Stats Revamp 1.7

Discussion in 'Stats Revamp Archive' started by Avair, Jun 9, 2017.

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  1. Memphis Rainz Well-Known Player

    Agreed with every word. Good explanation for people that keep complain about power cost and don't understand all picture.
  2. CrappyHeals Devoted Player

    Powers costs, scaling are messssssed up and need to be addressed.
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  3. Mighty Committed Player

    Also, @Moja

    Your comments here: Stats Revamp 1.7 make it seem like generator mods are factored into power scaling because in the first test the user utilizes Olympian mods, in the second test, which has the same "time to empty" the user uses special forces mods at a higher CR. Does that not mean that mods are required to maintain a status quo of power management per CR gain?
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  4. Charmed Legacy Dedicated Player

    Mepps, no one wants more challenging content than I do, but watering down heals, crippling controllers, and making squishy tanks isn't how you accomplish that. When people complain for harder content they mean mechanics and challenges not this. Solo healing or trolling should still be able to be accomplished by a skilled player without the expense of something else. Yes, I am able to solo heal everything on test, but at the expense of abusing 2 trolls because my HoTs are watered down and my power costs are insane. That's not making content more challenging that's just unnecessary. Support roles should function properly, and the content be what the challenge is.
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  5. mexmex Dedicated Player

    I do agree, people are used to be so power spammy, glad they can't now, and the healers need to be aware and maybe communicate more who does what or when rotate if one runs out of power, it is call team work. I do like this explanation, maybe I do agree with lowering the ability costs only in support role a little let's say 15%

    the only thing I would want to point out is about controllers, let them throw pot, as often as trolls wants, add POT to more abilitys not to all of them, keep debuffs apart from POT, add a second instant recharge and change the number of people affected by it (1,5) and make some stun powers really potent without adding pot or debuffs on them, so controllers can really be more controlling according to the situation. And build content around all this changes in the revamp
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  6. xD25x Dedicated Player

    Yes everything can be beaten with the setup the way it is. Could it be that content is so easy? The other question I have to ask is it fun? Is it engaging for players? The majority of the feedback is that it isnt.
  7. Jacob Dragonhunter Steadfast Player

    Oh boy, that was a lot of misunderstanding.

    I typed out my response in red.
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  8. mexmex Dedicated Player

    If you are still solo healing in the revamp, it proves that it can be done easily with two healers isn't? If that is the case why so much complaint about it, is just because they can't spam so often? honest question
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  9. stärnbock Devoted Player

    look, this is exactly the problem and i dont see how this is not a big problem...!
    gear rises costs more than you get power in return, meaning the higher the cr the less powers you can use...
    you expect everyone to have all generator mods on power, health is not an option. also, there is no way to get power with SP,
    unless you do might/power... THAT is of course making it harder as a challenge, but is it realy fair? especially when it only gets worse in the future with new gear, higher costs, less and even less powers to be able to use untill the power bar is empty...

    its just something that is giving me the shivers, and please explain this to me, because i still don't get it...?
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  10. Shark Dental Devoted Player

    I get what you're saying, and I get where they're coming from too. Basically, it comes down to, they don't want one healer to be able to heal the entire group all the time to full anymore. In the past, they compensated for this by boosting boss and NPC damage so much that there was literally no wiggle room for mistakes. 1 shots galore. Button mashing. Who cares what heal I use? They all will do the job!

    Now they're reducing NPC damage, and healing to full shouldn't be necessary all the time. Does the tank forget to grab an add? It shouldn't one shot the nearest dps anymore. It should do significant damage, but not kill them. That way they can move, or the tank can grab them, etc. And this seems to be the case on test, as far as I've seen from videos (I only tank in revamp). Does half the group have their health bars at half? No problem. That's what the devs are saying. There shouldn't be any reason having your health bar at full is essential anymore.
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  11. Perdition Committed Player


