Lift dlc buyers cash cap or at least raise it

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by fm0987, Apr 12, 2018.

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  1. TheCMS Well-Known Player

    Giving premium unlimited escrow would stop a bunch of subs. That said, I still think they should do it from a prosumer standpoint. I know they won't, because they're a business, but it's what I would like. My subscription fees for all my play time are like double all the dlc in the game and even though I enjoy the game it's aging badly enough (gameplay systems and graphics) that Daybreak should be more willing to compromise on costs. Again I know they won't, but as a prosumer it's what I'd like. I'll probably sub up again once Superman drops anyway.
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  2. Drathmor Unwavering Player

    he ment if the devs dont intend players to play as free to play or premium then the game would still be sub based and they wouldn't be advertised as a Free to play game
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  3. Karas2016 Dedicated Player

    Look at tera for instance =done right, there is 2 options micro (f2p) or members, daybreak dcuo has 3 options f2p, premium (Member?) and legendary (Member) there is no consistency in this game regarding the second option, why not do what tera did? Why create premium and make it the the redhead step child while they exist and financially supporting the game, so base on the 3 models being individuals wouldn't that make premiums a sub member of some sought?

    By some others logic, if premiums are f2p then why was it created, why couldn't be like Tera is all I ask?
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  4. Karas2016 Dedicated Player

    Someone gets it.
  5. Fatal Star 10000 Post Club

    The game went F2P to get more people playing it since the hack in 2011 did a big number on it.

    Just cause those access classes are available doesn't mean the devs intend to favor them over legendary. They will always push legendary instead because that's what they want people to buy.
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  6. Shark Dental Devoted Player

    So, 1 + 1 + 1 = 2?

    Tera is a different game, with different microtransactions. Don't try to pretend that f2p are the same as premium, because they aren't and that's been explained to you many times.

    DCUO is f2p, as in if you want to participate in certain content and events, you're free to play. It was never indicated that you would be able to play the entire game, including all DLCs, for free. Premium players have the option to purchase certain items to access additional content and streamline their gaming experience to their liking. They know exactly what they're getting, no one put a gun to their head. If they don't feel like subbing or purchasing episodes, they can play for free as well. If they buy an episode, they gain access to end game gear, rare collections, gear styles that f2p do not recieve, and normal loot lockout timers.

    Either way, it's f2p. F2p never means everything within the game for free, unless a certain game decides to define it that way personally (like Aion), but they make all that money back through heavy p2w mechanics and "events" where players purchase progression, unique weapons with superior stats, guaranteed breakthroughs for essential item enchanting (with 1-10% breakthrough rates) with cash.
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  7. BumblingB I got better.

    No, but you can't trade it to others. It's essentially a broker unlock. I think it's a little over priced for what it gives, but not a rip off
  8. BumblingB I got better.

    I've played Tera and even played the broker. (The little beetles sold well.) The biggest difference is, DCUO was sub based to start then got a money glitch that created a gap between players. I think the game would be a lot different if there was no money glitch. Yes, there would be millionaires, but there would be more players in the freemium category being able to use the broker. (Like EUPC was way back when.)
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  9. Karas2016 Dedicated Player

    The game was dying when it was p2p, I find it quite sad that many players dont catch on to my point about the support of premiums in this game.
  10. BumblingB I got better.

    Premiums do support this game and you know what, so do the true free accounts. Population means the paying customers get to run things.

    The thing is, the $2k cap would have been a far less of an issue IF there was no money glitch keeping prices high. The devs even mentioned that when they designed the game, cost of gear in vendors were supposed to go up and up, but premiums changed that. Now the highest a piece is the cap of premium of 2k.

