Lift dlc buyers cash cap or at least raise it

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by fm0987, Apr 12, 2018.

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  1. Drathmor Unwavering Player

    I accept your stance Entrust and support your right to it. I honestly don't understand the hard-line your taking but hey thats my thing.

    in my mind, nothing is finite and just because something is the way it is doesn't mean it has to stay that way. I don't have a solution to help everyone get their way by the devs making money and customers getting a better experience that doesn't make them feel forced to sub, not that they are. but the feeling is there none the less.

    this should be revisited by the devs for a few reasons.. feel free to not agree
    but DC isnt alone any longer there are lots of console MMO's now to complete with that dont have this limitation.
    the monetizations have changed greatly since it went free to play (its been so long now that i cant remember which came first replays or free to play but just that one thing pulled us away from subs being the main source of income from the devs
    just to make the game seem more player friendly instead of the nikel and diming we have been reduced to with RNG time boxes
    I could go on but im here at work late reading this page because i cant leave well enough alone and my son is home waiting on me ;)
  2. Ala Rebeldex Loyal Player

  3. Proxystar #Perception

    No, because the $15 doesn't just pay for the cash cap, that $15 pays for numerous things.

    - ongoing access to dlcs
    - ongoing access to features
    - extra vault runs
    - 500DBC
    - 150 replays
    - access to legends characters on vendor
    - extra stabilizer fragments

    - cash cap removed.

    Saying the cash cap is the $15 is horribly errant and misleading, saying the only benefit to removing the cash cap is to repair its also errant and misleading.

    The cash cap opens enhanced R&D without having to trade for it, it allows broker participation to buy send sell rare items, it also allows more efficient repairing.

    It is by all 'intents and purposes' (correct term btw lol) a very significant perk and that is the very reason premium players keep begging for it.

    The reality is, if they want it so bad it just reinforces the fact that it's worth including in the subscription model.

    If people want cash then I'm sorry to bust it too you, but they simply have to pay for it.
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  4. KHALONofOGUN 10000 Post Club

    Thanks for those two very important points. ;)
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  5. Drathmor Unwavering Player

    thanks for the correction :D and your input

    i worry for the game's survival as DC is by no mean alone any longer and our comunity is already hurting from it.. The combat in DC is the only thing that set them apart and now Tera is out and they have the same type of action based combat. this friction will lose them players but if thats their wish so be it.
  6. Karas2016 Dedicated Player

    Since when was asking for a cash cap increase, is asking for a members perk, remember we got unlimited cash, plus they just want in increase since they do buy episodes.
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  7. Karas2016 Dedicated Player

    Call it what it is, people have options and should not be judge on their choices, if that is the case lets just make the game back to subscription only heh?.
  8. Fatal Star 10000 Post Club

    Jesus Christ are you still on about this?
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  9. Karas2016 Dedicated Player

    Are you gonna ignore the points?
  10. Fatal Star 10000 Post Club

    Considering most of your posts are "smh" and "sad" or some other snark comment, I stopped taking you serious awhile ago.

    Also your post has no point. No one is judging. You choose to stay premium then you live with the restrictions. Very simple.
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  11. Karas2016 Dedicated Player

    So why is legendaries allowed to ask for perks and premiums can't, you are still ignoring my points.
  12. Fatal Star 10000 Post Club

    This was addressed pages back, grab yourself a snack or something and read
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  13. Shark Dental Devoted Player

    Because legendaries aren't asking for stuff like "take away the 3 day vault access for premium members and make it 7 like free players" when discussing perks.

    Ask for perks that don't involve taking something away from Legendary, and I'm sure you'll get a lot of support. Want a 2k refillable stipend (always refills from escrow, so no need to sell soders back), for example? I support that, and I'm sure many would.
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  14. Shark Dental Devoted Player

    Mmm. Snacks. Chocolate.
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  15. Karas2016 Dedicated Player

    But not every premium is asking for unlimited, an increase in cash cap is not hurting the legendary status lol and that is coming from a legendary member.
  16. Fatal Star 10000 Post Club

    Any raise in the cap hurts the legendary status, because it further discourages legendary purchase, not everyone uses the broker, a raise in cap would get rid of all the annoyances of having to sell stuff to repair, or R&D material work arounds.

    Just cause there's a premium and free access doesn't mean that's how the devs intended the game to be played.
    • Like x 4
  17. Karas2016 Dedicated Player

    That just means false advertising then?

    And to think why there are other free2play games grabbing new players while this game is not.
  18. bigbadron alt Dedicated Player

    How is it false advertising, when they very clearly state EXACTLY what is available at each level of access?
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  19. Karas2016 Dedicated Player

    Im only going by fatal points about the game's intention.
  20. bigbadron alt Dedicated Player

    Okay, everybody knows that the game was NOT originally intended to have free or premium access. Those were a later addition. That still doesn't make it false advertising.
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