What is your most embarrassing memory in DCUO?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Mepps, Mar 20, 2017.

  1. Arwen Skywalker Loyal Player

    I was like, 1-2 months in playing, decided to troll a raid, dunno what PoT was, got kicked.
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  2. Black Prime OG Devoted Player

    My first run thru Khandaq. Sometime right before or after the hack attack in 2011. I was originally sorcery. One of the stronger powers back then was fire and those meat balls. I loved using transmute back then to blow everything up, one of the best things about the power that was removed in my opinion. Remember when we used to have to stack pots in front of the water things, forget their name, so the npc would hit it? Well guess what power broke the pots? Transmute! Lol. That's where I found out transmute destroyed certain pieces of the enviroment. No one else seemed to know it was me. I stopped using it and we got to first boss.

    Miss the old days. :(
  3. Rockhound665 Steadfast Player

    First day, first character. I made a sorcery with hand blasters and chose Batman as my mentor. I get to the sewers and muddle my way through to the last room and for some reason when my health starts failing, I don't use any health barrels because I didn't know what they were for.

    Another was when Outer used to show up in our journal as a solo. I used the teleporter to the Batcave and beat the first drone only to get ganked by the throng of drones in the first corridor. I tried and tried until my gear was completely broken and I couldn't figure out what I was doing wrong. Same with the South Gotham open world mission that used to show up as a solo. Couldn't figure out why I kept on getting destroyed so fast.
  4. Rockhound665 Steadfast Player

    Another, back in the separate server days, I was flying around No Man's Land when I spotted this full T2 geared villain just standing there with away next to his name. I was about a level 28 at the time. I thought I would get an easy PvP victory but being Mental, I used Illusory Forms(God I miss that power) and walked back and forth in front of him like an open world civilian NPC just to make sure. When I thought it was safe, i slapped on the restraint power, got 2 free shots in when he broke free and pummeled within seconds.
  5. Caroline Dedicated Player

    I lol'd at the style thing, thank you. xD
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  6. Caroline Dedicated Player

    That happens very often to me, lol.
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  7. Caroline Dedicated Player

    I had a similar situation. I started playing in 2013 and after 3 months I decided to try trolling. I went for FoS2 and was spamming PoT, trying to "recharge" the group and at the end I even had the guts to say: " Wuz I guud?"
  8. Alrighty Then Loyal Player

    Dying during the Death Proof Feat; with seconds to go.
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  9. Dark Soldier Dedicated Player

    Fos2..enough said
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  10. Emerald Vibe Committed Player

    I've actually never had any embarrassing moments. even as a noob i analyzed things carefully and used common sense.
    this is a fun thread to read though.
  11. xoHLxDPSox Steadfast Player

    idk I dont really have a embarrassing moment as I usually look at things as a learning experience usually. Good or bad you can always learn something from a situation or experience.

    I guess not having enough things that stick out would be one atm, but not my biggest.
  12. Irvynnge Loyal Player

    when I first staring playing DCUO, my first character was a male character called Irving. I remember a chap calling for help with the Daughter of Kain mission, & I offered to join him. we went in, did what needed to be done, & then I took all the gear that was supposed to be his. I didn't mean to, I just wasn't aware of how the system worked at the time. just clicked, got the gear, & he didn't. understandably, he got all pissy about it, & went off in a huff. I apologised profusely, but, you know, apologies don't really mean anything after the damage has been done, do they? a small thing, I know, probably nothing to anyone else, but I felt so guilty about it, that I deleted my toon, & built a new one, a female character called Irvynnge, that I've been playing ever since.
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  13. FiressDraygen Well-Known Player

    Shocked people haven't said "Realizing there was a 'block' button" :)
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  14. Pyrometers Active Player

    Opening 23 ATC and not getting 1 collection completed even after i went to the broker for some.
  15. rebelscum Level 30

    Back in the days of War of the Light 2, going into an alert attacking without a weapon. Where's my weapon? i'm just punching? Then realized i accidentally deleted my weapon earlier........
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  16. Rockhound665 Steadfast Player

    I remember when I first started playing I would get collections, didn't know what they were, and would delete them without collecting them.
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  17. BumblingB I got better.

    I was on the edge reading thinking you were going to say, "one of them was a superboy plaque rubbing" or something... :eek:
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  18. Rockhound665 Steadfast Player

    Nooo. Because it took me forever to get that. They were items close to the East End PD so if there was a rare collection piece it would have been Renee Montoya(semi-rare).
  19. BumblingB I got better.


    I've actually never have picked up a superboy rubbing. I have gotten all the rest, but that one eluded me and I had to buy/trade for it.
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  20. Ant Tao Well-Known Player

    Everyday when I tried to dps raids with electric for the past 2+ years
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