What do you think about removing SP from the game?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Klinkerz, Feb 9, 2017.

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  1. Wade Spalding Loyal Player

    Only in Soviet Russia knowledge, facts and proof are inferior to perception....
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  2. coldchilln88 Loyal Player

    id give up all my skill points in a heartbeat if they went to an experienced based leveling system. all day.
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  3. xoHLxDPSox Steadfast Player

    of course you would, you dont grind for feats like others do.
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  4. the solowing Unwavering Player

    I used to love achievement hunting in world of warcraft and the most you got from that was titles and tabards..and a singular mount if you spent the entire year trying to finish it. But i genuinely enjoy trying to achieve the feats because their was fun in mind with it. Like DCUO raid feats ARE fun, i would enjoy doing those as it throws a twist on doing something. However other feats like 1k solos, 10k exobits, a full set of iconic gear....its not innately fun to to, its just grindy and repetitive. I want to have fun trying to reach for my achievements. You simply do it for the reward, regardless if its fun or not..Which is DCUOs current issue right now
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  5. xoHLxDPSox Steadfast Player

    if it isnt fun to you then dont do it, but dont b**** about it and expect a 6 year old system to magically change. Because thats why alot of people play because of the drive to get more SP' and stuff in this game. Thats the fun part. So again if its not fun to you dont do it.
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  6. the solowing Unwavering Player

    That is the very reason why people keep complaining why DCUO is headed to a paid reward system, because players arent focused on the fun they are focused soley on the reward. I will ask what do you play for? The fun or the reward?
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  7. xoHLxDPSox Steadfast Player

    well SP' dont have to be bought or tied to anything other then content as they always have been. Therefor allowing anyone to achieve them like before. But that is all up to the developers on how that goes. Sadly they add 4.5sp behind each TC ( 13.5sp total between 3)

    But even with those it doesnt take long to get all the crap from them, I have everything from the past 2 and everything from this 1 except the void material. Havent spent anything on stabilizers, I have however hoarded fragments til I had around 2-3 keys built up and then I use those and so on.

    And luckly I have friends who will give me stuff they already have so that helps too.
  8. the solowing Unwavering Player

    yes but that wasnt the question
  9. xoHLxDPSox Steadfast Player

    you said you didnt like doing the feats in DCUO b/c YOU didnt think they were fun, thats fine dont do them. Others on the other hand do think they are fun and entertaining when theres nothing else to do. So why ruin other ppls fun?

    When in reality thats all that is left in DCUO to grind anymore is feats b.c ppl complain til everything is stripped away. Hell learning powers to hard? complaining got that taken away got AMs and soon a even dumber version of AMs, and now people are asking to get rid of SP' b/c their not rainbows and butterflys? **** go play little big planet something your pace.
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  10. the solowing Unwavering Player

    You still dont understand the question im asking you, i asked you do you play for fun or do you play for rewards. Because if it were fun removing the rewards wouldnt make them any less fun, but if you play for the rewards then you have no reason to do them if they were removed
  11. xXHeadlinerXx Dedicated Player

    Some people use SP as a proxy for "knows mechanics" which it is a pretty inexact proxy at best.

    That said, up to like 78 SP when you are getting crits, I can tell a good bit of difference on DPS when leveling an alt. Then I guess getting to like 112 if you want weapon mastery for support is kind of nice. After that... the benefits are pretty subtle.

    Edit: Maybe 113 for the WM; think I forgot the point for the WM move itself.
  12. Fatal Star 10000 Post Club

    After you get your crits, the damage buff from stats is around a 10% difference between someone with 78 sp and someone with 264 who has all their dps innates. Really not much of a difference at all.
  13. Klinkerz Level 30

    Since this got way more attention than i thought , i'd like to admit it was kind of a troll drunk post, also when's water released
  14. KHALONofOGUN 10000 Post Club

    Water is coming AFTER the stats revamp. The stats revamp is coming AFTER it has been tweaked and tested thoroughly....and not a Zoddamn minute sooner.
  15. SasquaT Dedicated Player

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  16. Mohican378 Dedicated Player

    As Fatal remarked, SP should never have been attached to feats in the first place. They should have been part of normal progression for playing the game. That said, also as Fatal remarked, that ship has sailed. 6 years into the game is way too late to separate feats and SP.

    Basically, I agree with Fatal.
  17. coldchilln88 Loyal Player

    I grind. Id rather have an exp leveling system.
  18. light FX Steadfast Player

    This has to be the worst thread of 2017, even tho 2017 is only 1.5 months old. Close this down already. Cant believe this terrible idea has made it to 5 pages :p
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  19. xoHLxDPSox Steadfast Player

    and get nothing for your effort and time? No thank you. I like the current system as it is and will be once stats matter hits live.
  20. xoHLxDPSox Steadfast Player

    you arent understanding me either then, what if a person finds being rewarded for their time and effort 'fun' how is that a legit form of fun. Because it doesnt fit with your ideal vision of fun?

    To me grinding feats is fun therefor being rewarded for my time and effort pays off. To where those who choose not to see the difference and will see an even bigger difference in the future.

    So again how is my vision of fun wrong just because it doesnt fit your ideal of fun?
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