    I do think premiums should be able to buy everything off a vendor. If it falls outside of that, it is an economy issue. So if the highest vendor item is $6000, then the devs should either increase the money caps to $6k or lower the price to $2k.
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  11. Drathmor Unwavering Player

    i was just remarking on how that guy didn't understand the false advertising thing karas was talking about

    but to address your points I know I was there also. the population dropped and never recovered after the hack back to what it was. of course, they would favor subs over not having subs but those are still a developer intended way to play the game. just not optimal
  12. KHALONofOGUN 10000 Post Club

    I played Tera...yeah, close but no cigar. And while there are more MMOs in general coming, none of them are of the Superhero variety...a fact that EVERYONE alarmingly glosses over. This game is a niche within a niche that will only be undone by one of two actual Superhero MMO that offers most of what this does but in a superior package or by decisions made at the top. Since the latter is the only thing that we can see right now, mentioning "competition" is just spouting the same thing that other Doomsday prognosticators have been saying for the past 7 years...not much.
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  13. Fatal Star 10000 Post Club

    Not saying you're wrong, but we don't know much about the avengers game from square enix yet. If it's what DCUO is, you can bet there will be some serious competition.
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  14. KHALONofOGUN 10000 Post Club

    Glad you asked. Many Legendaries feel that the current set of perks don't hold the same value it used to for the same price they are paying on a regular basis. So they want either more or a different set of perks. Premiums on the other hand get exactly what they have chosen to pay for (Buy an Episode or a Cosmetic, get Episode or Cosmetic...nothing more nothing less). Premiums asking for more without paying anything extra is like asking to be treated like Legendaries...on the cheap. See the difference???
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  15. Drathmor Unwavering Player

    I'm not saying competition for doom and gloom like saying DC is going to go down because of the competition but that they should rethink their policies to account for it because when they made the monetization changes they were all alone in the console MMO world now we have
    FF 14
    Tera (try brawler it has a combo system just like weapons combat in DC )
    Never winter
    Star trek

    im sure im missing something but drawing a blank

    to stay competitive you have to be able to adapt a lesson we should all be familiar with here in DC with all of the gameplay changes we have been through
  16. KHALONofOGUN 10000 Post Club

    Not many...the reason why??? Because it alleviates the irritation to some degree which is supposed to induce people into subscribing. Any suggestion that makes premium more palatable makes legendary less desirable as a consequence.
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  17. willflynne 10000 Post Club

    There's two problems I see with that.

    First, at the very least it undermines a perk players get for subscribing. Not a particularly wise thing to do to players who are regularly giving the company money, as it will either tick them off royally or cause them to change to premium. Neither of which would be a good end result for the company.

    Second, the VAST majority of the time the requests for an increased cash cap are not accompanied by any sort of proposal to compensate the diminishment/loss of a subscriber perk. Far more often than not it's just "I want, gimme" comments, and that makes it tough to have a decent discussion about it.
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  18. Drathmor Unwavering Player

    that in red i would argue that the $5 premium players fit that bill and i agree they get what they get.. were i have always stood on this line is if your continuously throwing money at this game or any game. your supporting it even if the 10 buck a month you use on replays or whatever floats that person boat chooses to spend their money on. that there should be a progression to it.

    Legendary should be included in that also like say you have been subbed for a year you get this extra perk added on . sub for 2 years now you get this and this added on to your sub

    the premium model would work the same spend x amount get x amount of your cash

    If you ever tried Neverwinter they have a system like that built into their subscription model were your sub grow benefit based by how many times you have been a subscribing member
  19. KHALONofOGUN 10000 Post Club

    But you said it...we don't know what Square Enix is producing. If it's anything like Marvel Heroes (Omega), it will mostly appeal to those who want to play their favorite heroes. Me, if the itch gets me i'll play Legends PvE/PvP. However, the big draw of this game to me was the ability to create my own custom hero...or even to create an alternate Homage character. Till square/Enix reveals what they're cooking, i'm not getting my hopes up/panicking.
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  20. Karas2016 Dedicated Player

    I see the difference but your logic can be met with same standards regarding legendary, how legendaries and premiums feel is the same as to how the supporters of a franchise feel, when white castles first opened up, was it guaranteed a monthly sale or they had to make the food hoping that customers will like it and come back, the trend of catering to only monthly supporters is a bit dated if you ask me.

    F2p is people who plays the game for free, but some may argue they too support the game just not financially(temporarily)

    Premiums are players who financially supports the game ( Varies in amount, $5 or over) and if daybreak thinks spending $5 is not supporting the game, then thats a problem they should deal with, not the players, since they created the $5 mascot model.

    Legendaries are players who subscribed monthly and sometimes yearly ($15 per month or over, can vary for the fact that some players drop out after 1 month is up and some renew).

    I'm sure you know all this but, I'm not sure if you understand what I mean.
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