Can the subscription price be reduced?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Aduzar Light, Jul 21, 2021.

  1. ThunderGunExpress Well-Known Player

    You know my name, Superstar.
    Say it.
  2. TheLorax 15000 Post Club


    ...Wait wrong pop culture reference...
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  3. Proxystar #Perception

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  4. ThunderGunExpress Well-Known Player

    That is the single best post on the forums, in my most humble opinion, that you've ever made.
    No other post has made me actually laugh as hard.

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  5. ThunderGunExpress Well-Known Player

    e2a: way to diffuse. e2a2: with a poor example of editing skills.
  6. ThunderGunExpress Well-Known Player

    I haven't played in a while.
    How's that going?
  7. ThunderGunExpress Well-Known Player

    One final note. For Mepps, and for everyone else.
    It seems Brit is being punished, simply by not following his post with the phrase, "I see you're offering all this other new stuff, but for me, that's not the draw."

    But hey. He's your customer.
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  8. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    No one's being punished.
  9. ThunderGunExpress Well-Known Player

    Sorry I took the warning for a punishment. My mistake.
  10. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    Getting banned is a punishment. Getting a written warning on a game forum is pretty low on the totem pole of terrible things.
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  11. Apollonia Dedicated Player

    He says unironically ... smh

    I'd say more but it would probably get me "perm banned" if I did.

    There's way too much to unpack here but I'll say it's disingenuous to be clutching your pearls over "bad faith" replies when *you* can't reply to something without strawman-ing the other position into something totally unrecognizable.

    Login rewards are a QoL improvement that frees players from daily "busy work" (not an actual gameplay feature). And non-members will have these login rewards too (but not as good). Allies is an actual feature and is available to everyone without subbing also.

    So tell me, what exclusive new feature/s are being added to membership to replace the ones members are losing? I'll help you; nothing. Nothing else is announced so we don't need to wait until it's on test to know there isn't anything that will replace these types of valued *exclusive* membership features (at this time). So the game is offering its members items and discounts, instead of new features, to entice them to re/sub. Which is what we've all been saying. And before anyone accuses me of moving goal posts by saying "exclusive", features exclusive to membership are the implied inherent topic of this disagreement so reminding everyone that that's always been the focus isn't a sliding of goal posts.

    Anyhow, regardless of how angry you get at me or anyone else sharing this position, we're still not going to open our wallets without suitably interesting new features. Writing a bunch of vitriolic posts towards any of us isn't going to sway us either -- you can't bully people into agreeing with you or subbing for things they don't value. :rolleyes:

    Didn't make it past the strawman ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  12. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    That's fine, Brit didn't make it past July ¯\_( ͠° ͟ʖ °͠ )_/¯
  13. ThunderGunExpress Well-Known Player

    Let me tell you something, protector of the trees.
    Like I said before, I don't cheat. I don't see the fun in it.
    I've never been banned from the forums.
    I have one warning. From mod something or another. For trolling.

    It was for my response to you, Proxystar.
    (And Mepps. When you read this, I'd appreciate if you just removed it. It's gone unread because I don't recognize it. Consider me warned.)

    Like I said before. I don't like to come to the forums to complain. I'd much prefer to offer praise, and in the Spytle days I didn't come to the forums much either. I think I replied critically to some of his comments and changes.

    So when the top of Artifacts was 120, and I was trying to max out, and this was before seals of completion, and I made a thread that was deleted when I lost 11 seals in a row, and I was upset about it, and the next day when I lost the 12th and made a new thread because I was even more upset (I still am. I'm bottling my rage.), you accused me of lying and wanting attention. I was already upset, so thanks for that. Part of my reply was that you can think I was lying, if you really really want to, but personally, I wouldn't post something like that even if I thought it because it wouldn't be classy.
    In the end I got through on my 15th try. I lost 14 seals of blah blah.
    Whether you believed me or not, I was upset enough to make a thread about it. Not only do I think you're less of a fan of seals now, or you've been lucky across the board, but...good for you.

