Ultimate Omnibus Adventure - A Quest in Search of An Outlier [Videos]

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Proxystar, Sep 5, 2022.

  1. Proxystar #Perception

    Good Evening Ladies and Gentlemen.

    With all the complaints regarding the clamp, omnibus and EEG, I felt it was time to put an end to the constant meaningless dialogue and instead embark upon the adventure to end all adventures with visual evidence of the experience so that it no longer need to be bogged down in meaningless dialogue.

    I will progressively go through every single instance in omnibus/EEG to see what sort of experience I have with absolute randoms, will the content be a breeze? Will the content be an absolute smoldering train wreck? Only time will tell as we set sail on the adventure of the ages.

    Will we find an elusive outlier that we can report to the developers as needing more assistance? Will we prove that the clamp is evil to the core? Or will we instead prove that everything is golden with a scent of daisies at the end of Mxyzpltk's rainbow.

    If you would like me to run a specific instance or a specific build or anything let me know, let's see how it goes, let's see what happens, let's see how bad it can get or how good it can get.

    All videos are sped up to approx 200% to allow for easier watching.

    Let's go :)

    Chapter One

    Threat Below - Starro
    Conclusion - Not an Outlier, finished with ease, time to finish quick, would be destroyed by a pre-made.

    Fractured God Sphere - Wonderverse
    Conclusion - Not an Outlier, finished with ease, time to finish moderate, would be destroyed by a pre-made.

    Escape - Earth 3
    Conclusion - Not an Outlier, finished with ease, time to finish quick, would be destroyed by a pre-made.

    Clocktower - Birds of Prey
    Conclusion - Not an Outlier, did wipe on final boss once group tried to brute force, finished immediately afterwards as players learned (objective achieved - let's have a beer!), time to finish quick, would be destroyed by a pre-made

    Crown of Thorns - Atlantis
    Conclusion - Not an outlier, finished with ease, time to finish moderate, would be destroyed by a pre-made.

    End of Chapter
    So in the end of that Chapter we have yet to find an elusive outlier, stay tuned as we move on to the next set of adventures, there's sure to be fun, difficulty or whatever just over the horizon. :)
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  2. Proxystar #Perception

    Shiver me timbers we already have some resistance, or do we, I'm not sure. I'm trying to be a serious pirate here, but we've already got some mutiny aboard :D By the power of Zeus we'll go to Olympus then cool ourselves down in some snow and ice, buckle up, seat belts on everyone. :)

    Chapter Two

    Olympus - Amazon Fury III
    Conclusion - Not an Outlier, finished with ease, time to finish quick - would be destroyed by a pre-made.

    Sunstone Matrix - Fortress of Solitude (FOS3)
    Conclusion - Not an Outlier, finished in 6 minutes with randoms, does anything else actually need to be said? That was scary easy.

    And with a hiss and a roar and not quite the escapade we were hoping for an outlier was not detected, with hugs and kisses I'll bid thee farewell for the evening, until our next adventure on the high seas of omnibus. :)
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  3. ColdFuzion Well-Known Player

    My requests;

    Paradox wave, Starro: Spindrift station and monsters of metal metal pt1 :D
  4. Ryazan Dedicated Player

    Hmm, if there is an outlier among regular EEG, it's probably gonna be that New Genesis Now raid. But who knows? Randoms can turn the absolutely easiest of instances into cancer, as I once got queued into a 45 minute Sunstone Matrix...
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  5. Ryazan Dedicated Player

    Oh by the way. I see that in some of the videos you go in as tank. Would it not be better to test these with the support roles being managed by the randoms? Else we may get cases of "everyone died but the competent tank kept going and won", you seem like someone experienced who would know all the mechanics, whereas a random tank might not always be 1:1 with you.
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  6. the solowing Unwavering Player

    I mean i can stream it as a healer if youd like?
  7. Ryazan Dedicated Player

    I prefer normal recorded videos. Never been a fan of streams. So no, thank you?

    Also, since you're a healer, how much of an awful tank can a good/great healer offset? still refusing to give in to "gIrLs aRe hEaLeRs"
  8. the solowing Unwavering Player

    You tell me lol
  9. Ryazan Dedicated Player

    *confused cat noises*
  10. the solowing Unwavering Player

    First run, a few death but nothing to change the tempo of the run.
  11. Catastrophic Repercussion Dedicated Player

    A competent tank isn't the only one that can hard carry the team, though it is certainly the most straightforward.
    Lots of raids can be solo'd by any other support or even some DPS, like Clarion or Lernaea users.
    I'm not really sure what proof this is supposed to be.

    Anyway, I'm curious as to Blackest Night, Prison Break and Brainiac's Bottle Ship with newbies.
    Honestly, the stream quality is quite poor and it looks like you have two healers. What is this for?
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  12. the solowing Unwavering Player

    Whats the problem with 2 healers in the instance is going smoothly?

    Just sharing my Omibus experiences for all the absolute train-wrecks i keep hearing about and dont see. So im showing where my perspective is coming from in a way that isnt giving you a biased perspective. Youre seeing what im seeing as it happens.

    There is nothing wrong with having a second healer in the run. It caused no issue during the run, so why is that a point of fixation to you?
  13. Catastrophic Repercussion Dedicated Player

    I asked a question. What fixation?

    Not every group can run omnibus with 2 healers, so if you're trying to prove omnibus is easy to anyone, making a foolproof setup kinda defeats the point.
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  14. SethZoulMonEl 10000 Post Club

    Can you focus a bit on the Tier 3 content? I feel like that content is probably the biggest challenge through Omnibus with most groups. You'll occasionally get 2-3 people who know what to do and make it smoother, but if you ran all of the content there that requires mechanics, I think you'd find at least a few that become a struggle with a revolving door of players coming and going as the group hits hurdles that some see as roadblocks.
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  15. the solowing Unwavering Player

    This is what i got when i queued Omnibus.... So why are you saying im making a fool-proof setup? When i had nothing to do with that?
  16. the solowing Unwavering Player

    That is the communities fault for setting that 1 healer standard, and if they fail because of their pride of not wanting to bring a second healer. That is their own failure.

    Theye got off-role armories, use um.
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  17. SethZoulMonEl 10000 Post Club

    A second healer rarely helps, but it does help in some content. Most ends up being extra healing that is unnecessary. I believe that is more due to how the game is designed for most content to only require one of each role due to the random queue setup being the same. Also, if one healer is really good and the other is below average, it shows any time the good healer is KO'd. I find that to be true more often than not too.

    That said, damage players are a dime a dozen, and most of those aren't very good either, so there are times I'll wish a damage player would switch to the other role and provide more help to the group than mashing buttons and hitting with pillows.
  18. Catastrophic Repercussion Dedicated Player

    You streamed a set-up that made it easier to brute force through any potential challenges, it doesn't matter if it's a pre-form or complete randos.
    I simply fail to see what point you're trying to make with that other than "We passed it".
    Hey look someone brought their brain to the lab.
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  19. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    I definitely agree. I even prefer alert runs with tanks since it keeps things grouped up. So I’m personally am all for 2 healers. However, not everyone feels that way and not everyone will run that way. So to test where the outliners are we should test with the method we would most likely see in these runs.
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  20. the solowing Unwavering Player

    I dont care how they feel about it, If bringing a second healer makes the run easier, then do it.

    If not and you fail, Why does their lack of adjusting and adapting need to be considered for?
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