If you're not going to stop feats in TCs...

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by coldchilln88, Apr 22, 2018.

  1. Multiverse Creator League

    I had an epiphany..... a revelation..... an illumination.

    Sadly discussing Feats....SP...... Stats.... in DCUO is like....

    Discussing Money with Ebenezer Scrooge...... or Scrooge McDuck if you prefer...... or J Paul Getty. ;)

    When discussing $$$ with Ebenezer...Scrooge and Getty.... even if they are Billionaires... every single $ count.

    For most people.... $1 000 000 or $1 000 001?? it's the same difference.

    For Ebenezer... Scrooge and Getty...... that $1 is very super MEGA important.

    Heck... If you were to offer to most people;

    A) I will give you $1 000 000
    B) I will give you $1 000 001.... but you must fight a Wolverine in a cage to the death.

    Most people would take option A.... and they would be quite happy to get $1 000 000.

    But Ebenezer..... Scrooge and Getty would take option B..... because that $1 extra means the world to them.
    Heck you would offer them $1 000 000 and ONE penny and they would still fight the Wolverine. ;) ;)

    There are players in DCUO who can be quite comfortable playing DCUO only with the Owlsuit... Beta mods.... and 50SP.

    But there are some players who MUST have the Elite Mera gear... all the OP gear.... FULL Justice Mods.... and 400+SP.
    They MUST have it all. And even then.... It might still not be enough.

    There is a great scene in "All the Money in the world"....

    There is a scene when Mark Walhberg ask Christopher Plummer;

    You are the richest man in the World.
    No one has ever been richer then you are in this moment.
    How much would it take for you to feel secure?

    -Christopher Plummer answer quite simply;

    That scene illustrate perfectly the obscession many players have when they NEED to have every single SP in the game. ;)
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  2. Multiverse Creator League

    Absolutely. :)
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  3. TestReporter Loyal Player


    It's all about efficiency, in many games it's the difference between a player paying to play and a player being paid to play (DCUO doesn't have that, but you got my point). It's not a question of greed, it's a question of how better i can perform if i maximize my stats.

    Most of the players don't think about getting that 1 SP because of that 1 extra bonus, they think about getting that 1 SP because it's a piece of a greater bonus. Many players don't think about SPs in the long term (i used to do the same) and then they question in the future why they can't beat content , why the battle tank is doing more damage.

    In my opnion it's fine if you don't want to follow the max efficiency way (X way), many are here to play once in a while and never go for the harderst content. But it's not fine if the guys who did the X way aren't rewarded because the others think their X way of doing things isn't the right one or because the others think they should be rewarded equally while doing the easy way.
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  4. Proxystar #Perception

    How are time capsule feats and feats associated with R&D even remotely associated?
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  5. velvetsanity Loyal Player

    Let’s improve this Scrooge analogy a bit...they’d fight not just *a* wolverine. They’d fight *the* Wolverine, aka Logan W. Logan...and WIN.
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  6. Proxystar #Perception

    Where's the cage and the wolverine!
  7. Tilz Loyal Player

    I have now 8 gen mods, by just playing the game..
    I like the step that the devs split the gear and the gen mods over the dlcs.
    Still boring feats.

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  8. coldchilln88 Loyal Player

    They obviously are not. Its more of a request for a slowing down on the onslaught of unnecessary feats. Since requests for no sp in TCs won't happen, maybe in other areas the ridiculousness can stop.
  9. Crimson Veil Dedicated Player

    Any reduction in gameplay feats, even the annoying, grindy, mind numbing ones would make the TC feats more critical/desired. DO NOT WANT! ;)
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  10. Shark Dental Devoted Player

    It kind of depends on your point of view. Well, more specifically the devs point of view.

    Including a huge amount of feats makes it easier for casual players to pick and choose and still hit the magical number of CR=SP, if that's what the devs are shooting for. That could be a very good thing. In other words, getting to 235 sp would be practically effortless just playing the game.

