The New SOE All Access Plan & FAQ

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Mepps, Jan 24, 2014.

  1. Wickedwillow Well-Known Player

    Well, sorry but you are mistaken. Purchasing items at your own discretion is very different from a guaranteed payment every month from a customer. DLC does not come out that often and nobody knows when you will decide to buy a new vanity item or whatever tickles your fancy, but they know they will have revenue from subscriber's every month.


    adjective \ˈkän(t)-stənt\
    : happening all the time or very often over a period of time
    : staying the same : not changing
    : always loyal

    Full Definition of CONSTANT

    : marked by firm steadfast resolution or faithfulness : exhibiting constancy of mind or attachment <a constant friend>
    : invariable, uniform <a constant flow>
    : continually occurring or recurring : regular <a constant annoyance>
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  2. Lantern Neuro New Player

    If I may add something here... It's SOE's game. SOE wrote it. SOE hosts it on SOE servers. Everyone who wants to play the Premium vs Legendary game needs to acknowledge that.
    Now if SOE wants to give perks to Legendary and not Premium, is that fair to everyone? No... but the end, we are merely players on a stage made and owned by someone else, so the definition of a word is a moot point. Unfortunately, "Loyalty" is what SOE deems it to be in this case. Arguing semantics won't change that. Once again, is that fair? No.
    So with that out of the way, how is this problem solved? the only alternatives I see are:
    *If you like or want the Legendary benefits instantly, go Legendary.
    *If you are Legendary and do not need it's features, then go Premium.
    *If you are Premium and want more perks, then organize in mass and approach Sony with a valid case on how doing so will strengthen their bottom line, because a number of lone voices screaming in the wilderness has not brought about change thus far. Any company will listen to a concerted effort put forth by a unified group if they feel there is more money to be made.
    *If both sides could stop attacking each other, they may be surprised by the allies they gain from the "opposing" side.

    Finally, if there is the option of quitting the game altogether, but realistically one player leaving the game will not be enough to perk up ears in a boardroom. There are strength in numbers.

    My main concern are Replay Badges, we need more per month 150 is a very low amount for a whole month. We should get 500 Replay Badges per month that is fair and a decent amount of Replay Badges for a whole month.
  4. NewAgeHLDPS New Player

    well seeing each DLC has feats and feats = SP's and anyone that WANTS to better their character which anyone in T5 that actually plays realistically grinds SP's therefor buying any and all DLC so they have access to the FEAT list.

    and no theres plently of legendary who dont spend nothing outside of their sub-fee (granted there are who do) but its like the other poster said your view point is twisted (not his exact words)

    simply b/c you think legendary > everyone else

    your usually the type of person I would avoid playing with IN-game, b/c to me you just suck the fun from the game. With your "pay or leave" attitude.
  5. Torikumu 10000 Post Club

    Sorry but I could cancel my subscription today and they wouldn't get any of this alleged "guaranteed payment". Also I paid once in January and haven't paid again since despite remaining a subscriber all this time. So not only is my subscription payment in no way guaranteed, it's also not monthly either.

    I actually pay less to SOE as a subscriber on average per month than I did as a Premium. I was a better customer to SOE as a Premium than I am now as a subscriber.
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  6. Veritasum Loyal Player

    Anybody can do anything at any time. Put up a spreadsheet or graph with a significant sample size (a few hundred I would say) that compares revenue between premium players and legendary over a period of time and then show a projections graph for the next 2-3 years showing a revenue forecast based on the existing data year to date. 2 years is relatively a small timeline, so use another games numbers if you want. Then we can say with more confidence what financial level of access is more beneficial to the game over time. I don't know the answer TBH. What I can tell you is that SOE is a large company with a long history and pay people salaries to make graphs and projections. It seems to me, SOE would like more legendary subscribers and keep a smaller premium base. Since that is what the message appears to be from SOE, then I will defer to the people who make corporate decisions on this. We can speculate all we want and talk about how "I" spend this and that, but the real collective #s is what drives the machine.
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  7. holyking Well-Known Player

    So im wondering,how does that affect us the players tht only go legendary every now and then?do we still get these opportunities?
  8. Wickedwillow Well-Known Player

    I never said "pay or leave" I simply said do not expect the same benefits as a subscriber.

