Shock Inducers a lot but only switched to Static Grenades as I received the Expert Plan and the animation fit Gadgets so well after I switched from Quantum..........(Literally switched my Main because people thought I was performing Time Bomb scorecard fluff due to my damage-out........ugh now they think I'm dps'ing with Power rather than sharing power...smh)
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  12. Massah Committed Player

    With Static Grenades' Stun it usually does not say stun but instead you will see them standing still (drunk balancing-like) with swirls going around their head(s).

    The Level V Expert Dampening Fields are the same as the IV's just you get more per craft..........a shame really.
  13. farm3rb0b Committed Player

    Actually, I think Penryn tested the Dampening fields. While the duration is "the same" on both the PDF IV, V, and V expert, the damage cap is different. It increases as you go from IV to V expert. So it's not the length that's hurting me, the length should be plenty for a pick up if I use it right before I toggle the cog on a downed teammate, it's the fact that everything just hits harder in T5 that the PDF is wearing out too fast. At least...I'm fairly certain that's the issue.
  14. D3vi1 Dedicated Player

    Due to a pvp update, even when you are in stealth, when you use word of power it takes you out of stealth. Giving you back your full vit stats, giving full power to the team. I do agree sometime you need to just hit the sc instead of waiting for the stealth cool down.

    I still run word on my stealth tho.
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  15. TheDark Devoted Player

    I have the Napalm Atomizer V but never tried it.
    I used to use Dazing Device a long time ago in both stances. I used it to clip Intimidation and another bonus was when I ran raids (before Origin Crisis) it would stun NPCs in damage stance too. So my weapon combo's wouldn't get interrupted. Then I switched to Electrostatic Pulse ever since someone told me about it. It's been a while since I used it though because most of my complex materials were spent remodding my gear or making PDF. Its been so long I think I also forgot where the item to make it drops.
    I have tried Cryogenic Solution but the animation is a little long. I wouldn't use it in damage stance. In controller stance, I could set it up for someone then always clip it with Defib.
    I also haven't tried either of the new Quantum consumables but I believe i have both V plans. I'll definitely play around with them.

    Unfortunately I haven't gotten a PDF V expert yet. I'd prefer it just for the higher damage absorption cap. taking 760 more damage than the IV can make or break a pick up so I see what you're saying. The downer is all of them are vulnerable to control effects. If they gave it immunity for 6 seconds similar to Distract, that consumable would be amazing instead of just being really good.
  16. TheDark Devoted Player

    You do get more per craft but the damage cap is higher for each level. I was able to figure out all but 1. Penryn has a PDF V Exp and found that the V exp absorbs 2035 damage which is fantastic.
    I made this chart like 2 months ago. Its on the first page.

    That definitely sounds appealing.

    I have noticed only being able to reach 2 hits on my meter so I used rifle grenade. I like the mobility, the quick and easy weapon regen with hold square, and since I'm dual modded with precision, it was reasonable.

    I have used HB the same way but I found when I had periods when the team wasn't using a lot of power I had time to pulse beam (to active 9 additional ticks of higher scaled power regen on the 9 or 10th hit but mostly to increase my chances of activating the replenishing adapter mod) which bothered me a bit. When I use Pulse beam i'm just stuck there making me vulnerable to attacks. With Rifle I'm mobile as I attack or it's very easy to transition to different directions. That was personal choice and was really the only thing that kept me from sticking to HB. That was 2 months ago so it might not bother me as much now. I'll see.

    Players do use "unnatural" high amounts of power. I found that it's the smart, or great chemistry, groups that cycle periods where they use power clipping combos and weapon damage. Those give you a better chance to really regen.

    But even in high power consumption groups I noticed as long as you had a weapon that can get you to a minimum of the second combo meter tier very fast you're a bit better off. I found rifle did that for me. The rate a team consumes power still factors in but just reaching the second tier when possible is definitely a step to minimize the chance to go empty.

    That's something I see with some controllers in game and DPS. If they want to consume alot of power they have work with their controllers to atleast minimize the strain or chance of them all going empty in a long boss fight. My old league (just over a year ago) did that and results were amazing. Everything was completed in speed feat time and we were getting the PBG feats on a regular basis. Most moved on. It kind of sucks leading and being a part of a really good and elite league then all of sudden you have to PUG or run with players who don't understand the limits of the roles forever.

    Well I'm glad to see people are noticing the perks of using Stealth. 4 other players here have noticed. How bad is the loadout switch lag for you? I hate it on ps3 so I'm really looking forward to when the PS4 comes out. I think stealth and what I heard so far about the armory will really change the way we can do damage in Damage stance and Controller stance and just overall play the game.

