Tsunami! The Water Guide

Discussion in 'Oracle’s Database (Guides)' started by Captain1Dynamo, Aug 11, 2017.

  1. Captain1Dynamo Committed Player

    Absolutely agree, my only intent in putting in 'tester' stuff was to use the only information available on the power at the time (because before today that's all there was). As live data is gathered and information becomes fact I'll remove the 'tester' label. And if some of those comments prove to be invalid, I'll just remove them.
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  2. Drathmor Unwavering Player

    I doubt it will be used much in raids but in solo play or open world while surrounded by adds that cc can save you i liked it on test and would definitely have it in a melee solo build
  3. Captain1Dynamo Committed Player

    Tested out a few loadouts for DPS today & Water seems very comparable to pretty much every other power's DPS (to me). The most interesting thing I found was that I never ran out of power. I was able to PftT (in Solo content) & never be concerned about needing any external method to regain power. Tested with a CR 108 toon on Tier 6 Spark of Parallax. Initially I spec’ed 233 SP, but later respec’ed down to 128 (more realistic for a Tier 6 toon). Obviously my damage out went down some, but I still had no problems with running out of power (unlike several other powersets). I will say that Drown is an excellent power – great stun & induces Crush. Bubble was pretty crucial – gave me much needed survivability & adds a little damage. Tsunami Strikes is more damaging than Aquatic Arsenal, even at melee distance (& of course AA is only melee). But Call of the Deep is devastating. Puts out massive, massive damage (with no buffs). So much so that I fear it will be nerfed.

    Final loadout I settled on (Jona Black came up with this one):

    Clip Drown/Bubble/High Tide, then Aqualance, then Tsunami Strikes (combos)

    I’ve posted my tests to YouTube:

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  4. Tilz Loyal Player

    Healing in alerts is just insane... xD
    Bubble - Riptide - WM - Bubble when riptide is 1/2 - WM - RT when bubble is 1/2 etc... I got around 100k healing out in each alert. I bet i can get it lower :D
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  5. Drathmor Unwavering Player

    add ebb and flow to that and you will be in business alternate with ebb and tsunami that way you get the extra damage from the crush pi with your combos and it seems to flow ;) a little better
  6. The_fair_1 Committed Player

    Anyone noticing that shark frenzy won't always crit when used with the high tide effect? My other friends who switched were noticing it too
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  7. Streven Dedicated Player

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  8. The_fair_1 Committed Player

    Any word from devs as to when this will get fixed?
  9. Streven Dedicated Player

    I've not found any use for riptide or hightide in my DPS loadouts. Anyone have any loadouts where these powers bring anything legitimately useful?

    I dont have a problem with these powers but I haven't seen them add anything useful to my loadouts. The DPS is the same with or without them. If anything they limit your ability to be adaptive by tying up loadout space. I've noticed that using the following 3 move low cost rotation is just as effective as any other loadout I've tried.

    Drown>TScombo clip Ebb combo clip TS combo clip TS combo repeat.

    I've added bubble and solace of the seas with dehydrate. The only thing I've seen parse consistently higher is using Drown into Aquatic Arsenal clip Aquatic Arsenal spam. Every other single rotation/loadout I've tried seems to parse near the same and have far less utility.

    I'm a bit let down. There's potential but it's not being tapped. Seems all the 200 powers have about the same effectiveness just with different animations. Depth charge as a 300 cost power has about the same effectiveness as the 200 cost powers and doesn't even CC. Scratching my head on that one.
  10. Streven Dedicated Player

    Not sure but someone in another thread mentioned this had been posted in a developer discussion thread so I'm sure it will be looked at soon.
  11. Streven Dedicated Player

    Something to consider about dehydrate. Its about as hard as a high tide buffed shark frenzy when you have zero supercharge. That seems to be overlooked. It only costs 200. I'm wondering about using it with riptide. Might be worth exploring. For me it hit harder than call of the deep on full supercharge but I only tested that on a single target dummy one time.

    Anyome else have any other observations about dehydrate?
  12. Reef Raider New Player

    I was looking at dehydrate on test without any supercharge and it hits the highest out of all non supercharge abilities on single target by a good bit. Only downside is it seems to consistently use supercharge (not sure if intended as it states in the description that it uses it at 2500, 5000, 10000). So use that information as you will.
  13. Streven Dedicated Player

    I'm pretty sure that is how it's intended to work where it drains the entire supercharge bar every time you use it. What I've been doing with it is letting supercharge build till I get to a boss fight and then I open with it and then I continue to use dehydration in my regular rotation on the boss.
  14. Outlaw Trevor Well-Known Player

    So would you suggest to replace dehydration with high tide? Or only use dehydration if I have the SC in my loadout?
  15. Reef Raider New Player

    It is definitely an interesting possibility with some potential, what kind of dps are you getting incorporating it into a loadout (my imagining would be it would be a huge increase but missing out that consistent supercharge damage would hurt it).
  16. Jeazy Baby Dedicated Player

    Here's the best build i've found thus far (just about 1 hour of testing different builds, so still a lot more to test)
    Shark>high tide>rip tide>Aqualance>high tide>ebb (combo)>TS (combo)

    go ebb>TS combos twice +1 more ebb combo and start over.

    I was replacing shark with dehydrate at the beginning of boss fights(when full supercharge) and hitting my armory while in combat after I use it.

    Single target I was getting ~4600/s. though i still have to change all of my precision mods over to might mods.

    I'll play around with some of the suggestions you made to see if i can get those numbers up, (i also should do some testing on something besides the single target but it was just a starting point)
  17. Drathmor Unwavering Player

    yep that's, why I run aqua lance instead ,with high tide the dots, outshine the burst from shark
  18. kraptastic Well-Known Player

    Till shark is fixed replace shark with dehydrate and use it only when you reach 25% on bar. And riptide with bubble for clip.
    Dehydrate (when 25%) - high tide - lance - bubble - ebb (combo) - tsunami (combo) - ebb (combo) - tsunami (combo) - restart. You can use dehydrate more on single targets. It hits hard at 25% and is easy to build. Be sure to clip ebb after animation starts for combo and last combo of tsunami with ebb
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  19. Jeazy Baby Dedicated Player

    i like the idea of bubble to clip (was the only reason i was using riptide and the 2nd high tide. with dehydrate in the place of shark (even with out the 100% crit) i'm concerned that i'd be loosing a good bit of AOE damage. i'll play with both on 10 targets and see later today. I def like the idea of bubble to crit.
  20. Outlaw Trevor Well-Known Player

    I see some decent numbers with shark, I would crit at times 10k with it.

    I start with high tide clipping with depth charge, then hit aqualance, tsunami combo twice, shark, then repeat