The Go Go Gadget Guide to Everything Gadgets

Discussion in 'Oracle’s Database (Guides)' started by TheDark, Feb 15, 2013.

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  1. D3vi1 Dedicated Player

    I definitely agree. We definitely have to be more active and more power consumptive compare to most powers. And definitely certain powers have more of an advantage then us. Just got to do our best during those parts and push during moments that we shine.
  2. Drift Hazard Dedicated Player

    I think the loadout is perfect as it is and all you really need to do is just change your rotation. With a fire toon, regardless of what role he's in, there is no doubt someone's gonna be set on fire, so you could skip using GG and just go straight for FG and Cryo-foam on them burning targets to get your power interactions. Just use GG when you see them not burning yet.
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  3. kiddawesomeness New Player

    Ummm... i pretty sure using cryo-foam on them burning targets will have no pi what so ever. But Mass im pretty sure your loadout is pretty good. If your playing with a good fire toon, coming from a "utilizing power interactions standpoint", if you pop fg lets say for example after they pop inferno, then at least those enemies will explode.
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  4. MassStunner New Player

    Thanks for the responses I've figured out its all about positioning and speed.
  5. TheDark Devoted Player

    If a target is burning, using cryofoam on that target will active an initial hit known as explosive damage. That's the PI he's referring too. Field, foam and fear gas can all do it to burning or electrified targets.

    Drift also discovered that foam actually restarts burning DoT on targets. So it restarts the 11 DoT ticks. If a fire toon, or any other powerset that can establish burning, inflicts burning DoT you could "steal" their DoT by using cfoam to get credit on the scoreboard. But note that burning DoT has a low base damage of 1 and high base damage 2. It's the weakest of the DoT attacks players can use so in all honesty it's not a big deal. If anyone really attacked you for it you'd have to giggle. Who is really going to rely on it for their main source of DoT damage knowing its so weak?
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  6. kiddawesomeness New Player

    O ok my bad must have read it wrong. Yea its just like if you use fear gas after napalm, the explosive damage will be there then lower ticks. Which is weird lol because under pi for fear gas it says "burning enemies will explode", but for cryo-foam it jus says "inflicts burning on electrified enemies" lol dcuo. They might as well say cryo-foam has same interactions as cryo-field except it cant inflict frostbite to help out ice users. O well!
  7. TheDark Devoted Player

    Yea I stopped paying attention to the descriptions in game because some of them are wrong. Some powers do inflict burning and explode on x or x targets. I think there's a post somewhere that is asking for updates on the tooltips.

    Foam is weird. I don't get any frostbite interaction going from foam to field but foam to fear gas gets you ice encasements. Which can only happen on frostbitten targets.
  8. Haruspex Pariah New Player

    Hey guys I'm relatively new with a gadget hero and really appreciate a comprehensive guide like this.

    Right now I'm at level 29 with some quests still in hand so I'm looking forward to hitting 30 real soon. I haven't yet decided whether to focus on Control or Damage so I switch between roles basically whenever I feel like it. I've experienced some bad lag on a regular basis so I'll probably focus on solo content until I upgrade my hardware.

    For damage I'm currently running with Sticky Bomb, Gauss Grenade, Cryo-Foam, Bunker Buster, Suppressor Turret, and Anesthetic. I ran controller for most of my levels so my damage loadout is the one I have real doubts about.

    1. When I get Cryo Field (either by levelling or respecc) would a good Damage combo be GG -> CFoam -> CField? From this guide that looks like a good combo but I'm new.
    2. Is the Suppressor Turret worth it in Damage role?
    3. Is Word of Power any good for a solo player? I respecced it out a while back in favor of Anesthetic.
    4. Similarly, can I just ditch Sticky Bombs, Taser Pulls, and Defibrillator if I'm running solo?
  9. Martial Fist New Player

    Not sure if I can be of much help though I play gadgets as well (full-troller spec). Not to mention I am just 1 year into the game. I'll just offer up my thoughts the best I can.
    1) GG -> CFoam -> Cfield is perfect for the Power Interaction, and the final attack (Cfield) does give a massive boost in damage percentage. But after that, you will have to rely primarily on weapon combos to deal damage utilizing that 50% damage boost. Still, it's a great combo though.

    2) Suppressor Turret (in my opinion) doesn't play a significant role in Damage role. Sure the extra ammunition it dishes out can be nifty, but the bulk of your damage as a gadgets player would be from the many other powers you have at your disposal. It does have its uses as fodder though if added with Distract.