    Yes you can cancel your subscription any time you choose, and with it go your subscriber benefits. What is hard to understand about that? They reward those that subscribe, if you do not subscribe then you do not get the same benefits. END OF STORY. QQ
  9. Wickedwillow Well-Known Player

    Why quote my post? It seems like you are addressing me directly when I am saying the same thing.
  10. Lantern Neuro New Player

    Sorry, I see your point there... and that was not my intention. I merely wanted to show support for your statement.
  11. NewAgeHLDPS New Player

    ^ this as I have legendary friends that pay extra for MP stuff and those that don't and for a yearly sub and extra stuff off market place Im not far from what a friend of mine spends.

    so I think its based on the person who has the legendary but I still think premium needs a upgrade, but like anyone else who has brought this topic up ever its pointless because spytle, and all those ppl dont give 2 s***s

    is why all SOE's titles are labeled as "pay to win" games
  12. Harlequin Devoted Player

    Orly? Please tell me what you can buy in the MP that gives you a real, statistical advantage over another player who doesn't purchase that same item.
  13. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    Your lifetime membership is effectively the same as a membership for any other duration. You will get a 10% discount on purchases and membership in the other SOE games - for the lifetime of DCUO.
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  14. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    Just to set the record straight, we value all players and anyone playing DCUO is loyal in my book. We want you to play how you prefer, whether that is with a membership (at a TREMENDOUS value) or whether that is without, purchasing exactly what you want and only what you want a la carte.

    There are benefits and restrictions to each, and we try lay it out for you as clearly as possible, so you can make the right choice for you.
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  15. Novaks New Player

    Been legendary for years and will continue to be for many years to come. Cheers!
  16. Damashi The Kaotic Well-Known Player

    Home turf, because it has items that are available only to legendary players and premiums that purchased it, however if none of the home turf items were usable it technically wouldn't be pay to win. If this was changed to where all players regardless of pay level have access to the hometurf items, or they were removed from all pvp and I just didn't notice please tell me I've been wrong before.
  17. Harlequin Devoted Player

    What, no mention of Hand of Fate? I'm disappointed.

    A feature of a piece of content is not p2win, even if it gives an advantage to those with access over those who don't. If you want to paint that broad of a stroke, all DLCs are p2win. That's absurd.
  18. Roland Deschain New Player

    you talk about restriction
    you don't talk about the increasing restriction this game applies with the ongoing increase in price from tier to tier

    we pay a la carte for the the game, we don't want the "tremendous" value you speak of, we set for a lower value because at that time it seemed a fair offer

    now you're telling me that you value me and my contribution to the game as much as anyone else, but at the same time punish me and my choice taking more and more RD vendor pieces out of the range i'm able to buy decreasing the value of my access plan, increase the difficulty of repairing my gear because the repairing cost goes up the amount of money i have not

    if you think we have the right enjoy the game, set the game to a level we can enjoy without a suffocating sensation, because that sensantion won't lead any more premium player to a subscription plan than it has already done, it will only lead them to the door (other games)

    i'm missing why loyal player should be punished instead of rewarded
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  19. Damashi The Kaotic Well-Known Player

    I don't count hands of fate because you can swap trinkets and consumables while in combat, belts just happen to be more convenient. In regards to dlc's nothing really springs to mind that gives an actual benefit in pvp with the exception of the cc trinket from lightning strikes.
  20. Torikumu 10000 Post Club

    Huh? You were saying how Legendary is guaranteed money. It isn't guaranteed money. I threw in a little tale about how I'm more valued as a subscriber even though I'm paying less than I would as a Premium, yet Premiums are abused non-stop for "not contributing enough". Illogical argument.
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