Stats Revamp 1.4 - Light Feedback

Discussion in 'Stats Revamp Archive' started by spord, Feb 24, 2017.

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  1. Karasawa Loyal Player

    Yeah, this is probably what's going to happen. I LOVE that HL can once again pump out more damage as long as it's getting more power (like in the old days), but the downside is it encourages Controllers to be batteries again. I think this is one more illustration of why they should remove power-out as a Controller function and just have everyone be responsible for their own power management.

    The only alternative to that would be to decrease initial power costs (though the damage would go down too) for most of the combo starters.
  2. BumblingB I got better.

    PoT and SC would be a good alternative in that regard. Just remove instant power, since PoT doesn't stack and SCs would have to be built up as well as they are kind of lackluster right now.

    With how he did the clipping, I think all powersets could potentially do the same more power means more damage. Which can potentially be an issue with the battery part.
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  3. Shark Dental Devoted Player

    One thing I'm not sure if everyone's noticed and is or isn't intended is that all of the 300 cost abilities give you a larger damage hit on the first hit (usually around 9-10k), such as chainsaw, light claws, fan, hand clap, etc. But...if you chain to those abilities from a different one (like ram into fan, for example, the initial hit is far lower (about 4.5k)). So basically, there's no reason to chain combos together, especially going from 200 cost to 300 cost abilities. So what's the whole point? If that's the way they want to do it, the whole chaining combos playstyle will always be a piece of garbage, lol.
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  4. Shark Dental Devoted Player

    True, I guess chaining combos is power effective though, because you're basically getting 4.5k damage for 100 cost instead of 9.5k for 300. So it's a power vs. dps tradeoff.
  5. Shark Dental Devoted Player

    Man, so many posts, lol. Maybe i should write stuff down in a notebook first. Does anyone know a damage comparison for other powersets? I'm at 11676 might (CR 173) at the moment, maybe i should just switch powers myself and test it, lol. I'm just wondering if 300 cost powers in ice for example give you a 9.5k hit or are a lot higher.
  6. Ringz Dedicated Player

    Such beauty. Such Finesse. So much Class! Thats the type of dpsing that gets me excited.
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  7. hotsizz1e03 Committed Player

    facts!!! DEFINITELY A BEAUTY.. But i dont think this type of gameplay is what the devs are anticipating us to play HL like.. HL still needs a buff.. still weak..
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  8. Tsavorentless Dedicated Player

    With having all the powers you really r stuck going into combos even if you wnna do weapons in between. Only weapon with taps really is pistols but I haven't tried it yet. Nothing is aoe in taps and if you try to do weapon holds you combo. I wanna try weapon tap triangle hold square combos. Like power discharge, slip shot, impact arrow with bow clip the hold with a combo so you still can get some kind of aoe in the same amount of time. I dn't know if it will work I'm going to try it sometime later.
  9. Tsavorentless Dedicated Player

    This is how I want it to play at the end not the beginning of the video. I utterly hate the slow playing like on live. I'm using hb on test and they make rifle aoe with the grenade again?
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  10. HoiiowDreamz Dedicated Player

    I thought rifle was always aoe, its just that it didn't used to split damage.
  11. Brother Allen Loyal Player

    Doing more content on Test and I have to say my biggest gripe thus far...the amount of power you use every time you have to break out. That junk is ridiculous. Holy hell. In the T8 Duo between breaking out of CC and then going back into combos it eats up power like crazy.

    The cost to break out of CC should definitely be a lot. Like a lot lot. lol
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  12. Karasawa Loyal Player

    Damage scales with power cost, range, # of targets, etc. The initial hit of Chainsaw, Light Claws, etc. is higher because it costs 300 power, but the combo extensions only cost 100 power so the damage scales down to the same as other 100 cost abilities.
  13. Tsavorentless Dedicated Player

    my bad i went to group of 8 targets in league n sometimes its aoe n sometimes it is on live depends on target you pick. I so wouldn't have bought hb on live. grrr headache now. thanx for the video.
  14. CrappyHeals Devoted Player

    Power wise i think if only the activation cost power that would help out a lot and we can see where things sit after that. All the combo powers suffer from power issues and its kinda silly to have it like that to me. Then if they balanced the power correctly we would be able to spam all the combos we wanted and still fall in the same window of dps as other powers. There is a limit to what you can do even with unlimited power so i really don't see a problem balancing it.

    Light needs to be able to do top end damage without this ridiculous power consumption or either people will run 3 trolls or players who are light will never be able to put out their max potential. I'm having the same exact issue with rage.

    Then for players who can't or don't really like that kind of clipping make the infinite combos decent but not do top end damage. More work more reward.
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  15. Shark Dental Devoted Player

    I was wondering why you're using the precision buff in there? You're not using any weapon attacks are you? At least none that I could see.
  16. HoiiowDreamz Dedicated Player

    rifle tap and it's a 33% precision buff and 33% dps buff as well if I remember right which applies to all damage. If it doesn't then that's less power cost given the buff is a 300 power cost if I remember right.
  17. spack2k Steadfast Player

    hes taping with rifle
  18. spack2k Steadfast Player

    applies only to weapon dmg and weapon tactical mod.
  19. Shark Dental Devoted Player

    ah, didn't see the rifle tap, but no, it's only a weapon buff. So might not be worth the power cost.
  20. BumblingB I got better.

    They need to just make breakout mastery innate. They should also make all movement powers innate too. Just flat keep the stat points and powers separate.
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