The Go Go Gadget Guide to Everything Gadgets

Discussion in 'Oracle’s Database (Guides)' started by TheDark, Feb 15, 2013.

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  1. AlphaW0lf2013 New Player

    Well. I've managed to level up to 23 solo. But I'm hitting the wall. Everything is impossible to try and beat. I'm not sure what you mean by "pages back". I'll have to look.
  2. TheDark Devoted Player

    Have you done the booster explore missions and explored the areas in the cities to get more skill points and experience for power points? doing that first will increase your level so that when you go to do the missions it'll be easier if you have an X amount higher. Make sure you're equipping the gear you're getting that has higher stats on it.

    Heres what I pulled up. let me know if you had something else to ask or if it wasn't mentioned.

    In damage stance for pre 30, I would probably use
    Gauss Grenade for quick burst
    CryoField for melee range Damage over time to assist in damage
    Distract for a shield
    maybe Neural Neutralizer for a second shield or Decoy to mitigate damage and taunt targets for you or Anesthetic if you find yourself dying often
    You could try the turret to assist in damage and so the room of NPC's won't just focus on you (same with decoy) You can use distract to drop aggro and have NPCs focus on either of these 2 briefly.
    Under the trees section the powers are explained in detail.
    Leveling up I would just take advantage of powers that heal/protect you, again if you die often, and I'd take advantage of our pet turret if you're leveling up alone.

    There is a health supercharge Anesthetic you could use if you're dying often. Otherwise Distract and Neural Neutralizer, Hard light shield in the iconic tree would provide you with a shield. Cycling the 3 works too.
  3. AlphaW0lf2013 New Player

    Booster Gold.. OK I think I know what that is, the Kiosks in the Police Departments. Am I supposed to be getting all of these items in the Tricks and Traps tree? Or just what I need to get those powers you listed?
  4. TheDark Devoted Player

    Yea Booster Gold in the police stations in game.
    The powers listed you get in your the trees. Neural Neutralizer is at the bottom of the traps tree. Distract is at the top of the tricks tree. The turret and Decoy are also in the tricks tree. It might be good to start off with that one but it's up to you.
    The items, gear, you get randomly off NPC's (non playable characters) you kill. Missions you complete also offer them or mail them to you. Bosses also drop stronger gear. If you've got money you can also buy them from the broker in the watchtower.
    Also completing collections get you styles and feat points but they take forever. You can also get easy feat points off of buying some styles from vendors in the game. You have to be a certain level though.
  5. aganusn New Player

    Hey Dark, thanks for keeping the guide alive, I appreciate the work.

    I have a question about decoy/self destruct also, because it seemed as if people thought it was wrong to use. It has also been called "fake damage", but when I would use it I would see the ticks for 200-350+ when it exploded. So that doesn't seem like fake damage to me. Unless it was a clown box situation where the decoy explosion that was 4000 was also being put on the scoreboard?

    I found it pretty useful, especially the wide knockback effect. I don't really use it anymore, but I had some fun with it in the past.
  6. TheDark Devoted Player

    It's not all "fake damage" if there are targets being hit. It is fake damage when someone is just casting it with no enemies in the room. The Decoy does deal damage to targets near it when you Self Destruct it. The problem is the scoreboard registers the damage off the decoy's health bar. It's a problem with the scoreboard damage registration not the decoy.

    It does stun which is great. If you're running with friends who don't care then use it for that reason.
    If someone is competing with the other damage players or controller in damage out it's best to avoid using it so you don't you have to hear them cry.
  7. ShadyMilkman New Player

    You should really change the guide name to "The Go Go Gadget Guide to Everything Gadgets" ;)
  8. TheDark Devoted Player

    Will do if I can figure out how to change the title on here boss.

    So are you returning for good? The mantle misses its papa smurf.
  9. ShadyMilkman New Player

    I dunno if im going to return for good. its def. helps that i dont have to be so in the spotlight anymore. Just trying to find some fun betweem D3 coming out and FF14
  10. OmegaWarlord New Player

    I'm fairly new to the game and I've chosen gadgets as my powers. I don't have my stats in front of me so I'm gonna ask for advice on my loadouts and a few other things, I have sticky cryo foam gauss napalm defrib suppressor for my damage and sticky fear gas vortex defib intim suppressor for control. I'm not exactly sure of whether or not I'm setting myself up to be dps but ideally id like to be able to maximize my damage output from my weapons first then my powers or gadgets. I like to think of myself in the mold of a james bond bruce lee mix in terms of take down style. So as of now my weapons are the pistols a rifle the bow martials arts and the staff. Also id like to know if anyone could explain the permanent gain I see when I purchase new skills. For example the jump shot performed using dual pistols gains something like +10 vit, so would that mean I gain 10 each time I execute the button pattern or just for 10 for purchasing the move.
  11. TheDark Devoted Player

    When you put a skill point into anything that adds to your stats that's in permanent innate. It stays there unless you remove it.

