Livestream Preview: Booster Bundle

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Mepps, May 30, 2018.

  1. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    Livestream Preview: BOOSTER BUNDLE!

    The Booster Bundle is back with all new styles starting tomorrow. Join us TODAY for a preview of what's new.

    The livestream begins at 11:30AM PT on Wednesday, May 30, 2018, over on Twitch.
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  2. Nanight New Player

    Hmm Interesting
  3. velvetsanity Loyal Player

    STYLES?!?!? And yay, I can be there! Hope my connection holds up for it :)
  4. Pestilance New Player

    Nice, Cant wait to see what the styles are :p
  5. >>>KIra<<< Dedicated Player

  6. BumblingB I got better.

    I like Booster Bundles. Way better than Time Capsules.
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  7. Fatal Star 10000 Post Club

    Time to stock on replays and detectors
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  8. coldchilln88 Loyal Player

    Is this the new norm now? Drop a cap. Drop a bundle. Drop a cap. So on so on. Yikes. I do prefer bundles though. But man. Slow it down
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  9. ChillCat Loyal Player

    So soon?
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  10. PsySomatic Extra Life 2020

    Well hopefully it is more than just some new auras.. because while I really like auras, the last booster bundle wasn't too long ago and soon after the powerset auras came out alongside the one's in the quark vendor.. so I am kind of burned out on auras at the moment.. :D
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  11. CraccaGeneral Active Player

    Thanks for the booster bundle. However, it is bitter sweet because you used to drop Survival Mode about the same time as the booster bundles. Really wish you would bring it back. Not even worried about any new ones. Just the old rotation would be nice. I am sure they would need alot of work considering the last one was before Stats revamp but it would be worth it. I know it is not a huge money maker but the hardcore players at least spend money on replays, repair bots, and memberships for that matter during SM. Please consider this at least.
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  12. SuperBell Loyal Player

    Styles? I'm kind of worried about that. I'd argue that Time Capsules are better than Booster Bundles because so many of them drop, they will always be around. Once the Booster Bundle is done, they're gone.
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  13. TestReporter Loyal Player

    Well, the only thing on the bundles that never come back are the OG materials/auras and they are just cosmetics. TCs have SPs and blah blah blah not gonna touch this right now.
  14. Coelha Well-Known Player

    I miss saving repair bots for SM :(.
    Wondering if this bundle will bring back the old auras or just new ones/variants, I missed some of them when I took a break from the game.
    About it being too quick, at least it's not a Time Capsule, i have yet to get a rare item from that one :confused: .
  15. 1 ncmike Dedicated Player

    I'll pass we've gotten more boxes and capsules then new content this year and that needs to change.
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  16. Djem So New Player

    I see that time capsules are a priority within this thread. Out of curiosity does anyone know if there is any thread in which I can post suggestions? Such suggestions may include the return of Survival Mode, which would slightly alleviate the necessity for incessant content.
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  17. Shark Dental Devoted Player

    I think you meant... SUPER GREAT!!!
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  18. Black Eneas Active Player

    I like to think of the booster bundle as a discount on replays
  19. Shark Dental Devoted Player

    Realistically, the chances of you getting an ultra-rare drop in TCs are about the same or worse than booster bundles. So, unless you plan on opening 300-400 by yourself, your chances of getting those items from TCs after they're out of style is pretty neglible anyway, just like BBs.

    The only option in most cases is to save up and by the items off the broker. In that respect, longevity is pretty much the same as BBs. Or do you see a ton of Sandstorm auras and Phoenix materials floating around the broker these days? Or even 1?

    Gear styles and not-so-rare auras are different of course, but that pretty much applies to BBs as well.
  20. Shark Dental Devoted Player

    This thread is about a Booster Bundle release. You can definitely make a thread in the Gotham City section to discuss content suggestions. As for getting too many cosmetic items, I dispute that on two and a half counts:

    1. I'm with Magneto on this one, I love styles! And... since BBs have no feats, there is literally no reason to complain about styles if you don't want to participate.

    2. Since the team working on cosmetics is completely separate than the team working on content, having fewer cosmetics won't speed up content creation at all. In fact, with less income (and thus less resources to hire employees), the content creation team might shrink, creating larger gaps between releases. I don't think any of us want that. Cosmetics help pay the salary of devs that do work on content.

    Whether you're satisfied with the amount of content released or its quality is another discussion, but releasing fewer cosmetics won't benefit that in the slightest.

    +0.5. BBs are totally awesome!
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