Ultimate Omnibus Adventure - A Quest in Search of An Outlier [Videos]

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Proxystar, Sep 5, 2022.

  1. Kimone Luthor Genetech Clone

    I dunno, Proxy's got more likes in this thread than you do.

    Maybe it's not just the two of them...
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  2. WilderMidnight Steadfast Player

    I'm not for or against the clamp. We've all had to deal with meta we don't like or are better or worse than others. I haven't read much of the thread (seems fun). I'm sure others have pointed out its not the meta but the players and how they handle team work and the mechanics that makes or breaks an instance. I have been in instances where players are doing a great job but all of us are on undergeared alts or new characters and we just don't have the firepower.

    Last night I had a good one. Queued into an omnibus fos3 run that was already in progress. I figured "score". I turned to queue up some music to listen to, get some easy marks and an omnibus reward box. Next thing I know the group wipes, I look at the scoreboard to see the instance has been in progress for 90 minutes. Impatient group starts the fight with six players and as I stated above everyone did a great job but we just didnt have the burn. As soon as we would clear the sentries and ads the next set would spawn and by the time Zod spawned we were over whelmed. Another few minutes of people coming and going and our eight man team still wiped. I can be pretty patient when it comes to stuff like this but after about a half an hour of failing in a twelve uear old instance I decided to call it a night.

    Personally I would prefer seeing individual powers and abilities that need to be worked on get worked on. There are lots of issues present in many power sets I think would improve gameplay no matter the meta.

    Besides which no matter how many times were told "this is it" through the WM's and AM's an stats revamps and clamps the meta changes every few years. We're bound to have another shift at some point.
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  3. the solowing Unwavering Player

    But thats the luck of randomly queueing up lol
  4. the solowing Unwavering Player

    LOL some the forum users dont see to know Proxy was once a hardcore anti-clamper if not the most vocal one out of the bunch and i argued with them for years about this very subject. Hm, what made the most vocal anti-clamper on the forum change his tune? Eh, they likely wouldn't care. Because sound reasoning isn't the criteria, its based on their own investment in the system and they dont want the status quo to change.

    You aren't going to sway me, ive going at this topic with Proxy for about 7 years. And i havent budged, and when it was implemented. I got exactly what i hoped for. The clamp for me turned DCUO for me fun again, where the forums and shout chatting were far more enjoyable for me then actually playing a game i didnt have to engage with and the queue didnt pop anyway.

    So its a fools errand to convince me to go back to a system where only a small subsection of players are having fun, and tell me i shouldnt have fun, because "ive earned the right to negatively impact your enjoyment of the game!"
  5. VIRALITY Dedicated Player

    Buddy...isn't it obvious? You needed to go into there as a precision-based battle tank with 600+ SP and at least seven 200 level artifacts that you swap in and out. Then it would've been a 6-minute breeze. Come on man, get with the times, would ya? ;)
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  6. L T Devoted Player

    I can't help but feel you're being deliberately obtuse here. Clamp or no clamp you're not getting past those instances without doing the mechanics correctly.

    Are you suggesting you could solo the consoled in prison break pre-clamp???
  7. thedemonocus Loyal Player

    They are the 2 main ones , theres 1 or 2 others whos names i can't remember but mostly its just those 2 who are for the clamp, the majority seems to be against the clamp. In my case i simply stopped playing clamped content other than the odd solo or duo and mostly just do dailies and log out. I used to enjoy doing old content before the clamp, it was fun to stomp it or do walkins and solo it, made the gear grind feel worth it. I don't even think they should necessarily remove the clamp, i would be quite happy with the clamp simply being optional when you que up or even a simple teleporter that lets you walk in unclamped would even be great.
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  8. Tiffany6223 Devoted Player

    Why is this not considered an outlier?
  9. Proxystar #Perception

    Just a few comments I felt like making in general.

    I don't finish the runs with ease because I am a precision based battle tank with 600+ sp, I finish the runs because the group has the correct makeup in the first place which I am obviously a part.

    There merely only need be a tank in the group period, doing their job, for the run to be a success.

    Remember for every run I'm in there's other DPS, healers and controllers passing it with ease along with me and they're not tanks, they are benefitting obviously from one doing their job.

    I also do not need to tac swap my artifacts any implication made that I must tac swap is absolutely wrong and I can prove it if necessary.

    Changing artifacts and loadouts as needed between fights or swapping things mid fight is only done for incremental improvements and is done not because I have to but because I can. The manner in which I am swapping is also incredibly casual, anyone can do this.

    This is also the reason anyone levels artifacts, there purpose is to be used to play the game.

    Trouble does arise when people queue omnibus and either aren't prepared to play a role or refuse.

    Players need to start doing what they can to learn to play both roles and if you're not don't pretend to be something you're not, queue as support then have zero intention of doing it, that isn't helping anyone.

    An instance isn't an outlier either because it requires a tank, the game might have in the past allowed for 8 stacking DPS, but it doesn't any more, people have to adapt and play their roles.

    If anything the troubles in omnibus seem to speak more to a lacking support player pool playing the game than they do about the game itself.

    In any case more videos tomorrow :D
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  10. Proxystar #Perception

    I ran FOS3 and posted a video already, theres absolutely no way that instance is an outlier.

    I think something that is clearly obvious is that some players will make every instance look like an outlier. :)

    Theres also the case that more players are at level in which case it's the same as an EG group running TSW, its just often they don't realise it and are trying to stomp it still.

    They fail off course much like an EG group might've failed TSW on the first day.

