Stat Revamp 1.3.....Fear is real

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Nucleus DC, Jan 30, 2017.

  1. Maxwill Committed Player

    I understand what you mean Mepps but new players or lazy players or call them however you want , they will always be behind us old skilled players, so trying them to bring closer to us is very hard coz they will not want to press the right buttons at the right time ASAP like us.They'll want to stay and play relaxed, have a drink, eat something and maybe look at the TV also while they do that.So please don't slow down old school players too much coz this why we love dcuo for so many years, to play fast , FEEL THE ACTION , make your fingers be very fast.That's why dcuo is more fun than other games, for clipping and the options we had and have to be faster and faster.

    FEEL THE SPEED running through your fingers and brain ! :)
  2. willflynne 10000 Post Club

    Sorry about that, I may have done exactly that, misread or read too much into your post. I'm sorry if some of the crankiness ended up directed at you as a result.

    Even so, I stand by what I said. Without the tired/fighting off a cold conditions I probably would have tried wording that a bit more diplomatically, but my sentiments towards any complaints like that would remain the same.
  3. TybeeTahiri Devoted Player

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  4. BumblingB I got better.

    I think that still would come down to how players look at other players. Players are dbags.
  5. Kai El Well-Known Player

    Only thing this Revamp is telling me is instead of balancing AM, balancing WM and balancing powers, everything that has been implemented within 6 years is being scrapped and they're just starting over. WM's too slow/not strong enough against AM, and players think 1234 is too boring but seeing most of every DPS using HBs spamming the same 2 hit HB combo into a power is considered "skill". Every DPS within a week will be using the same loadouts as usual, rotating the same combos, etc. Yeah, they claim we're getting 3 different types of combat styles but it's inevitable; one style will be favored over the other two and that's the one players will use to stay competitive.

    I never asked for Stats Revamp. Hell, I never asked for AM or WM. I never asked for certain powers to be more overpowered than other powers. The only thing I've asked for is the same thing I've asked for the last 6 years. Balance. Nothing needs to be taken away; expand on them. Improve them, perfect them. Don't try to force us to play a certain way that players don't want to play. Sure - people will say just quit then. I've played this game 6 years. I love DCUO too much to quit, I simply don't like the direction this game is headed. And don't even get me started on a Time Capsules. Oh god...

    They still have NEVER fixed Nature or Electricity DPS. The only thing this Revamp is telling me is that they simply can't, or worse... WONT... balance the AM, WM or powers because they either can't, or worse... they don't want to do it. So instead, hit the reset button. Back to Year 1 mechanics. Weapon+Weapon+Power combat style. And to cover that up, they'll change how SPs and CR will be intergrated with those changes. This Stats Revamp isn't just a Stats Revamp, it's a Total Overhaul. Essentially, it's a reset button.

    But like I said, been playing 6 years. So it is what it is. It's inevitable.
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  6. Alrighty Then Loyal Player

    It'll be nice that a 4 year old will be able to go into elite, and not be kicked..
  7. xoHLxDPSox Steadfast Player

    why tho? theres no alert that you cant solo DPS in this game, none. I can solo DPS all of them and probably finish faster then if there was 2 DPS'
  8. xoHLxDPSox Steadfast Player

    comment in yellow is why support now isnt getting to do alerts via LFG or PUGs. B/c of ppl like you thinking everything needs 135413 DPS' in order to finish it. Well you dont, you just a good 1 thats it.
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  9. DawnOfKhaos Well-Known Player

    There was a reason they had a big sale back in the summer on a one year sub, lol.

    I quit back over the summer when I heard that they would once again changing the combat system. After so many I am done, I simply do not want to have to learn a new system all over again for a game that isn't even close to as great as it used to be.

    This game is on it's death spiral.
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  10. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    It's not about being able to do it - it's about knowing what to do. We expect people who do not know to, or prefer not to, do an AM to be much less far behind in terms of contribution, because we don't have the insane stat curve and massive AM bonus in effect.
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  11. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    This isn't what's happening. We will try to make that more clear.
  12. Proxystar #Perception

    Yes. But just curiously at what point do you expect people to get a clue? At what point of end game do you expect them to start to realise they shouldn't just be able to press any button they like and still succeed.

