MMO or Fashion Show

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Savior Prime, Mar 15, 2021.

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  1. Zneeak Devoted Player

    The topic was what is seemingly more prioritized. Stick to the actual subject rather than twisting words like usual, if an actual valid argument is what you are after. You know, since you want to talk about "baseless assumptions" and what not.

    Over and out!
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  2. MyDpsIsBetter Dedicated Player

    Your hypothesis means nothing when for a fact the actual game is getting neglected. Players who actually want QoL and changes watch each month as styles are paraded for more money, every month. While we haven't seen a new powerset in four years, half the game is using heat vison and is super speed cause flight and acro is cheeks, PvP is dead. But each month they come here showing us new styles, this is embarrassing the money is right there what we are getting is unacceptable. Dcuo has figured out long as they can milk the players for styles nothing else is a focus.
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  3. Liightmare dc Active Player

    I have and idea since it’s 2 dif teams for styles and content and it’s all about budget. Get rid of some of the styles dev and give us less styles throughout the year and hire more devs to give us more dlc throughout the year. 4 dlcs and 2-3 time capsules sounds a lot better to me then 2-3 dlcs with only 1 raid in each and 6-10 time capsules a year.
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  4. 9001BPM Steadfast Player

    Let me break this down for you. I said styles aren’t necessarily being prioritised, just that they’re easier to make. That is very much on subject.
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  5. Zneeak Devoted Player

    You came into the thread barking about what part of "DiFfErEnT TeAmS" eluded "us" people. That's pretty far away from the ACTUAL subject. ;) On the other hand, you're famous for arguing for the sake of arguing, so i'll leave this here before another thread you're up against ends up completely derailed. Toodles!
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  6. zNot Loyal Player

    They make tons of revenue i dont get why they havent hired multiple more devs for the episodes which are clearly underwhelming you would think that games improve its 2021 but the episode content got less and less and less no offense to the ones doing the content i think they just lack devs and budget and mepps should request support asap from dimension ink / eg 7 this shouldnt continue like this again dcuo is a mmo this is a call for change! How many need to complain to this issue? Either they cut down on styles and put more into episodes or hire more devs for episodes.

    I would get like to a proper answer from mepps about this topic (low budget and ressources on episode content raids etc/ dev team too small despite high revenue) it shouldnt continue like this!
  7. Megzilla Developer

    Styles are a team effort! PinkHavok designed the bulk of the suits that are coming out soon, including this latest TC style. :)
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  8. Apollonia Dedicated Player

    They are. Multiple people have been telling you that throughout the thread. It is the correct answer and not an excuse.

    New content takes longer to build because it runs through more teams.
    1. The story / script has to be written.
    2. voice actors record parts.
    3. audio engineering cleans that up (and adds effects).
    4. Environments need to be designed and built. Old ones need to be repurposed and reskinned. Ocean's group.
    5. VFX need to be built for different scenarios and characters.
    6. Character art has to usually be built (unless they're prexisting from previous content) for new characters. Those have to be concepted (Meg & PinkHavok), then approved, then built by the art team.
    7. New gear needs to be concepted, approved, built by the character team.
    8. New gear needs to be setup (stats etc) this is the design team I think -- Red5's group?
    9. Artifacts? Use to be Batuba not sure who works on them now. Probably Charon?
    10. Any UI additions need to be done by engineering.
    11. Cutscenes have to be built.
    12. The whole thing has to be coded.
    13. It has to be bug squashed.
    14. It has to go live.
    I'm probably missing at least 5 or more steps here. And all of those steps and depts have to wait for assets to come from other depts before they can work usually. Each step has between 2-5 staff members doing that work typically. In there between it all are usually art and creative directors pushing projects. And right now you have [sr.] producers like Panderus project managing and making sure everyone is delivering what they need to on time for deadlines so that the other teams have what they need to get their part of the work done.

    A Time Capsule needs:
    1. concepting+approval,
    2. character art,
    3. gear setup (and uses the TC template).
    So, yes, most intelligent rational people would agree that 3 steps is less complicated/work involved than 15 steps. There are more than the 5 people you've seen in livestreams working at DI. They have a large staff.

    Also, the styles and character art we're seeing has typically been made 6-9 months earlier when work on that particular DLC actually started. World of Flashpoint launches April, but it almost certainly began development early to mid 2020. Because that's how much work goes into making game content.