    In a few days it'll be a year since I've cancelled my membership.
    On the U.S. server I have 22 characters. As a premium player now, I own 14. I raised from 11? 12? during the last winter sale. I also bought the bases/belt package on sale for 5 bucks.
    Sure sure. I got what I paid for for the short time I used it the occasional time I logged in between then and now. I wouldn't have bought it had I known but whatever.
    I got 30 bucks in the DB bank.
    I think next sale, I'll max out my US characters so I can play them all.
    Because I haven't chosen the 14 yet out of my 22. I haven't logged in to my US account for a year.
    At 14, I can get my key guys now...but haven't.
    I'll say it again. I haven't logged into my US account for a year. I'd have to remove the ones I don't want to play. My main characters that I've built up the most and have materials and auras in the bank.

    I'd also be bombarded by mail. Unless a mail bug ate them. Which is just as likely.
    And that's actually one of the main reasons I'm not playing anymore and why the game feels more like a job to me. And I know it sounds kind of silly (But again, one of the things that I blame as an indirect result of Jack. As well as the economy.).
    Before I play, I have to mail and clear my inventory and juggle between characters and it's also because I'd been playing so long, but I've already accumulated so much stuff. I used to have no problem organizing collections between characters...but Time Capsules, on top of everything I already dislike about them, add to that exponentially.

    I missed out on the Halloween Bat and benefits because I'd completely forgotten I had a European account.
    So when I realized I had an abandoned EU account, I pulled good ol' ThundeurGunExpress again.

    Here's the funny thing. I used to be in the old old Odyssey with Chill back in the old days and even recruited one of the guys he played with a lot and I think he also lives down the street from me and the cheap summbish won't even buy me a beer.

    Fuzzy C too. Hey Fuzz.

    I don't know if people will get this, but it's been easier and less stressful for me to play as a premium player on my EU account, on which I have 8 characters, all pretty low (My EU counterpart hasn't gotten the latest gear but got him up to Legion gear and low, low sp).
    I've been just building them up instead of playing on the US server. They went abandoned in the first place, and I found myself not logging in to see the Oddy guys (first of all a whole bunch of guys I loved left) when I found my time getting divided too much on my characters on my US account.
    But if I'm just playing casually anyway, why not just play on them. I've bought all the inventory, bank, and shared bank space, all on the days they became available I might add (actually I think I'm lying. I think I bought some on sale but most at full price).
    The fact is I have less collections floating around so I can just log in and play.

    During the last doubleXP week, as a premium player, on my EU account, on ThundeurGunExpress, I tried to get through, on the first artifact I was trying to break through at 120 (once again), with a bunch of nth metal still waiting to be loaded up, and this time I'm less sure than that time I made a thread, because I was precise on that, 6 or 7 or 8 times. One of those. Either way, I burned through like 4 seals and all the source marks on 2 characters to try to break through and stopped before getting to the source marks of a 3rd character and realized my "gamble" wasn't going to work today.
    And logged out and didn't play for a while.
    It reinforced my reasons, in my eyes and opinion, for not subbing.

    Who was the genius that thought flashing "FAILURE" across your screen repeatedly was a good idea?
    I'd like to thank that person for saving me cash.

    So yeah. Whatever warning shmarning. I don't recognize the one I've got and I've risked getting one with everything I've said if you (collectively), and Mepps, think I deserve one.

    No disrespect intended. To anyone, really.

    e2a: I still haven't logged in this week. Of course I should. I got 'til Wednesday.
  14. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    Yes the daily rewards are a huge quality of life improvement and only members get an additional 3x bonus. You want new features? They got that, Allies, and only members get a 50% bonus to Ally XP drops. But why do you keep downplaying these?

    And what exactly was enticing all the die hard premiums to sub? What was being offered that kept members from letting their subs lapse? I'll help you; nothing. You're going about this as if you're entitled a 1:1 compensation for your "loss" when there is no loss on your part. You've turned your nose up at a subscription perk without even looking at what it has to offer and you don't even care. It's fine to have an opinion on something and judge if it's worth purchasing but normally people at least look at it first.


    Let's look at Brit's list real quick because I want to address some things:

    Members are not losing access to these features. If you want argue that these were exclusive features for members only let me remind you that premiums always had the option to purchase both episodes and the lair system with one-time purchases that never expired. Free to play have had some access to new episode content since Earth 3. Open episode weekends have existed in the past. Episodes have been essentially free since 2020.

    Unlimited currency was a QoL feature for members only. Now it's a QoL feature for all paying players.

    Mailing money is getting turned back on (or a shared account option) at some point and was only turned off due to people using it to protect their funds from a potential cash wipe. This shouldn't even be on the list. The option to trade money between players still exists.
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  15. ThunderGunExpress Well-Known Player

    Is it? I've asked when.
    Is that unfair?
    Not that that in itself would get me to sub again.

