Livestream Preview: Resurgence Returns!

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Mepps, Sep 10, 2018.

  1. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    Livestream Preview: Resurgence Returns!

    The Resurgence Mega-Capsule returns this Wednesday, September 12, 2018. Tune in tomorrow (Tuesday), to see the updated capsule and bonus rewards!

    The livestream will begin at 1:00PM PT on Tuesday, September 11, 2018, over on Twitch.

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  2. Schimaera Devoted Player

    Ok guys, I'm counting on you to open as many as you can and then put the stuff on the broker. Because I won't open any :D:D:D
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  3. ChillCat Loyal Player

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  4. Eve YouTuber

    For How long is the new Resurgence Mega-Capsule is here? Because I'm low on money atm ):
  5. Sleepy Healer Steadfast Player

    October 9th check current events
  6. Eve YouTuber

    I get paid on the 28th. So I can get some :p
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  7. SasquaT Dedicated Player

    No thanks i already have 1000 amazon , qwardian , team-up tactical mod capsules all goodies that devs decide to make worthless after that i wish you best of luck with every new thing that you try to sale .
    Same thing with exobytes and complex materials 1st devs decide to place it in to time capsules and then they change it to worthless 20 XP .
    Those guys cant be trusted .
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  8. MrMigraine Devoted Player

    In the last Resurgence Capsules, we got Powerset Auras.

    So here's to hoping we get Powerset Instachange Animations in the new capsules (for switching between Armories).
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  9. VictoryMC98 Dedicated Player

    Yes, you can replenish your cash at the ATM.. Though might be hard to get DB cash that way though..
  10. Mermaid Dedicated Player

    I'd sooo love that! And powerset movement mode styles.. but I doubt it for this one. We just might get variations of the powerset auras.
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  11. Belthazur Dedicated Player

    Im betting on MORE Movement Aura Color Variations
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  12. Eve YouTuber

    I meant to buy DBC to open the resurgence capsules.
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  13. TybeeTahiri Devoted Player

    hopefully y’all fixed the drop rates. I would love to finish the wings of sin .
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  14. FoolsFire Devoted Player

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  15. KN1TE Dedicated Player

    That would be really nice if the could do that, but they'd probably have to do it like the movement update & sell it. So it would most likely be auras or something already in game, but we can hope. I'd like to see powerset movement like an ice/fire/etc. grapple for acrobatics etc. Still want side kick upgrades/customization. Give side kicks auras/styles etc.
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  16. TybeeTahiri Devoted Player

    Powerset Materials :eek:
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  17. Liightmare1 Well-Known Player

    Make them collection only tc. We don’t need qwardian gear we need flash bios
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  18. Draconiano Committed Player

    I don't know if this mean that we will have 2 Resurgence per year but if that's the case then it's another good choice from the dev team. /clap
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  19. Proxystar #Perception

    10 stabilizers to open one this time? :D
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  20. Shadowstar New Player

    I am really getting tired of are my are the leagues I am in. I know you like money - I know you need to make money - but can you please do it another way? We all have capsule fatigue. Before you all jump to conclusions. I 429 Skill points, I have every capsule completed.

    Which was primarily about not falling behind on SP. Your capsule item drop rates stink - far too rare (and as far as I am concerned) & they should have a cumlative chance to drop the rare items - with a ceiling. If it were not for the broker - the capsule system would collapse.

    As is, broker prices are outrageous. You should establish a ceiling on what can be charged in the broker (Max for any item) and how much money people could have for max cash - it would fix a ton of problems. It would also cut down on your gold vendors and bring more of that lost cash back to you.

    At some point you have to ask what value are you bringing to your customers compared to the cost of obtaining it. The answer is the price is high - the value is low. I have played this game for years - almost since the start. Capsules have driven me close to quitting several times. Many of my good friends have due to capsules and this business model.

    Please give me a good reason to continue to play your game and spend the significant money I do on it every year - because this sucks. Every capsule release I see people post similiar requests - are you ever going to listen?

    I just saw in the post above. Something about 10 stabilizers to open 1 Capsule? ARE YOU INSANE? If this is true - your greed knows no bounds and you are out of control. Get a grip DCUO, play nice with your customers - go for repeat business over milking us for everything you can then discarding what is left on the road.
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