    3) Unless you are a full-time troller, forget WoP (not much use for DDs) and get some other SC that deals massive damage, like say Bunker Buster or Asphyxiation Gas. If you play DPS most of the time during your later path, WoP is practically useless to you as you are not expected to replenish power.

    4) Depends on your desired role. In Damage role, Sticky Bomb and Taser Pull can have their uses (the former juggles adds then renders them stunned a short while, while the latter pulls your desired target into melee range thus reducing risk of aggro-ing other adds). In Control role, Sticky Bomb and Taser Pull are your PoTs, and they restore power to you. As you don't get the damage boost that DPS role does, you will have to rely more on your skill usage if you play as a solo troll. PoT will help regenerate your power as you solo-play so that you can utilize more powers as you play.

    Hope this gives at least something.
  10. dr strangeonline Loyal Player

    Sorry to say but if your on the PS3 your going to have bad lag from time to time. With the impending DLC soon its fairly typical issue that'll be fixed with a few patches. Not a big deal.

    As for your damage loadout I'd swap Sticky for Intimidation. At first glance INT may not seem that great but it has the potential to give you 7 ticks(procs) of damage, will provide a stun in damage stance and cost little power. It's also great for clipping animations.

    1.Cryo field is great if your in melee range when doing your damage. It's important to match your powers to your playstyle. If you plan on being up close its a great damage power. Give's the 50% boost constant DoT AoE. You can clip the Cryo field animation or Foam animation with INT. It's up to you when you want to use it.

    2. The suppressor turret is good for solo's, duo's or alerts. It doesn't live very long in raids and if your playing melee range its more likely to die. It will provide PI's for your other powers and does nice damage for little power cost. I'd say if your planning on playing more solo's and duo's right now its great for that. It'll grab some aggro helping you take less damage.

    3. WoP can be used as a solo player but i'd advise against it. If your Legendary(sub) I suggest getting either a sidekick or supply drop. They'll drop health and power returns if you can spare the marks and cash. I'd say the same for Anesthetic unless you can't afford the marks(it can be tough at T1 content to earn the marks for the Home Turf stuff).

    4. Yes you can ditch sticky bomb, tazer pull, and defib when running solo content(If your in DPS stance you won't get a power return anyways and I think the solo's are easier in DPS stance). If your in group and running as a controller you'll need a PoT(Sticky or Tazer), Defib, Defense Debuff, WoP or Battle Drone(optional), Shield(you could use Personal dampening fields or distract).

    I'd suggest a shield. Distract is a great quick shield. If in a group it'll dump aggro(not in solo). Give's a small CC immunity. I'd also suggest getting the crit chance and mag innates as well as the vit and power one in the iconic tree. Neural Neutralizer is also another good melee move that'll cause a stun and provide a shield. Below is a example of a melee and range solo DPS loadout based on the powers you wanted to use. I hope this helps!

    GG/Foam/Dis/INT/Field/Turret(could be NN or FG depending on your style or instance)

    GG/Foam/Dis/INT/Turret/Photon Blast(photon is one of the best finisher's in the game. It hits hard under 35% just practice using on adds when they get low and it'll seem much more useable). If you wanted to use Anesthetic I'd sub in place of the turret at boss fights.
  11. Lepew New Player

    Hey TheDark,

    I have found an online repeating timer called Loop Countdown that has made getting that double tic easy. Just start it up in a browser tab, enter 20 seconds, hit start. It will countdown 20 seconds over and over ad nauseum, and beep every time it hits 0 on the timer. It beeps every time it hits zero, which makes it really useful since you can minimize the window and still reliably know when 20s are up. I like running it on a 2nd monitor with the enlarged display so I can see how much time is left and plan a movement.

    If PoT falls off, I recast it, then recast again when I hear the timer's beep. Then I am "back on the beep" and can recast PoT every beep for double tic.

    I think this is an improvement over using the threat dump power as a timer since you can reserve that for when the situation demands it. I think it is not as optimal as counting tics, since in principle if you count tics, when you re-establish PoT you will get that double tic out sooner than someone who re-establishes PoT on the beep. The strength though of the beep is your ears track PoT timer rather than your eyes, which frees up your eyes for things like puddles of goo, chargeups, downed buddies etc. I also think as a training device this beep could really help anyone "know" how long 20s is as a few weeks of listening to this will probably help with your innate sense of timing.

    I did not know whether using something like a timer had occurred to you, but thought you might find this useful. Thanks for the great guide.
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  12. TheDark Devoted Player

    Hi. Great find.
    Distract had been recommended for players just starting out with the controller role as a timer. Aside from the 20 second exact cooldown, it can clip the poT animation to make it spot on. Distract is very useful for other reasons. myself and others continue to tell players to simply practice with it until they can achieve the DT without it. As with anything, practice enough and you eventually memorize it.

