Lift dlc buyers cash cap or at least raise it

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by fm0987, Apr 12, 2018.

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  1. Shark Dental Devoted Player

    You're saying repairing your gear costs more than $2k? That's odd.

    I really don't have a problem with the devs eliminating repair costs, but I'm guessing if they haven't over all the years of the game's lifespan, then its intended.

    I personally wouldn't even have a problem with an endless 2k (every time you spend it, it refills from your escrow.), but I doubt they'll implement anything that only benefits a small portion of the population.
  2. Entrust Committed Player

    Subscriptions are still a significant portion of their business model, and that is unlikely to change.

    Businesses, especiall those held by shareholders, have a responsibility to grow profit. This means that all the additional revenue streams the have been added to the game will unlikely ever eliminate the subscription.

    Furthermore, the Premium level is still taken into consideration. DLC's have been bundled to reduce the cost. Features once exclusive to dlc's (powers, utility belt, bases, etc) are availableseperatly, thereby increasing premium members ala carte options. Premium also receive more stabilizers than f2p, but less than legendary.

    The premium level is exactly what they said it would be. Even after 7 years premium membership is still a viable option.

    There is no point in which a subscription is required, as you stated. I've been Premium for 6 years. I'm at end-game. I've been in larger leagues, and dead ones.

    The cash-cap, repairing, moding, etc all have a way to be accomplished at the Premium level, it just takes a little effort and cooperation.

    It's fine if you don't like or agree with it, but that doesn't make DCUO/devs liars. Which has been your position, and the point I was challenging.
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  3. LadyLightning Issue Tracker Volunteer

    Hint: They removed it years ago... and probably left it at that on purpose.

    But then again, the translated versions of the DCUO website are busted beyond readability, so... /shrug
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  4. LadyLightning Issue Tracker Volunteer

    Repairing gear should never be a subscriber feature. That's where we are definetely going and it is toxic!
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  5. Yvtq8K3n Committed Player

    I will do that rigth away, xd:D
  6. Entrust Committed Player

    Probably was not included when the new website launched.
  7. Entrust Committed Player

    It's not.

    SMH, gear repair is the weakest reason being thrown around. It takes more than 2 deaths wearing endgame gear for a repair to exceed 2000 cash. A stack or two of items that can be split & sold is mind-numbingly easy to do. There are repair vendors at the start of nearly every instance.

    So all premiums (like me) have to do is:
    * keep some stuff to sell
    * repair often

    It's that easy & no subscription required..........
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  8. Mohican378 Dedicated Player

    No you don't. You have a nice sampling of 3% of the population that actually makes it to the forums, which is not a nice sampling of anything, able to measure virtually nothing.

    Sorry, that's just the fact.
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  9. StillDeathern Dedicated Player

    LMAO, sure you can, you have years and years of I quit threads. You can sample the opinions from those, just as easily if you sample random people outside a store and asked about shopping... That's why its called a sample, its a small segment that offers a glimpse into what the big picture is, you don't have to ask every single customer that comes out of the store. You can measure virtually everything from sampling. Sample sizes often vary from a few hundred, to several thousand. The larger the sample size, the better and more accurate the results, so how many I quit threads are there? Oh yea, a lot.
  10. Drathmor Unwavering Player

    there are workarounds for anything. you have to do the same thing for something as simple as updating your mainframe thats 3 trips to a vendor.

    but im sure like me you have seen hundreds of these threads and it always and I mean always comes down to the cash cap being the only thing that makes legendary worth it..

    I know that's not true as depending on how you look at subscription it pays for its self with loyalty and replays.

    but being able to repair with out the help from others and even buying sodas were its 900 for 6 is an outlandish endeavor with a 2000 cap.. that we rely on friends to make those purchases for us.

    we all don't have leagues or even friends im sure some people have issues

    premium should be slightly updated or gear repair cost taken away or quit with the whole soda thing as really whats the point repairing our gear or buying sodas other than selling subs

    but you have to agree that if thats the main drawback in the system even though it might make them money that legendary really isnt worth it and should be changed to make it actually something you want instead of something you do out of convenience to not be bothered by a cash cap
  11. Iconic Simulation YouTuber

    The cash cap is doing what it supposed to do...its making the management of your cash uncomfortable and restricted. That is the sole purpose of this cap. It is often the main reason ppl take up a subscription or quit. You can make four choices from this:

    1. Ignore it and find ways to work with it
    2. Buy weekly escrow key to obtain your funds
    3. Go Legendary/Pay Subscription
    4. Quit the game

    Its working as intended and from a business standpoint it would be foolish to change it. The loss of subs would be crazy high with no chance of recovering them. Its not supposed to be a popular feature and im sure the devs know they will get negative feedback about it...or many reminders of "ways to better the system" as this thread suggests. This thread just suggests another way to try to slip through the cracks and avoid the cap without subbing. This im sure will never happen.
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  12. Mohican378 Dedicated Player

    And that would still just be a small sampling of the 3 to 5% of players who actually come to the forums. Its so insignificant as to not be considered valuable data.

    a small sampling of a very small sampling is not valuable.

