This new update is a nightmare (clamping)

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Civil, Aug 26, 2021.

  1. KHALONofOGUN 10000 Post Club

    That's how I learned some things. A lot I picked up from fellow players. In the very beginning I didn't know that there was more beyond level 30...or at least how to access any of it. So I would delete a character, start over with a new power and concept and different mentor and do it again. In one of the early Pre-30 alerts (Bludhaven) a guy in our group gave me a few tips and things went smoother because of it. He started giving me a whole bunch of tips, and then revealed to me that there was more content past Level 30. He really opened my eyes with that.

    Sometime later a different player explained to me why I kept dying so easily in the alert we were in. Turns out I was wearing some PvP gear. The game never explained anything about that, and the only thing I knew at that point about gear was green numbers meant higher stats, so that's what I went for.

    There were plenty of other moments where I learned more from other players, things that weren't so easy for me to figure out then. In turn, I passed on a lot of what I had learned to other new players who went through similar struggles. Sure, some people learn things on their own in a very rapid manner, but that's not everyone. I turned into a decent player because a lot of other players were willing to lend a helping hand.

    I get that not everyone has the time to help out all the time, and there are some people who are beyond teaching. I also get people not wanting to be stuck in older content that we've already farmed to death when it was initially relevant. Well, guess do still have options. You can figure out the fastest content to farm for Source Marks (Seems to be FoS3), if doing only that bores you switch it up by running bounties and various open world dailies. Use whatever you get from Daily Log-in Rewards. Nothing says you have to run old instances all the time.
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  2. the solowing Unwavering Player

    Cant have Megaman without Roll!
  3. Doctor Nova Devoted Player

    Joined a group ran Bounties in old content (began in New Genesis and ended in BOP) yesterday and got about 120 Source Marks. Confirmed just now, weekly content rewards are still weekly. one-day-a-week-game is being reinforced. imho.
    unless u want to do those dailies (some us had done too often when the content was new) for some more [IMG]
  4. Mentaldope40 Dedicated Player

    Lol, that's a different direction to look at it, never really thought of it that way.
  5. Civil Well-Known Player

    ffxiv make mechanics easy to see, and if not, their meant to be challenging with hard mechanics, gear is meant to be clamped. That is the core system of the ******* game. At this point, old content depending on the instance can be even harder then the new content.With progression being invisible with only a number going higher on the top left of your screen, whats the point in new content. Sp is dogshit now, artifacts are worse but better then sp. Whats the point in new content? differnet map? (sometimes) different bosses? (sometimes) numbers changing? why can old content be stonger then new content. ffxiv is cosmetic. dcuo is gear progression.
  6. Civil Well-Known Player

    just makes farming sp harder now, cause no1 wants to do it, harming new players overall, and I mean, progression is invisible, Idc about 1 shotting, but progression is now invisible, sp is useless, artifacts is worse.
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  7. Mentaldope40 Dedicated Player

    But can you use that stuff at endgame, no?
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  8. Mentaldope40 Dedicated Player

    Welcome to most of this game's population, and those who you are referring to are just part of that particular group.
  9. Amanda Bailey Devoted Player

    That’s not a weak argument, running old and recycled content is not fun at all lol It may be fun for you, because you have nothing else to do, but it’s not fun for me and I don’t care f my statements get your approval or not, I don’t know you well enough to care about your opinion child.
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  10. Jafin 10000 Post Club

    I didn't mention FFXIV, but I did start playing it about two months ago and am currently about halfway through Heavensward, so I'm by no means an expert but have done enough enough dungeons and trials etc. to have a good feel for the game. Yes - FFXIV does an amazing job of informing players, definitely much better than DCUO, which is why I'm happy they've started adding telegraphed attacks in since Wonderverse, it was direly needed. Like I said in my other post, the messaging in DCUO is by no means perfect, but it is there.

    I'm not sure what you mean about progression being invisible. We can see all our stats in DCUO just like we can in FFXIV. FFXIV also has a system similar to Combat Rating where it gives you your average item level of all the gear you're wearing. What's the point in new content? To gear up, get more SP and get stronger for the next batch of new content - same as in FFXIV. Currently in DCUO if we're clamped in older content we also get extra stats added on from our artifacts and SP, so even if two people are clamped in a duo at, for example, CR83, if one of them has no artifacts and only 60 SP and the other has 3 artifacts at rank 200 and has 500 SP then that person with the artifacts and 500 SP will have higher stats than the other.

    Your whole paragraph is very confusing. I'm honestly not even sure what you're trying to point out in it.
  11. Quantum Edge Steadfast Player

    It's been two days. I did find Thursday evening went smoother than Wednesday. I've also had some time to think about why this stat clamp issue has caused such a schism.