    No, but we're done listening to the "DiFfErEnT PeOpLe dO dIfFeReNt JoBs Is JuSt An ExCuSe" crap. Have a seat.
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  9. xxHELLSTROKExx Loyal Player

    Dented the floor with that mic drop
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  10. BUDOKAI101 Committed Player

    We don't need more content we have 39 episodes. What we need is a new gear progression system to make us play all of that great content. What we don't need is one episode every month for end game. with a gear system you can spam replays on and be maxed cr in 3 days. I think its time you put that styles stuff to rest for a year and let's see what new progression systems you guys can bring to the table. stop us from staying on one episode for 3 months. Give us a gear matters system and bring all the content the game has together. stop this end game one episode train of thought thats how dcuo gets boring fast. I believe the games growth starts with a new gear system and a gear matters revamp and skill point tree. So much potential here and we are still riding the same train for gear... marks!! Let's move on and try something new 10 years later
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  11. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    Styles, Time Capsules, etc. make far more revenue than they cost. They pay for the other teams and support the whole game.

    The neat part is that even if you don't participate, other people spending on styles supports the game and the content you want, anyway.
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  12. zNot Loyal Player

    Im fine with the capsuls i know they are important for revenue anything else like base items,auras,materials and some styles (excluding the gear styles with marks) that are part of a episode and seasonals seems too much to me do these ones really generate more revenue then a better designed episode? I doubt this.

    Also what about the other points i made? So you admit that the budget on episodes and content in there is low? And only bare minimum is being done since the „styles“ pay for the episode content? If yes i would suggest to talk with dimension ink/EG 7 because as others said it feels like a fashion show and not like a mmo how do other mmos do less styles and still get revenue? Please mepps help us talk with the ones that can sort this issue out.
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  13. MyDpsIsBetter Dedicated Player

    Bro I've switched powers five times this week 50$ spent around 300$ in double art exp last week alone. People are spending wayy more then me in this game you guys are making profit. I can't believe what I just read I had to screens shot it cause you basically just told the games player base it makes more sense to flood us with styles and make players spend more money then actually invested in the game's content this is lowest thing ive seen flat out said in a mmo. All we asking is some effort in the game and not styles what's going on is flat out greedy, what happen to the days the game cared about the actual game itself. Super speed has been the only real movement for years, we haven't seen a new powerset in years, pvp is a void yall basically gave up on can you at least understand the other side of the players frustrations.
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  14. MyDpsIsBetter Dedicated Player

    They making money it's just not being put back into the game and it's not hard to see.
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  15. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    No. You're making a lot of stuff up and it's not worthy of comment.
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  16. Apollonia Dedicated Player

    This is the definition of strawman. Telling people it costs less to staff 3 depts than it does to staff 15 depts is not an "admission" that the other 12 depts not used to make something are in anyway underfunded.

    That's like asking you to loan me $20, you say no, and then I tell all my friends you're broke. It's silly.
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  17. zNot Loyal Player

    I didnt really understand your example but isnt it obvious that most membership paying players are members because of the episodes? If those players quit due to lack of content and rushed content in the episodes they also lose money from people that would potentially buy capsuls.

    I knew a guy that would buy time capsuls for like 300 pounds hes friends were wealthy too and bought anything he could but they quit because he wasnt happy with the raids and the episodes were boring and too short to him.

    if they keep on ignoring this feedback they will lose more and more membership paying players. So much revenue and this little content in the episodes and i know its not on mepps to decide this but im disappointed to see that he doesnt agree with any of my points at all despite that a alot on this thread have similar thoughts about this topic.
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  18. KneelBeforeZodd Dedicated Player

    Ok, now you are hallucinating lol. First you didn't get that styles make more revenue than they cost, so let me get it clear "Styles, Time Capsules, etc. make far more revenue than they cost." This mean they pay for themselves, they can hire devs to make styles and only styles and it won't hurt the game, in fact, it'll make it better, because with the income coming from cosmetics, they can hire more engineers and environment designers. As I said before, less styles means less content, not more.
    And it doesn't mean they aren't investing in episodes either, in my opnion more could be done and should be done, but it wouldn't be wise to assume (in fact it's pretty dumb) they are giving us low quality content just to keep people here to buy styles. Content also means replay badges, respec tokens and memberships.
    Is it perfect? No, In my opnion this legion episode is by far the worst since Zoo, but they gave us plenty of things just in the first quarter of this year (new flashpoint episode, new anniversary event content, new SM).
    Just because the content isn't appealing to you or me doesn't mean it's not coming.
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  19. Burning_Baron Loyal Player

    I'm putting my money on Pirate Death stroke or Flashpoint Cyborg,. I can't think of any major players who would Warrant a suit. WW and Thomas Wayne are already spoken for. Maybe Captain Thunder?
  20. zNot Loyal Player

    I write this feedback based on previous episodes yes we got a 10th anniversary event but the episode 40 has also taken more time to create so its a neutral situation, the speedflux raid was good.

    The SM is the same as last one with some rewards but yes its something to be considered content but the main thing about this feedback is the episodes also SM and speedflux are free content i dont see how it can be compared to membership exclusive content.

    But good to see that you agree with me on some points.
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