    The vast majority never come here, and even of the majority that do, very few actually write "i quit" threads.

    You have no way to account for the vast majority of players that never ever even whisper to anyone why they quit before they do. The data you want to use to measure that is useless when you consider that.
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  13. Entrust Committed Player

    We'll I "don't have to agree", and as a matter of fact I don't agree that the current current system needs to be changed, legendary isn't worth it, or that the cash-cap is the driving force behind legendary membership subscriptions.

    You also don't need other ppl to buy your 'sell-off stock'. The cash-cap doesn't sneak up on a player out of no where. Premium players need to be diligent about purchasing their stock often. That's their responsibility!

    They chose to be premium, they know there's a cap, so take the necessary steps. That's the cost of being premium.

    It doesn't matter if they don't like it, this is the way it is. It's not unfair, hard, deceptive, bs, or any of the other negative terms ppl want to throw at it.

    Accept the limitations built into premium and do the work, or take the easy path & get a subscription.
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  14. StillDeathern Dedicated Player

    Yea a small sample size, just like someone stopping you in the mall for your opinion, they couldn't possibly capture everyone shopping's opinion, only a select few. While I admit that the sampling is perhaps small, it is revealing none the less. You shouldn't automatically discredit the individuals for their opinions just because you didn't get 100% of the players to respond. You think those political surveys come close to capturing 3% of the american population? They would have to be surveying close to 10 million people every time... not happening.

    Likely, if you looked at all the threads, compared them, found similar points as to reasons, and charted those reasons, you would have a realistic results of why players leave.

    In bad times, there are threads almost daily of why players left, with other players committing along the way in agreement, disbelief, or perhaps even listing their own reasons, or perhaps somewhere along the way someone did whisper to them why they quit, and they share it.

    In essence, we are not in the dark as to why players leave, and the DEVs aren't either.
  15. RealTegan Dedicated Player


    Can we stop beating this dead horse now? The Premium cash cap will not change without drastic changes to the game or the game's business model.

    Daybreak has chosen the "stick" method of trying to get subscribers instead of the "carrot" method, and unless you can make a suggestion on how to break out of the model they are in, this entire discussion is moot. (Ok, I admit, I find it fascinating to see how the arguments are made, which is why I keep coming back, like a lookie-loo at the scene of an accident, but it doesn't change the fact that the discussion is moot).

    And yes, I'm currently a premium player who owns all the DLCs, but I'll subscribe if the devs offer something I want. Right now, membership's benefits do not justify the cost - for me. Your mileage may vary.
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  16. Drathmor Unwavering Player

  17. Proxystar #Perception

    That's not all the $15 pays for, you're over simplifying it and you know it. The cash cap also doesn't just extend to repairs and you know that also.
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  18. KHALONofOGUN 10000 Post Club

    We both know for a fact that there's more to membership than that...but to answer your question...yes, I do feel it's worth $15 a month for repairs (even though I got and stay locked in the 3 months for @29.99 deal...which comes out to @10 month). As I stated elsewhere, I started out f2p back in 2012...and quickly became Premium. It was ok at first...but as time went on, that workaround gr tiring real I subbed up...yup JUST to get rid of the cash cap (worked as intended). All of the other perks which hold no value to you held value to I stayed subbed to this day. Other people can deal with premium....more power to them.

    Booster Bundles and TCs are bringing in good money, but it's not the same as guaranteed sub they can count on. Yeah, their business model has it's risks...potentially lost customers...but they calculated that risk and found it acceptable. Just because i've accepted it doesn't mean I think it's the best business model. is what it is until someone comes up with something that's actually better and that benefits both the players AND the company (which everybody forgets when they make suggestions). Till then, this is it...or people can look elsewhere. And yeah, I love the I will continue to support it.
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  19. KHALONofOGUN 10000 Post Club mean that's where we are and have been since this game went f2p. This isn't a sudden's going on 6+ years now.
  20. Drathmor Unwavering Player

    I know yall have both seen me respond to the benefits of legendary many times and have stated i agree with you on that the perks to it counter the cost in most cases. i meant when we see these threads the 15 bucks for the cash cap is what this conversation always comes down to which for all intensive purposes a long-term member that has all the DLC's the only difference is the cash cap discrepancy. I know you got what i was asking KHALON as you answered honestly. thanks :)
    and Proxystar I know I was oversimplifying I was just reaching for the heart of the issue that repair bill and someone could say mods and mainframe and a thousand other things you can do with in-game cash but sodas and repairs are the biggest culprits in this friction as they called it.. was just interested in your reason for my own curiosity if it was the same or different.
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