    I'm putting this forward for discussion, these aren't criticisms, any feelings pro and con are equally valid. First, it's a profound change in game culture. It alters the way people identify with their toon. Last weekend, their toon could go into 3/4 of the content and burn it down, on Wednesday, they couldn't. This is a huge difference, and it's a difference that comes 10 years into the process. We generally don't like change as a species. And we certainly don't like a change that seemingly reflects upon us. Secondly, we have a change in routine, last week, players knew what instances they needed to run to reap X rewards, that changed on Wednesday, and again as a species, we don't like change.

    I'm fairly certain that the debate we're having now is one the devs have been having for months, if not years. I remember this debate 5-6 years ago, and at the time it was decided not to introduce clamping. I left the game about 5 years ago, and I've played a couple of different MMOs, Some have clamping, and some don't. In my experience, and again, this isn't to say this is right or wrong, in my experience the games that had clamping kept the game a challenge. Instead of 3-4 instances that were a challenge, there were 20-30. I could cycle through them in a month, as opposed to a week. If I found myself with an unusual amount of spare time, I knew there was stuff to run.

    That being said, I'm happy with the change, but I'm sympathetic to the people opposed to the change. They have valid criticisms and the devs owe it to them to listen, and see if there is a way to accomodate them. Changing the source mark reward system for one. Making end game content more attractive is another.
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  12. Burning_Baron Loyal Player

    I always take time to tell people what the mechanics are. If i see something go wrong. But if the problem person is the the loudest mouth in the group, why waste my time at that point? People are going to do what they want. Just last night did a league run of FoS2 and the one person who was a troller had the most deaths, ran in guns blazing. At the Avatar of metta they kept running into the tentacles with the excuse "I got shields". We all tried to explain the quadrants(Don't know what to say since there are only 3 but i digress) but then they insisted it was "Doo Doo Heals". Granted at first all of us forgot the rotating away from tendrills aspect but once we remembered the other guy didn't want to get with the program. I even told them to not fly because the room spawns death orbs. A lot of people are going to get a rude awakening , that a lot of the earlier raids forced you to problem solve and flat out ignored our best efforts to bypass them. That troll was so used to shielding through everything that their own hubris was costing us completion.
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  13. Doctor Nova Devoted Player


    now, if you'll excuse me, I'm going to play a game from 2008. Again. :oops:
  14. Tiffany6223 Devoted Player

    FF14 also restricts your skills to the lower content level. I hate that part. I have my load out set up a certain way and when a roulette takes me into an older early dungeon, I don’t have my attacks and skills I have grown use to using at end game lol. This is also frustrating and annoying about FF14. So there is no MMO that is purrfect meow.
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  15. JSnaples Committed Player

    You arent funny. Also no its not me, its the update. They nerfed me in everything I q for how tf am I trash when the update makes me trash? Make it make sense.
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  16. Spider Jerusalem Well-Known Player

    Yes! I AM putting the burden of having an enjoyable experience on the individual player! Why should someone else's enjoyment be MY burden?

    Before Wednesday, I was enjoying the game on my own terms, playing by the rules established by the history of the game. Now, I am not enjoying the game. The enjoyment was taken from me so it could be given to someone else. Someone who hasn't spent the time and money inside the game that I have. The development teams thinks it best to screw over the players who've stayed with them since day one to maybe court a few new customers who will likely jump ship at the first opportunity. Its an interesting business decision that's potentially disastrous.

    Here's the real question: when this decision proves to be the disaster that it is, does Mepps and his team possess the capacity of self-reflection and self-evaluation to admit to the mistake? I have yet to see any evidence that they do.
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  17. the solowing Unwavering Player

  18. Dev72 Dedicated Player

    I tend to wonder what the success rate of a LFG group, vs. one that is made on a blind que, and after so many times trying to explain how mechanics work that the kick option was used successfully replacing that player off of LFG or friends list.

    I also wonder if the heal shields could also help the troll grab the terminals should any more tendrils spawn while a troll (or tank for that matter) grabs that console.....things that make on go.....hmmmmm.

    But entirely agree that this update provides such a rude awakening, and that is what many of these anti-clampers are totally against as referenced by their " I am a super hero/villain I want to smash content, regardless of the enemy and area of effect being equally super" statements.
  19. the solowing Unwavering Player

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  20. the solowing Unwavering Player

    So far at least its not looking like this is going in your favor. So far ive seen very few vocal players against it, but some vocal players are for it and give better feedback then "I dont like it" and these are the people who DONT use the DCUO forum

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