    There is a controller guide in here I recommend you read. Just to understand the mechanics if you don't already. Since you are new I think it'd be a good idea to have Word of Power or Speed Drain in your load out. You don't have to have it. I just suggest it if you PUG often. Those 2 supercharges are great for high power consumption groups. For groups that don't have a high use of power, which are rare, you don't need one or you can run with Battle Drone.

    Need: Sticky is your Power Over time cast. Defib you'll need. Unless your group consumes very little power, which happens to be very rare. I would say the defense debuff but I've noticed when I play the D.P.S. approach it doesn't matter. More so with a group of 3 damage (t4+modded) players who play that way. Unless you're setting up a PI for electric. In raids it can certainly be seen as a minor group buff if you understand what it does. You could carry it for that reason.

    Optional: The rest. Again try WoP or SD when the group messes up. Depending on your approach to the controller role, you could add powers that set up Power Interaction's for the other players or look for powers that have crowd control effects that will come in handy in that raid/alert.

    I also suggest first choosing a weapon that regenerates your power back at a faster rate. Range weapons like Hand Blasters, Dual Pistols or Bow. After you've gotten some experience you can choose melee weapons. A few I've used have good power build up combos.

    For damage, are you playing for fun? I personally wouldn't use most of the powers you have there. Just because I wouldn't does not mean you shouldn't. I can understand wanting Defib for clipping/the personal buff. Are there any powers you prefer to keep to fit your characters theme?

    Those weapons you have, are they damager role or controller role? Do you prefer range or melee for damage?
  12. AlphaW0lf2013 New Player

    I just wanted to drop a follow-up note. Your advice about a "leveling" spec was perfect. I'm now a level 30 and I've got new problems to figure out.. lol.
  13. TheDark Devoted Player

    Glad to hear that. What problems did you run into? Myself and a few others who contribute can probably offer some info.
  14. Doc Holliday New Player

    It should be nerfed just like clown box and trans, in the end its still just fake damage being added to the SB, and instead of fixing the fake damage numbers, they must nerf the decoy or there would be a lot of unhappy transmute users lol.
  15. TheDark Devoted Player

    lol. get this nerf sht out of here.

    Anyone who mainly relies on the Decoy Self Destruct for their damage numbers to register on the scoreboard obviously isn't good.

    Again, it's a problem with the scoreboard damage registration. Not the Decoy.
  16. OmegaWarlord New Player

    Current stats

    Health 1680
    Power 1221
    Defense 932
    Might 776
    Restoration 647
    Vitalization 417
    Precision 120
    Dominance 124
    Combat rating 26

    Weapons in use ... Bow, rifle, dual pistols, martial arts

    As of this post I'm a lvl 25 with 23 skill points and 12 power points I did a re spec after watching a youtube vid about Dps so I'm guessing that is what type of build I'm gonna lean towards. Also I changed my loadout slighty in an effort to get a feel for what I would believe is clipping (sticky cryo foam guass asphyxiation gas defib bunker buster. I've been using a combo of CF and GG aswell as CF and AG both do pretty considerable damage or atleast it feels easier to take targets down it seems. Yes I actually do play for fun, I've only been playing for just about a week, I may have created 4 different toons because I didn't understand the mechanics of the game and none of them felt super I like the animations for fire and ice but not the loadouts I was able gain access to. I had my eye on word of power and after reading the guide I'm gonna use my next power point on it. Also I'm gonna work on adjusting my play style to etter fit my role since I'm getting the feeling that as a controller I shouldn't look to be the big bully but instead to maximize my own damage output which I'm hoping still would allow me to do major Dps as a character all while managing to power my team thru my vit which makes me a controller or atleast that's my understanding of things
  17. TheDark Devoted Player

    First, did a outside source refer you to that video? Or did you find it yourself? The video I'm referring to has misleading information and one application of a specific power is situational and doesn't work in trash mobs for particular reason. Not just that but it sets up the path for a cookie cutter build.
    Also the vid I'm talking about should be used by someone who has some experience in the game. Not a new player. Don't think you can just spam the load out and rotation on every group your in.
  18. OmegaWarlord New Player

    Found it myself I'm gonna see if I can post a link to it here so you can tell if that's the one you're thinking of
  19. TheDark Devoted Player

    No cookie cutter load outs. I'm not looking to host a place for the flavor of the month crowd. players can tell what's Efficient, what's unique and what's situational already. if not, its open to discussion but to promote something as the only way to do it is ignorant. Thats why I don't want the video I'm talking about in here. Especially if the description labeled with it promotes an exploit.
    Besides there's wrong info explained about a power and the application of the burning PI. It doesn't matter how you set it up. The damage is weak.

    Anyway, when I get on my PC ill help you out with your load out. For now lose A-gas. One thing I can say is the damage off that supercharge is booty compared to bunker buster
  20. AlphaW0lf2013 New Player

    Mainly where to start now that I'm 30. I'm finishing the level 29 storyline I started because I love storylines. But then I'm guessing I need to re-spec and somehow get better gear for DPSing. And I need to care about my CR now.
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