    Tell me the point of controllers? All i can see is that u made them pure batteries again. There is nothing else u can do.. The way they are designed now is just to apply a debuff and spam the same power every 1,5 secs and still that isnt enought to keep healers up... u say the mods are not mandatory yet they are showing by the test result.. so which one is it.. where did the "control"er aspect go? I will give u a raid as example: Assault And Battery. That raid was amazing, it gave trollers actually something to do.. half of the testers here knows this game inside and out. When they point flaws please listen to them. Too many bad moves happend in the past by ignoring those people. I will stand my ground and keep saying that power consumption need to be looked at and that we dont need to sacrifice our main stat to spec into power. Because that is what we have to do now....
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  12. Xibo Loyal Player

    To be honest, most are still having a lot of problems to complete DWFe in terms of 5-1-1-1 formation. I don't think that we are having problems of hard content since the Elite version was created.
  13. Lt Skymaster Dedicated Player

    I had to chime in and say:

    The ability to heal should be an added part of the difficulty of a raid, but it shouldn't be the sole thing to address. When you're talking about the difficulty of a raid it should be based of of mechanics that aren't only directed towards healing ( Like I said healing should only add)

    I believe the feedback hasn't been well understood in that regard.
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  14. Celestial Powers Committed Player

    5-1-1-1 Group compositions came from content and game design unfortunately, not because players want to chase damage, why would there be a need for extra support roles if the content doesn't pose a reason to use them?

    We lost controllers because of AM power refunds and WM power reductions, also a lack of need to CC things why do I need a spare one? Tanks are questionable as some content does need 2, this again is content design, where it's designed the community usually ends up with them. And lastly healers, if the only thing to heal is basic boss attacks and aoes, rather than quick incoming and mechanic driven damage why do I need more than one? You can see this in the latest elite raids, many groups are taking two healers because the content demands it from them!
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  15. stärnbock Devoted Player

    the problem is that the power costs are not correctly in relation to the power stat gained the highr the gear gets...
  16. CrappyHeals Devoted Player

    I was going to write out a huge detailed post but after reading through this thread i realize i will be wasting my time like in previous threads on the power consumption issue. To sum it up scaling and the formula used needs to be reevaluated, when increasing CR the gear should provide you with enough power so you are able to keep up with scaling. You should not have to be fully modded and have the best generator mods only to still struggle with power. Power should not be a stat you NEED to invest in when your a healer or tank, any power you spec will be sacrificing your main stat so if you spec power that power should be a bonus not a requirement. And at the beginning of a new tier or when getting new gear if the power cost are this bad fully modded man are players going to be in trouble with power costs while leveling up to the new max cr cause no one mods green/blue and even purple gear in most cases. You wait until you get the best gear to mod it and generator mods take a good while to make cause of the new crafting system so basing power off someone being fully modded is such a huge mistake.

    Also for the power players use trolls give out such little power. I thought you were trying to move away from the whole battery trolling thing....well that didn't go well..... all this revamp has done is made it more of a battery trolling playstyle then even before gu36. Now even the healers need 2 trolls lol

    Thats all i got in me on this subject, theres so much more but others have seemed to cover it and frankly i don't want to waste anymore of my time beating this subject to death when theres a clear issue and all you have to do to see this is simply play the game. I just hope this time these pages of feedback don't fall on deaf ears.
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  17. Charmed Legacy Dedicated Player

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  18. Memphis Rainz Well-Known Player

    As mentioned by Crappy, here lies the REAL PROBLEM.
    With increaing our CR we increasing our power cost to much.
    For example:
    We have loadout: Revenge, Frenzy, E. Chain, G. Eruption, Severe Punishment.
    On 170cr we can use this rotation 60 sec until we out of power, but on 201cr we can use it only 20 sec.

    All complaints about power cost like "we need more power, we can't spam, we can't play supports with PftT play style" incorrectly at the root.
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  19. Moja Well-Known Player

    Power cost: comes from gear, just like CR
    Power pool (and regen): comes from gear, mods, generator mods, skill points, etc.

    In the test case you linked, you only need to upgrade mods, generator mods, or skill points if you are using those to get Power. If it's just Might or Restoration it's not going to have any influence on your power regen.

    So if I use 20% of my mods, generator mods, skill points etc. to increase my power at one level, I will need the same 20% at the next level to keep the same relative cost to regen ratio. Does that make sense?
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  20. Charmed Legacy Dedicated Player

    The point isn't about spamming. See my response to Moja, I don't feel like repeating myself.
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