    It isn't wise for a player to use that power as a timer forever. its just temporary help. So I have thought about looking for other consumables/powers with the same or similar cool down. I haven't been on top of it lately but I'll look for something before my trip.

    For PC players, Im positive the Loop Countdown will help a great deal. I'll definitely check that out and add that in when I get on my pc.
    Now that i think of it, I guess Ps3 players can use it too if they have a computer by them when they play the game.
  13. D3vi1 Dedicated Player

    I think eventually, you will develop a muscle memory when to repot.

    For me, it is every time I use a specific combo consecutive times with the dual pistols.
  14. Haruspex Pariah New Player

    I thought I might have imagined this, but when I tried the Catwoman and Penguin lvl 30 quests I noticed that when I switched into Control mode my Stun moves (mostly Gauss Grenade) caused the mini-bosses to fall on their backs writhing. I don't recall experiencing that type of effect before.
  15. farm3rb0b Committed Player

    If you're thinking about running post-30 content as a Controller, this is something you'll get used to. There's a stat on your character known as Dominance. For Controllers and Tanks, we get a boost to our Dominance just by being in our role stance. This allows us to "Crowd Control" enemies. Since healers and damage role folks don't get the dominance boost, it's harder for them to control enemies. That's while you'll notice moves that stun or juggle enemies while you're in Control role only show damage while you're in Damage role.
  16. dr strangeonline Loyal Player

    Hey D3vi 1 this is mostly for you since you've inspired me to give using stealth another shot while in troll stance. I'm currently running with SB, INT, DEFIB, SF(only used on bosses), DIS, STEALTH. Stealth loadout NVB, Sonic Cry, Return 2 norm, Crit attack, Imp mine, WOP.

    I focus mostly on using stealth for CC attacks( if the healers drawing aggro I'll use sonic cry, if the tanks swarmed, maybe stasis if it looks like someone's gonna go down). I cast NVB before anything else on stealth so its active(and it retains stealth). Plus those attacks receive the stealth attack bonus.

    I carry two trinkets and keep one off cooldown in case I need to cast it before going into stealth for WOP which keeps my vit roughly the same. I also carry supply drops so that I don't have to use SC as often.

    I can switch to FG/GG/Foam for NG/SF/VC but this spec currently lets me get all debuffs and the innates I want. I may switch when I start missing my GG(prob soon). I like having this secondary damgage/CC bar, the lag can be an issue on PS3 sometimes but it hasn't been that bad for me. I just have to adjust to the timing.

    I've also used it as a shield a couple time's like in BIA when the air attacks come from the lieutenants. The timing again takes some getting used too. All in all I'm really enjoying it. That's what I like about gadgets is their is so much versatility. I can play melee to range and pick out powers that work with that. I can help and benefit from my team with PI's. I can go all burst, all DoT or mix it up. It's up to the player. That's enough of my rant. Sorry this is so long.
  17. Haruspex Pariah New Player

    Previously when I stunned an enemy they would just stand straight and look up. Is there a difference between the standing stun and the lying stun? I'd assume that the lying stun would last longer or something. It's not consistent either. When I went into south gotham for the daily Brainiac Union quests sometimes the Bounders/Wing/Sunstone would stun standing or stun lying. Is there a random element to how effective control moves are? Like a critical hit?
  18. D3vi1 Dedicated Player

    I got new tricks with stealth hehehe :) Troller and DPS heheeh
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  19. dr strangeonline Loyal Player

    NPC have phases where there buffed so that could be the case depending on what your running. Also some NPC are immune to CC in general. All Stuns have a set duration for each power cast. Some adds are weaker and can be stunned longer. On the first page of the guide there is some quotes and info on dominance and stuns.

    I'm not sure what you mean about lying stun vs standing. Are you getting different reactions from the same power on similar type adds? Or is this from different powers or different adds? GG will cause two adds to lay on the floor for instance, where the Electro Shock Inducer cause's a standing stun I believe. It's two different move's and each would cause a different reaction(CC affect) and have there own duration.

    Anyway's I hope this helped but I'm sleepy and its time for bed. Take care buddy.
  20. Haruspex Pariah New Player

    Hmm, after reading the first page again I think it's probably a combination of control immunity, different types of opponents, and my Suppressor Turret using it's Stun moves. It's not really a big deal, just something I noticed and wondered about.
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