    You can also argue that as one who very likely will not be spending more money on this game, I have no say in the matter. You wouldn't be wrong.
  16. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    Cool. I get moderated irregularly.
  17. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    At first it was said they were looking into another means of transferring money between accounts. Then someone (don't remember which green name) said the mail option would be getting turned back on. Of course there were no details. I didn't like moving money through the mail anyway, always a risk you'll never see it again.
  18. ThunderGunExpress Well-Known Player

    I'm glad you brought that up, Lorax, because when I did subscribe to this game, and Mepps can attest to this, not only have I lost so much valuable items through the mail (the last ticket I was forced to make, which I find an endurance, was to have 35 resurgance chroma materials replaced (which, to be fair, was the most efficient they have ever been to me. They replaced them without hesitation.))...but of course, I've only gotten replaced what I've opened tickets for and most of the time it wasn't as easy, especially since I don't remember exactly what valuable items I'm mailing to each character at each time, because stuff (and me)...but I've lost stuff in my own shared bank. Of which I've paid for to max.

    In fact, I didn't post about it because I got such a (needless) hard time being upset when I can't breakthrough because bad luck, that who the hell is going to believe I've lost stuff in my shared bank?
    And the only one I think would perhaps is I may have seen you mention something like that happening to you at one point.
    I've watched myself use the "switch characters" button and literally see something in my shared bank disappear in front of my eyes.

    My most trying time with customer service was during one of those encounters. When it was their fault.

    Now, why post a thread about it just to have people who need to say something say "You're lying you're making the whole thing up". I don't need anyone's validation. I want to play the game and not have stuff go missing...but also not have so much needless stuff to have to sell to get stuff I need. If that makes sense.

    So if stuff goes missing while I'm not a paying customer, I have no leg to stand on.

    Oh. And if this is happening to anyone, my fix for it is this.
    I never use the "switch characters" button anymore. I log completely out. I log into the next character.
    It seems to have fixed that particular problem. Something may have gone missing once but I can't prove nuttin'.

    ...I can't fix the mail.
  19. ThunderGunExpress Well-Known Player

    • Warning: The DCUO forums are for everyone. Please be respectful, constructive, and kind. Please welcome contrasting views and stay on topic. Do not insult or attack anyone.
    And there's no need to bring up Brit anymore because he can speak for himself if he chooses to.
    Warn me.
  20. ThunderGunExpress Well-Known Player

    I think my comments have also been inviting of rebuttal.

    From Jack. Or Mepps. Or anyone that would like to rebutt.
    If Mepps wants to say "Jack's a great boss. He dropped a bunch of turkeys on...I mean for us from a helicopter on Thanksgiving." that's okay.
    It's actually more important to me if he's a great guy to be around in the office and his whole schpeil about empathy in his first blog (and only one of his blog posts that I've read. If he's written more I haven't read them). What he was speaking about that should be universal but isn't (but is already common sense to me), and of course vital in the workplace.

    If he's speaking about empathy about why I shouldn't complain about slot machine boxes and breakthrough FAILURES I'm not sure what he's talking about.

    But I think it's important to think that the people you're working around are good, open people. I know for myself it makes the difference between long days and longer days.

    Which is why I hope they thought they were lucky to have Megan around. She was just cheerful and pleasant and conversational.
    Oceans, I haven't mentioned you enough.
    Post more often.
    You're aces.

    Don't be hangry. I gots Snickers.


    Couple of posters I'd like to mention too.
    Belated Mazel Tov on your birthdays.
    I'm wondering if your mum will adopt me.
    Me mum won't be pleased, but serves her right for not making me better cakes.
    No, no me mum's a fantastic cook and a great baker but her cakes definitely don't have your mum's pizzazz but I wouldn't trade me mum for the world.
    Also, it's possible I might be ever so slightly older than your mum and she may feel uncomfortable adopting someone older than her.
    ...Is she single? ...I retract the question.

    Zoe's less than half my age and she is and always will be nicer than me.

    Plowed In.
    Always a positive attitude and a kind word.

    Way nicer than me.

    I try to be a good person in life.
    I'm a bit salty and curmudgeon-y and my wit can be sharp, but I'm not nearly as nice.
    I say what I mean and I mean what I say.