    Players will also leave and eventually someone high comes in and asks wtf is this lol
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  11. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Well....I have soloed(via multiple sessions) Prison Break pre clamp...but that's not the point I was making. If the idea of this test is the clamp in 'omni' runs, we should know if mechanics are being explained or not. I don't think anyone debates that EVERY instance in omni is doable if 8 people have run it before and know mechanics or are very adept players who can actually suss them out from the tells on screen. Most omni runs go bad when people either don't know them or can't be carried/instructed through them...like the doors in both these runs, or avoiding the Gas on Grodd, the beam attack on Dr Light, the LB's big attacks in BBS....or burning the drone in HH.

    Now...Proxy might draw good groups...that's just good luck... but many omni runs won't be populated with people who've done the content before, or when they did, they were carried...isn't that the whole pitch of what the clamp was supposed to 'fix'? Well if the players Proxy lands in a run with don't need 'fixing' of course the run will go smoothly. I'd say the same thing for the fact that if Proxy is playing a role (like tank) AND providing most or 2nd most damage, it also kind of invalidates things for many players. That is NOT a typical 8 random Omni run. At least not some of the ones I've seen, and several others have as well...I'd think even the biggest defenders of clamp/omni would have to admit they've landed in a few. Not saying my experience is 'typical' either...maybe I had bad luck....but we have to acknowledge there will be varying degrees of experience/skill in most every omni run....right?

    Unless you believe that such a large percentage of our players is endgame, well equipped, well versed in mechanics 'elite' players who can do the work of 2 or 3 people in a raid, that we'll always draw 1 or 2 of these in our omnis? Or that MOST omnis are full of people who already know the mechanics?
  12. L T Devoted Player

    I'm gonna need a video of you hitting all the consoles at the same time solo. Are you using speed hacking software?
  13. Tiffany6223 Devoted Player

    Ok just wondering. Thank you
  14. Proxystar #Perception

    To make it clear I am not explaining mechanics in my runs, not at this stage, that is purposefully so, because I want to see whether groups figure out mechanics themselves or whether I have to carry things.

    In terms again of battle tanking, this is what I've said since the clamp has been released, approach omnibus correctly and you'll have an easier time of it, anyone can create a battle tank build, this isn't somehow magically exclusive to me, even if I wanted it to be lol.

    In fact I'm actually confident that I could create a battle build on any support power that could replicate what I'm doing in healer or controller class as well.
  15. Proxystar #Perception

    No problem at all, video is on page 1 if you haven't seen it :)
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  16. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    No...Laptop, PC with multiple sessions and PS4+ 2 hands.. Alt+Tab does wonders and you have about 5 seconds to push 3 cogs between sessions. Didn't say it was easy either....just did it one time while collection hunting(back before everyone in the group got one) to see if I could do it.

    It takes a minute to get to that point solo, but if you are willing to pay for it I'll make a video. Plus...you know...clamp and all...what's the point now?...besides the 'quiet riot' feat and some collections?
  17. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    That's why I said on something like BBS or Prison break, I'd like to see the chat. I 100% believe you are not explaining mechanics. I'd agree you should avoid it unless the rest of the group can't figure it out...and only then you should explain it a few times...co-ordinate an activation or 4 and see how it goes. Assuming you did not explain on BBS or PB either, and those co-ordination heavy doors went fine....I wouldn't qualify that as an 'average' run. People couldn't even do the PB cogs or BBS Mid run doors+floor circles correct when those runs were current.

    And no...battle rolling is not exclusive to you...but its not 'typical' either. Could it be? Sure...most likely anyone can set up a rudimentary Battle build working off a dozen youtube videos...effectiveness depending a LOT on SP and artis...but I'd say 100% of people can block a skull or roll out of an AOE pool...but that's not exactly standard either...is it? People should have been able to do the Ares/Essence mechanic in ToTD (I know I personally didn't have an issue with it, I'd guess you didn't either)...yet it was SO difficult that it had to be nerfed. And "don't hit or go near the Essence....no pets" seems WAY simpler than explaining and setting up an effective 'battle' build. I'd assume if that mechanic were still live, you'd be naming ToTD an 'outlier'....and THEN it might get nerfed.
  18. L T Devoted Player

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  19. VIRALITY Dedicated Player

    Hahaha no I know, I was just being kinda facetious. But I can't help but wonder how it affected the timing of some of the runs with essentially having a competent tank, but also a 6th DPS in the group. I don't think battle tanking is common, to be quite frank. If you happen to come across one when running these, I'd imagine you got a luck of the draw end-game player in your group. I'm sure these groups were grateful to have you, even if they didn't understand what you were doing. I imagine most new players not even understanding what a tank/healer/troller role is, but I'd agree that is not Omnibus's/stat clamping fault, that's an education problem.


    Today I learned that incremental really means a 100% increase in more damage out than the next DPS, and almost the same damage out of the next 2-3 combined. Freaking Dictionary lying to me.




    I'm just joking, I see some of them were close:



    Ah wait, you were the tank in those.

    Alright, I kid I kid, at least this one was close, kinda..:


    This trouble does arise quite often, I would think, especially with raids that are 7+ years old, that the newer players would be running. What should we do - wait 5 minutes and kick the poor newbie bastard (that's if the rest of the people even stay around for the kick), force them to switch and do the role badly, berate their candy a** in chat until they leave, or politely ask them if they have the other role, and if not, ask them to leave the instance (that's if they even understand what the other role is, or even have group chat on)? Do those runs need to turn into explanation/education sessions (hopefully they speak English)?:D
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  20. VIRALITY Dedicated Player

    Wow, I really need to learn how to read. You are saying that tac swapping was only causing incremental damage. Apologies, yes, your tac swapping probably only added about a few million on top of the doubling of damage out that you were already doing with your base 200 level artifacts.
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