    On the other hand, it creates imbalance with players who have double or more sp.

    And another negative is they run the risk of burning out players who contribute a lot monetarily to the game via TC feats, etc. Those players are on a tipping point. The devs have to realize that if they ever decide to give up chasing every last sp, they will likely give up chasing any of them. If they can't have them all, what's the point in trying? What's the point in going for OP gear, or purchasing TC items that are sometimes quite frankly ugly (Exobyte head, anyone?) if you've given up hunting for sp?

    Edit: My personal PoV is I don't care ATM about feats or sp. I gave up, though I used to be the kind who hunted every feat, from every DLC, in order, and had ever TC feat, even for items I disliked. The reason is that the amount you can unlock on alts is pretty insignificant, and since I play lots, it's ridiculous. I think they should make feats (but not gear or artifacts) account-bound. That would cut down on the grind without really cutting down on their bottom line because people would be more inclined to chase feats again. My PO, not everyone's of course.
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  11. Drathmor Unwavering Player

    that is red is the only time more skill points or hell ill even go so far as to say mods make any difference what so ever in this game if your wanting to go hybrid and don't have enough to get the crit and crit magnitude of both roles
  12. Shark Dental Devoted Player

    Did you have a ton of simple and complex mats saved up or did you buy them off the broker?

    You need 63 simple x 8 would be 504 simple.

    And 104 complex.

    Seems a little tough for someone to get that just by playing the game. Could be just me though.
  13. Shark Dental Devoted Player

    I honestly find that hard to believe. You're telling me a tank with no extra health and a little bit of dom can tackle elite raids no problem in pug groups?

    A healer with only a little bit of resto and nothing in power can solo elite raids?

    A troller with no vit and a little bit of power doesn't cause the group to wipe in elite?

    If that's the case, then I guess I better brush off my troll and healer, cause those 115 sp should be more than enough for elite right? Well, except my healer in nature so I'm sure she'll get kicked because no group shield supercharge, lol. :mad:
  14. Drathmor Unwavering Player

    if your skilled enough then the answer is yes to all. bring out the alts they will be fine if the person controlling them knows what they are doing..

    Skill > Gear > SP
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  15. KHALONofOGUN 10000 Post Club

    Simples and Complex Materials are easy to come by. Run a bunch of content and salvage salvage salvage. Heck, all of those "useless" marks from AF3 to E3 can be used to buy the cheapest vendor gear and salvage as well...providing LOTS of Materials.
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  16. velvetsanity Loyal Player

    On my main (Celestial healer, FWIW) I have about 160 SP, use primarily alpha mods, and most of my generator mods are 6.3s, and I don’t use SC anything and do just fine in elite - as long as the group as a whole is even halfway competent.

    If they aren’t, then IMO the run should be scrapped anyway because you’ll be stuck on the first boss all day.
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  17. Tilz Loyal Player

    Yes, because i salvage everything. 2nd char gets the focus elements.
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  18. AquiloFury Committed Player

    You are not alone in this. I run multiple toons...but I know them well. When things start taking longer than usual to burn..or in not regenerating health after a breakout...i know something is up lol.
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  19. Shark Dental Devoted Player

    Wow, so you salvage 600+ pieces of gear in a few weeks? How many toons do you run through stuff?

    In Deluge, we get:

    Solo: 2
    Duo: 1
    Alert: 1
    Daily open world: 1
    Vault: 1

    For a total of 6 daily x 7 = 42 weekly.

    Then raids = 5 weekly.

    Radio Starfish bounty: 1 weekly
    Starro Conquerer bounty: 1 weekly
    Applied Science: 1 weekly

    So, total of 50 weekly. Am I missing something? How many instances do you run every week? All of them?

    I'm honestly asking, for the secret for knocking out so many (600+) so fast. Thanks for your help guys.
  20. velvetsanity Loyal Player

    How many replay badges do you go through in a day? ;)