Stats Revamp 1.7

Discussion in 'Stats Revamp Archive' started by Avair, Jun 9, 2017.

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  1. HymnOfMercy Dedicated Player

    One small issue.
    Controllers are trash and can't put out decent Power even if their lives depended on it.
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  2. VioletSorceress Committed Player

    I just dont get why healing abilities got weaker but at the same time they got some of the longest cooldowns and highest power costs.
    I dont see a healer getting something like 40K+ Power bar like Dpsers so making most healing abilities and shields 300 or more makes no sense.
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  3. Ringz Dedicated Player

    Im starting to have a feeling that this is what they are going for.
  4. Celestial Powers Committed Player

    Well, then as I've said before, changing the game state this drastically will just end up making this update another GU36 more for so support roles, If I can't play as I used to enjoy then I see no point in playing.
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  5. Fatal Star 10000 Post Club

    It's all about how big of a benefit you give them. That's the main issue now on live server, mods and sp don't give enough of a reward to make people want to grind them.

    I'm gonna compare two people with the same play style, someone with 201 cr, and only 60 sp with no mods, should dps against someone with the same cr, but 240 sp and all their special forces mods and say "wow, that guy is doing so much better then me, I may want to start grinding for more sp and my mods" (assuming both have the same skill level, power, rotation, etc). On live server, this isn't the case because you can make up the difference in SP and mods with one buff cola and alpha mods thrown into your crit affinity sockets, and still perform good enough for anyone to not shun you. On test server, this isn't the case either because it's saying for us to play the very bare minimum in our play style, we need to max out on everything, special forces with 175 points thrown into whatever stat we're pursuing.

    Of course that doesn't take into account some powers are better suited for certain play styles then others, example, celestial is lot more efficient on power then rage, HL, or atomic is. All have similar damage potential (PFtT), but celestial is basically where those other three powers should be power consumption wise. Even maxed out on everything atomic and HL can barely get by with two trolls constantly dumping instant power, and rage struggles, meanwhile celestial can go 4+ minutes with one troll.

    Point is a middle ground needs to be found between mods and sp not mattering and mods/sp mattering TOO much. Forcing people to progress both along with cr just to be adequate at their play style won't bode well with the community, considering it's not even sitting well with the testers. Unless you plan on giving everyone free mods that scale with their CR, it wouldn't be a good idea to put a lot of faith in the current system.
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  6. Ringz Dedicated Player

    So this is just a knee jerk question with no thought put into it? But is power scaling from low to high, is like removing the training wheels?
  7. stärnbock Devoted Player

    problem 1: only way of getting power with SP is with might/power
    problem 2: mods are in the requirement list of the calculation. you just cant have any other blue generator mods than power to make consume even, forget the health, you will need power and if you dont make those mods, forget to be able to use powers... thats a huge nono!
    problem 3: if you neither have the power mods, nor put your SP into might/power, you are basicly more and more a burden for the group the higher your gear level is, because you will not only suck the trolls empty, but also the healers and tanks will not get the power you are stripping off...
    problem 4: you realy can't expect everyone to have full mods and so many SP put into might/power that they can handle the rising of theyr costs... especially when nowhere ever is stated that you are consuming more power with higher gear!

    or am i getting something wrong?
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  8. Mighty Committed Player

    I'm going to echo Fatal. I haven't seen anyone saying power costs shouldn't scale at all. We think they should scale. We understand why they must scale. The general consensus, which is pretty unanimous amongst the dedicated testing community, is that the scaling formula is too severe. For starters, Moja said a few weeks back that the formula takes into account gear and generator mods and that we should be fully modded. Many of us find this to be a mistake. Mods are expensive. Generator mods are extremely expensive and can't be traded, and share the same slot as health, which squeezes tank powers or anyone trying to invest in better survivability. For starters, most of us think the scaling formula should take into account gear stats only. Some folks think some skill points should be factored in, too, and I think there's wiggle room there for compromise. But again, near unanimous agreement among the dedicated testers that the mods should be pure extra, and not a requirement.
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  9. Jacob Dragonhunter Steadfast Player

    That doesn't make any sense.

    Last I checked didn't they say this on one of their Previous updates"5-111 will be viable if the players are skilled enough."

