I love DCUO so can you remove the stat clamp already?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by llllDeathstroke, Aug 21, 2022.

  1. The Con Dedicated Player

    Do we know have to argue to what degree that systems that are obviously designed to make money actually "require" said money....

    You really just aren't worth reading anymore.

    You really don't have to use every excuse in the book Every Excuse in The Book.....

    :confused: - "If you just take 2 years out of your life, you could get 1 artifact up to 180. No money needed. Pfttt! Money!"
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  2. The Con Dedicated Player

    Yet another excuse argument...

    :confused: - "You know if you take 10 steps forward and they push you back 9 and a half steps.... That's still progress!!"

    Boy! That game sounds like fun. :rolleyes:
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  3. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    You’re the one who said required. So you are factually incorrect. There is no system in the game that requires you to spend money.

    On top of that, if it takes you 2 years to level an art to 180 than you are doing things excruciatingly inefficiently. Multiple people have already explained how to level arts. Then again you aren’t the sharpest tool are you.

    Yes the game encourages players to spend money. Why? Because it’s a businesses. The game does offer ways to make these tasks easier for players without the need of spending money. You’re inability to do things doesn’t actually change how things actually work.
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  4. Raven Nocturnal Loyal Player

    Although it's not "required", per say, I couldn't imagine the horrific nightmare of obtaining all of the feats associated with Time Capsules without forking over any money whatsoever... Holy hot damn lol
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  5. The Con Dedicated Player

    See here's where we have to part ways...

    If we were to get into an honest discussion about how we have to argue in circles because of your "sharpness".... I'd get banned because...

    You are what you are... and what you are is unsayable on this website.

  6. The Con Dedicated Player

    Gosh.... Sounds like somebody's tool needs some sharpening.


    And he obviously doesn't understand what putting "required" in quotation marks means......
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  7. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    So no constructive thing to say so you default back to insults. I’ve said nothing but facts. Both in regards to not requiring money and not needing 2 years to get to 180. But instead of trying to speak like an adult you once again speak like a man child since you can’t put a sentence together using facts.
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  8. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    A lot of those feats aren’t really that bad. The issues come from the rare collection feats which can be purchased from the quarks vendor over time. I’ve actually bought a few from the vendor since I don’t spend on rng. I also normally buy most of the stuff from the broker. I normally just spend the free stabilizers they give us. And during sales I buy the stabilizer packs using the loyalty points. And now I even started getting the extra stabilizer each week since they added that to the date vendor too.
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  9. willflynne 10000 Post Club

    Unfortunately unclamped content means one-shotting is VERY much a possibility, if not a high probability. They're linked inextricably enough that one goes hand-in-hand with the other.

    So I really don't think there's any way to separate the two in the argument. It has to be addressed or at least acknowledged.

    (man, I'm surprised I spelled "inextricably" right on the first attempt, go me LOL)
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  10. Plowed In Loyal Player

    You don’t need all the feats and all the feats are not “required.”

    Just like there is no “requirement” to spend money to progress.
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  11. Tiffany6223 Devoted Player

    You did good! *hugs*
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  12. Raven Nocturnal Loyal Player

    Edit: Erased, double post
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  13. The Con Dedicated Player


    I'm just saying that it's not the overall goal... just a possible natural outcome over time.

    Edit: And what "needs" to be done about it? Wasn't so sure anything really was....
    There has to be a better solution than a clamp on our characters,,,
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  14. Raven Nocturnal Loyal Player

    Hmm, can't recall myself actually saying or implying any of those things. But thanks.

    Edit: Reading that again, I've realized that you missed the point entirely. Please see my original posts on the matter -



    I am not here trying to spark any kind of debate or argument. Not doing any type of complaining either. Merely telling it like it is. General unbiased statements using my own perspective.
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  15. Raven Nocturnal Loyal Player

    Nothing is required, but the desire is (possibly unintentionally) high. Especially with many new players feeling like they need high arts and SP to even be decent in content and/or not get kicked. And can't "git gud" if they can't complete the content necessary to do so. It's a catch-22. Keep in mind I'm only stating what many new players possibly think, not statistical facts or anything. So, with that catch-22 in mind, new players will want to spend spend spend in order to "catch up" as much as they can and as quick as possible, so they have a decent shot at completing content and/or not getting kicked from the instance for being undergeared. WAY more nowadays than before since the extreme importance of such items for progression. Basically it.
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  16. Tiffany6223 Devoted Player

    Don’t they get a generous buff up?
  17. Tiffany6223 Devoted Player

    You’re going to have to tell me about Chain Saw Man, I can’t even begin to watch it. That kind of subject matter will give me nightmares lol
  18. Raven Nocturnal Loyal Player

    I dunno, judging by the amount of complaints one could say that perhaps it's not enough for certain tiers/instances?

    But, for that, is exactly why I created the Outliers thread, respectively.
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  19. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    He's not using good examples, but there is a smidge of truth in the fact that DI did put in the stats, gear and game changes (like artis and augs) that helped the creep go WAY faster than it likely would have if left alone....then put in a system to pinch that back down (the clamp) ....then encourages those that don't have those things to GET those things for the 'piercing' to enable over powering things again.

    And when we've pierced our way to enough stats to make things 'trivial' again? What then? "New improved Super clamp", in which we'll have 'super artis' to overcome that? Ooooh....or you know....a 4th arti slot? I wouldn't be surprised if those went hand in hand at some point down the road.
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  20. Alpha Maximum Well-Known Player

    Us showing a decade of visible progress we earned and made us want to play and kept us coming back and subscribing.


    DCUO is the thief, the TV represents all that progress we earned (just pretend it's your precious feats and then you might care), Ned is every player not applauding like a trained seal over everything DCUO does.

    The opposition ignoring reality because it doesn't fit their narrative.

    Them no matter what DCUO does.


    The expected reaction to this gif heavy post.
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