DPS pet trinkets hierarchy...... go

Discussion in 'War Room (Powers, Artifacts, & Builds)' started by Qwantum Abyss, Jan 23, 2021.

  1. xxHELLSTROKExx Loyal Player

    At least we got to spend time testing so that always fun...
    I'll give pg its spot. Definitely a giant turn off and seemingly very unnecessary change. He hit hard/ fast sure but was on the ground already way too much in actual combat so now he's a piece of trash. Doubt I'm getting my 50 coins back lol but hey got to use it for 4 days.

    Things need to be released properly and this trend of constant changes needs to go away. It's like buying a car and then going in for an oil change. Get back in your car, it's a lot slower. "We changed your engine to a smaller one, yours was over performing even tho it was doing exactly what we designed it to do. You're welcome?"
  2. Balistical Ice Loyal Player

    Awesome change. Will this be strictly set from Seahorse and onward, or are we going back to say like the Starro pet from Deluge?

    Maybe the seasonal pets and the like?
  3. Charon Lead Content Designer

    The Seahorse and onward for now since they had the same setup for abilities. Older pets were made in different ways with different abilities. They MAY get updated one day to match the set up of the later pets but not at first offering.
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  4. Rejchadar Inquisitor

    That sounds interesting .
    Do I understand correctly that in the future, pets will attack constantly as it was with the Drone? (This would be of great help to Shard users, with the current behavior of pets, very often the gain from the Artifact disappears into empty space, since pets simply randomly stop attacking for a long time).

    What level of damage will be chosen as "base"? (hopefully not lower than current bats ...).

    Will we be able to test the changes on the test server before the game is released on the live server?

    Personally, I have doubts about the need for tiers (I understand that players like Obsidian want to show off their rewards at every step), but is it right to tie the damage level to such things as unique pets that cannot be obtained?
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  5. xxHELLSTROKExx Loyal Player

    So sounds like bd will be getting buffed back up since purchased trinkets will be made better than free ones. So does bd do the same as construct now? Does the free gazer everyone recieved free do less than bd?
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  6. Charon Lead Content Designer

    Seahorse and onward will attack constantly. The new attack rate was balanced against Dark Construct Bat. The Drone is an earned pet, so will do the same on average as the Dark Construct Bat, the Boxes, the Seahorse, etc.

    Vampire Bat and Gazer are free pets for now and do slightly less than the above mentioned.

    Shadow Bat and new SM pets coming out will do slightly more on average. The differences are within ranges of 5 or 10 percent. With damage variance being a thing, the differences would be hard pressed to be super obvious unless many many runs were logged and averaged out, in theory, but the differences are there. Much less varied than what you see currently due to animation time influence on the DPS.

    There should be a period of time for testing.
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  7. Balistical Ice Loyal Player

    Oop, I'm intrigued now. Do you have any ability to tell us what KIND of inspirations you are going with on these new SM pets??
  8. Charon Lead Content Designer

    You'd be 'shocked' at how 'cool' they are but I can't reveal my 'source'.
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  9. Charon Lead Content Designer

  10. Critical Massacre Committed Player

    I always thought Boo Jr was in the top 5. But maybe that was just a long time ago.
  11. Balistical Ice Loyal Player

    So many thoughts running through my mind right now...
  12. MsTickle Fate Devoted Player

    Are you saying that the player would be fake-shocked at how not-cool they are, and you don't have a source?

    I can't figure out any other meaning to those quotation marks unless you're quoting something I've missed. Putting words in quotation marks when not quoting signals that the words are not to be taken at face value, and the words are in fact deceptive/sarcastic. Is that what you actually mean to say?

    Or is this just a case of the most common misuse/misunderstanding of quotation marks showing up again? I'm not trying to pick on what you wrote. I'm just trying to make sense of what it is you intended to say, since the meaning on the face would not seem to be what I would think you are apt to have meant.

    Or is this just some joke or reference to some past comment that I'm not getting?

    tl;dr: what's up with the seemingly-mocking/sarcastic use of quotation marks?

    (One of my favorite blogs for umpty years: http://www.unnecessaryquotes.com/ )

    Simple reference: https://www.thewritersforhire.com/misused-quotation-marks-are-bad/
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  13. Miike Fury Well-Known Player

    could be Powerset inspired pets.

    "shocked" - electric
    "cool" - ice
    "source" - i dont really know this one, could be SORCEry
  14. MsTickle Fate Devoted Player

    Ah, that would make sense! It's still a weird use of quotation marks, but at least the intention would be clear.

    Just writing the sentence without pointless quotation marks would be vastly clearer, though. Putting words between quotation marks does not emphasize them. The use of quotation marks here remains just outright purely confusing.

    (But, as I noted, it's a highly common error, to the point where entire blogs exist to make fun of such misuse.)
  15. xxHELLSTROKExx Loyal Player

    I use quotes constantly since I only reply here on my phone so italics and really anything else isn't an option/ too much of a pain to care.
  16. Rejchadar Inquisitor

    English on the Internet (in fact, any language ... I see the same thing with my "native" languages, Russian, Polish, Lithuanian (a language that has changed little for many centuries before that, but even he, in the era of the Internet, gave weakness ( you can take something written in the 10, 11, 15, 21 centuries and you will read it without any problems and understand what cannot be said about the same English ...)) ..) has long been considered as a separate "phenomenon".

    oh yes, if anyone does not understand, English is not my native language, and even if you write a whole wall of text about how many mistakes I made ... I cannot master it ...:p
    • Like x 1
  17. Frank Zarjaz Committed Player

    I think the 3rd one is rage.
    As we all know, source is pronounced sauce.
    Ketchup is sauce = rage.
  18. Balistical Ice Loyal Player

    Hi. Me again. So this is what I was talking about the other day. You made that seem way too literal than what it had to be. Like you drew it out into something that didnt need to be. It was simply a play on words to give us hints but not directly tell us what the new SM are inspired from. Anyone other than you I assume, would know exactly what Charon was doing. But not you. You completely had no idea.
  19. Illumin411 Loyal Player

    I really, really like the sound of this is theory. I just hope it is correctly implemented and works out in practice. I might just have to bring my Shadow Bat out of retirement!
  20. Illumin411 Loyal Player

    Some people are just entirely left-brained, and that’s ok.
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