    Well the current turn of events on test server greatly contradicts that entire statement, pretty much everyone on here agree's that power scaling is fubar. No amount of Skill accounts for how badly support roles are at keeping and giving power right now on test.
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  10. supalova20 Well-Known Player

    See this is why you should promote 2 healers and 2 controllers
  11. Ringz Dedicated Player

    Yeah. Like i said, im just having knee jerk thoughts.
  12. supalova20 Well-Known Player

    And this is why I promote and DEVS all should promote 2 healer 2 controller RAIDING teams
  13. VioletSorceress Committed Player

    2-2-2-2 is a nice dream in a game with close to no important boss mechanics.
    There is just not enough work for so many support roles. And because that has been the case for a while, there are hardly any people left that main support role. Especially tanks and controllers are close to non existent.
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  14. stärnbock Devoted Player

    well i dont... the problem is that the power costs are going through the roof the higher your gear gets.
    because it is assumed in the calculation that you have POWER gen mods and SP spent in might/POWER
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  15. Ala Rebeldex Loyal Player

    A reduction in the power cost needs to happen, but it shouldn´t be so severe IMO. I suggested to add power to the support stats because it encourages the idea of get more SP in the first place. Otherwise it would be a spam fest of abilities, pretty much like it is on live right now with the Am´s and the power return mechanic.
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  16. Perdition Committed Player

    i'm gonna try to stay as polite as possible. Support roles are a mess now power-consumption wise. as a ''CONTROLLER'' u do nothing more then throw a debuff and then spam the 300 powercost powerdump.
    the result is controllers are pure batteries again! u guys said at the beginning that u wanted to stray away from that path. u wanted controllers to mean something... my main role on live is a controller and i pretty much enjoy it. but what i see on test makes me rage so guys wanted stats to matter yes? so why in earth do u guys expect us to sacrifice our main stat to put power? everything in this revamp turns around power because the more u progress, the worse it gets.
    u guys have to see that not everyone has 300+ Skill points. nor that everyone will be modded with power in their generator (not at those prices u need to craft them, but thats a diffrent subject)if this goes live like the way it is now then i'm left with 2 choices:
    A) be stuck with a role i will hate, and eventually get bored and quite the game awaiting another revamp.
    B) give up on support role and play DPS for the rest of my DCUO Career.

    Multiple people gave their feedback, spend hours of testing! Giving u guys the proof in video's. do not try to justify that power-cosumption is in a good spot because it is not. u can't scale that stat to CR AND MODS. it needs to scale correctly just towards your gear... now we are forced to put power in our mods and genarators and thats not right. then u say try to spec hybrid yet combopowers will not benefit from this. U say power is an option that exist, yet that is not true. its a mandatory how scaling works now!
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  17. Perdition Committed Player

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  18. Shark Dental Devoted Player

    I don't think people are complaining about having to get SP for support roles. We're used to that. The problem is exponential vs. linear growth.

    Power costs are currently exponential (multiplicative). Base x CR (I think, or are you saying they increase depending on your stats?).

    Just as an example (power costs are hypothetical, as is power pool):

    Power Cost for Ability A=1,000
    Power Pool From Gear=5,000
    Power Pool From 175 SP into Might (or another stat if you decide to attach power to Vit, etc.)=10,000
    10% Bonus power for 100 SP=700 (5,000 + 10,000 = 15,000; 10% = 1,500)
    Total Power Pool = 16,500
    Amount of times I can cast Ability A = 16.5

    Power Cost for Ability A=5,000
    Power Pool From Gear=25,000
    Power Pool From 175 SP into Might = 10,000 (Doesn't scale with CR, remains constant)
    10% Bonus power from 100 SP= 3,500 (25,000 + 10,000 = 35,000; 10% = 3,500)
    Total Power Pool = 38,500
    Amount of times I can cast Ability A = 7.5

    Power Cost for Ability A=25,000
    Power Pool From Gear=125,000
    Power Pool From 175 SP into Might = 10,000 (Doesn't scale with CR, remains constant)
    10% Bonus power from 100 SP= 13,500 (125,000 + 10,000 = 135,000; 10% = 13,500)
    Total Power Pool = 148,500
    Amount of times I can cast Ability A = 5.75
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  19. stärnbock Devoted Player

    try it out devs: lets do a raid at cr188 with healt generator mods. look how it is playable.
    now do another raid at cr201 with health generator mods. look how everyone has no power.
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  20. Xibo Loyal Player

    Power Mastery for sure.
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