Sony Online Entertainment Becomes Daybreak Game Company

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Mepps, Feb 2, 2015.

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  1. Derio 15000 Post Club

    If this game gets ported to Xbox and Wii U then this game will have truly fallen.
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  2. Sore Steadfast Player

    Hopefully WB green lights a renewal of the license. That's not a given.
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  3. DCUO Post Loyal Player

    I guess this acquisition will ease my mind a bit. I had my doubts that SOE had any plans to renew the DC Comics licence for the DCUO. With the backing of Columbus Nova, I hope they announce at SOE Live 2015 (Daybreak Live 2015). They have renewed their licence agreement with DC Comics and a new set of DLC trilogies.
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  4. ErnieB Loyal Player

    Don't know if it was said before, but I'm willing to pay say $30 a month for a super all access membership for the 3 systems, now that PSN is about to be a thing on the past since as of tomorrow it will only be good for content before the company changed ownership.
  5. undrline Issue Tracker Volunteer

    Why in the world would SOE being acquired by a private investment make you think of PS3 support? It doesn't change the rules and arrangements with PSN. It doesn't change that a significant portion of the playerbase utilizes PS3. I think you realize that, and your comment is just a plain jab for the sake of lulz.
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  6. Minrath Well-Known Player

    exactly.when a mmo is sold it usually goes straight down the tubes look at uo, once origin was sold it almost died, the only thing that kept it afloat was people didnt like eq and and ultimas hardcore following.then there was that whole fiasco with daoc, again it pretty much died, game had the most potential of any mmo i seen and now it sits unplayed by here dcuo is laggy, buggy and never reached its full potential and has been sold off like a cheap streetwalker.
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  7. Derio 15000 Post Club

    xbox does not participate in cross platform play. Hence why they turned down FFXIV and convinced ESO to have private servers. It is also why their version of Warframe is not cross play with PC players while the PS4 version is.

    Spytle just tweeted not to long ago about microsoft and cross play.
  8. ErnieB Loyal Player

    there's no real reason not to, they probably knew of this months before we did, and have already maid an expansion of brand with the DCUO team, but as I said first thing is getting the current checklist done so the transition behind the doors is easier.
  9. The Enquirer Steadfast Player

    I did say "if" and I don't think it will be either. It depends on how closely Daybreak stays tied to PSN I'd imagine.
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  10. Lord Jareth Steadfast Player

    Hold on why do you people think this is gonna kill Dcuo this could make dcuo better then it ever was before
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  11. undrline Issue Tracker Volunteer

    I don't think you understand the relationship of the former SOE and PSN. PSN will still govern games on the PS platform.
  12. Nemisor Committed Player

    things i'd like to know:

    Will this change the F2P model of the game?
    will our subs increase?
    will the all access plan stay as is?
    will I have to change they way I pay, as in set up new accounts etc on a daybreak website?
  13. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    We are of course looking forward to the new opportunities that become possible with this change, but we don't have any details right now. Today, our focus remains unchanged in creating exciting new content and DLCs for PC, PS3, and PS4.
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  14. apocalypsegodx Loyal Player

    uo i loved that game till it got all crapy 3d
  15. ErnieB Loyal Player

    they also said things with SoE where awesome just a couple of weeks ago.
  16. Derio 15000 Post Club

    There is no doubt that xbox might be getting dcuo, however my main point was that there wont be any cross play with PC and PS.
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  17. Multiverse 15000 Post Club

    Actually now it will be live in Milwaukee on an Amish farm. ;)
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  18. MoreAwesomeMechanic New Player

    How will this effect update schedules? Obviously before being owned by Sony you had connections with SCEA and could push out content much faster than other games it seemed. Will this slow down the verification process now that you are not connected? Also, what are some exampled of Daybreaks other products?
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  19. Cold Fuzion New Player

    I'm optimistic but also have this sinking feeling that dcuo is in trouble :/
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  20. Derio 15000 Post Club

    Your right. This change could cause a significant increase in the size of the dev team, thus allowing them to test, create, and develop more content faster to a point where every 3-4 months we could be seeing a x1.5 increase in the amount of content we receive.

    Instead of 1 solo there could be 3, and instead of 2 alerts there could be 4. The possibilites.
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