    I don't know any video game that has ever worked that way. I don't understand why we're encouraging people to forget about skill and just do what they want by creating a system that allows them to do so?

    Is the real motivation to decrease the number of people ruining or being kicked from content? Are you just trying to make it super easy so people complete more content.

    I mean don't get me wrong but if you've got all the way to t8 amd still don't understand the concept of a rotation or specific powers etcetc I don't know what to say.

    I think the point is. Is that you can change the game all you like but when you allow people to power skip all the way to t8 so quickly with zero tutorials I place it won't matter how you change the game players that haven't learned still won't learn.

    If they couldn't get it right in a 1234 AM structure how do they get it right now? By being allowed to just press any button and win?

    Wouldn't it be better to create a system where the players learn rather than just giving them a system where not only is there nothing trying to teach them the system encourages them not to even bother.

    Just my thoughts.
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  13. Lt Skymaster Dedicated Player

    Perfectly agree with that, that doesn't mean you guys should change the play styles you put already in place.
    WM play style was fun imo, AM as well, I think while they weren't specifically difficult they were fun.
    I'm sure a lot of people thinking this way as well.
    Clipping style is also fine by me and I don't think it's bad on its on way except you changed the fundamentals of a lot of powers.
    There was truly no reason to change the play styles instead of tunning damage.
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  14. Mr. Awesome Well-Known Player

    I meant if that one DPS didn't use AM
  15. toast Well-Known Player

    What are casualy players...
  16. coldchilln88 Loyal Player

    proxy normally I agree with you but I think you are missing the boat a little on this. 1. there will still be elite content that requires much more skill. 2. Content shouldn't and won't be just based on damage output and shouldn't just be the litmus on wether a group succeeds or not. All this is doing is letting people who don't know as much as someone else to contibute more and not be a hinderance playing how they want and maybe they will learn. The Content itself, with mechanics and people having to play certain roles and work together as a team is how skill and people will complete content. it doesn't all just come down to damage. at the end of the day people still need to learn mechanics of raids over just face rolling through everything. I think this will allow them to design more content based off strategic mechanics and not just 1 shots where everyone in the group has to be doing ridiculous damage to counter that. Hopefully the new content will be based of strategy and as such you will need to work together, damage aside, and thats on the players, not the devs.
  17. Proxystar #Perception

    Being a causal player isn't an excuse to play with your brain disengaged.

    If You did that back in the day you'd have recieved a game over screen so why do you think you should get a loot menu? For doing it now?
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  18. Proxystar #Perception

    You're still building your entire system under the premise that it protects people against sucking for lack of a better phrase.

    All I'm saying is it will be very easy to miss the balance between rewarding those players with real skill while coddling and carrying those players who seem insistent on not learning and rather just licking their controller or smearing it along their face also known as button mashing.
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  19. coldchilln88 Loyal Player

    my response to that is elite content. not for casuals. people, regardless of their damage output, at the end of the day will still need to follow mechanics and that comes down to the players not the dev. You are acting as if the only thing skillful in this game is damaging. Raids and content should always be about getting the job done not who is pounding there chest who is on top of the scoreboard. This allows people to not hold others back so long as they are trying and doing the mechanics the correct way which is what all content should be about. Completing. The competition within the game itself is a self player thing which is fine, but don't assume everyone cares about that. I personally like the competition and when I'm in the mood like to shoot for the top I know not everyone cares about that and they play to beat content and have fun get gear and make their character stronger. I always want the best stats mods gear top damage best possible character and all of that but thats just me. Others have different motives and at the end of the day if the content is getting done and everyone is getting rewards because everyone worked together regardless of who put out what damage, thats the goal.

    and also, not everyone who isn't doing the top load out or max damage will be clueless. some people know very well what they are doing and this will allow them to play how they want, not the way everyone else wants, and still be helpful to the damage board.
  20. Proxystar #Perception

    It doesn't matter what content you put in place if the combat system itself is too forgiving.