    I also barely use WoP in alerts so I'll play around with Stealth in there. Hopefully the lag won't be as bad in an alert.
    What I find funny is the reaction you're describing of the players who see you doing high damage. When a player believes that a controller isn't "suppose to" or capable of doing damage and powering a team, that's when you know the knowledge and quality of players in game has gone down the tube. Rather than aspire to be a great and versatile player, they get lazy and criticize.
  17. D3vi1 Dedicated Player

    Yeah I'm definitely glad that more people are using Stealth as an available choice.
    I've successfully avoided plenty of One Shots from this game using stealth. Getting up from a revive is awesome too.

    I get questioned a lot when I troll about my DPS. Majority of the time, my weapon alone does a lot of damage. The fact I'm constantly buffed with defib, it gets the job done easily. I think it matters how well you know your weapon and it's combos.

    I use dual pistols and a lot of time I'm going in gun blazing. I did picked up cr 88 hand blasters and I've trolled with HB before. My dps doesn't change. As Dark said, for a fast pace combo, solar flare is a good combo to use but there will be moments where you feel like there is a break. Moments like that, you can take it easy and pulse beam it.

    And through out this DLC, I've noticed a few trollers not potting before the fight or when a battle is complete, they wait till the tank get from one point to another then choose to pot. It doesn't hurt to maintain pot at all times. Take advantage of the double tick. By waiting for the fight to start again, you end up playing catch up instead of getting ahead. Moments like that is where trolls actually struggle.

    Certain consumables is favored to use. My personal favorite would probably be PDF :).

    Over CC'ing is often look down upon. I think good trolls are what makes the difficulty of the raids. If there is an overwhelming issues with adds where tank can't maintain the adds (Not because tank is bad, I've witness during the split in Nexus, a player decided to troll the raid and agro everything and brought it back), moments like that, trolls don't just give power. In that situation, we had an ice tank. Once everything was frost bitten, I told the tank to back up while I ice encase everything. Did a 360 fear gas and everything looked like a meat locker. As we pulled back, we was able to destroy the adds in a more less stressful situation. If it was one or two adds, dropping stasis field is a very annoying thing to do.

    Recently there has been a high demand for solo healers and 3 trolls. I think that's an awesome combo to use in these raids. DPS develop a normal rotation with 2 trolls and now they have a choice for Super Saiyan status DPS. hehehe
  18. sheensprayshot New Player

    I dunno guys. For people that been playing since "beta" or a few years, Gadget p.i.'s, combos, positioning etc seem easy. But for a noob like me who has only been playing since June..and has only played two total powers(mental the 1st) gadgets doesn't seem to fit me. I have had many great people give me loadouts, tips, etc. But I actually did better with mental....idk..Im thinking of trying all the powers out and settling for one afterwards.Next light....celestial...quantum...?

    My strengths...clipping..(I played street fighter all my life...clipping is actually slow compared to combos in street fighter(to me.)
    Being aware of whats going on around me. I usually die the least, and revive the most people around me.
    Power consumption...Im aware of how when to dial down...use a soda...a trinket.

    Any advice guys? Stick it through? Experiment?:confused:
  19. D3vi1 Dedicated Player

    Both powers are different in style and functionality. Gadgets doesn't rely on heavy bit dots or big AOE attacks. They have more burst and cone aoe and small dots. So its more of a high paste burst push with a bit of dots in background. Giving loadouts is a start but its really up to you on how you use it to push yourself as a DPS.

    The fact that you are a good clipper, you shouldn't have an issue with Gadgets. What's your current loadout atm? What is your weapon? Which weapon combos are you using?
  20. sheensprayshot New Player

    No I dont' have a problem clipping. I think my problem..atleast a guess...would be the positioning. Especially when there is a group of adds.

    I have tried several weapons. One hand, rifle, hand blasters, duel wield.Had the most difficulty with duel wield. I actually did the worst damage with dw.

    I am willing to push myself with a powerset, once I find one that I actually can settle down with and have a foundation with. I understood mental pretty well, doesn't seem it was as difficult setting up the p.i.'s or with positioning though.(atleast for me)

    Rotations I have tried: Nexus.(Only been in there 3 times) 1.)Ng,Fg jump cancel gg, foam clipped with intimidation,statis. Use weapon until intimidation is halway and recast fear foam,and stasis. 2.) Np,Gg,fear jump cancel Ng,foam,stasis.

    I realize the concentraion of trying to get in positioning to optimize the powerset is making me lose out on damage. And sometimes when I don't get enough power from the controller, due to maybe others using too much power, or etc(even if I use a supply drop and take a soda) I get lost on which power to cast next when my bar is builds up half way...or has finally built up enough to use a full rotation.
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